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Reviews for The Only True Lords

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - blj.14 on May 29, 2013
    What you've written so far is very interesting. However I'm a bit confused,with the way Harry goes around trying to protect and save everyone,how can he not have many more of these bonds? I think Kislik is only interested in her own agenda and doesn't care what happens to Harry. Good thing Hermione does. It looks like this is going to be a long story and a long wait for Harry and Draco to get together? I shall try my best to be patient. Thank you for another lovely story.
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  • From bloodshound on May 28, 2013
    snerk. pansy kind of stuck herself in the thumb with that one. ^^
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 28, 2013
    Another jockeying for position and setting up chapter I guess. Seems like more politics/plot than some stories. Pansy is shaping up as a "real person". Never got much idea of a personality for her before. Hope for more between Draco & Harry in the next chapter.
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  • From LadyHemlock27 on May 28, 2013
    Oh you are doing it again. This story is addictive. I love it.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 27, 2013
    about #9..

    That was an interesting interlude between Harry & Parkinson, I feel they
    somewhat 'get each other' now, but they have ways to go to completely understand
    one another...I just hope Zabini gets on the bandwagon soon or maybe we can get
    rid of him in an evil painful way! Just kidding...

    ...oh, and am I seeing a lil' bit of the Shield Maiden emerge here?

    I see we are getting the 'Annoying Ginny Weasley' back in this story...gah! Now SHE
    can die.
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  • From kadajclone on May 27, 2013
    Hmm very interesting developments, although out of everyone the Ministry took last chapter Lucius is the only one I don't see getting off the hook. Seeing as how he was already condemned as a death eater before and is known to have lied about his involvement in the first war, threatened people while he worked at the ministry and didn't even finish his first imprisonment after the battle in the ministry where he attempted to MURDER Harry and his friends. Narcissa at worst could be tried for aiding and abetting and massive negligence but the fact that she saved Harry and was instrumental to the Light side winning could lessen her charges immensely. Draco, while a massive douche and a bigot is not evil and was forced into doing what he did under the threat of his parents being killed. Snap was a double agent and was essential in keeping Harry alive for years preventing as many students as he could from being hurt

    All that aside is the Lordship bond perhaps affecting Harry's way of thinking in subtle ways? It would explain why he is so passionate about defending what he sees as "his" Slytherins while being pissed at the Auror's for there kind of legit concerns regarding people with Death Eater affiliations and why he is willing to put himself in the same position as the ones facing a trial due to him using unforgivable's despite the circumstances being vastly different. Interesting talk with Pansy that really show another side to her. Shows her to be less of a "bad guy" and more or less very pragmatic about things. And assuming she avoids getting hauled off by the Ministry will the people she was made to torture be looking for a little payback? Even with Harry perhaps defending them It does not look like Hogwarts or even a large chunk of the Wizarding populace are going to be very Slytherin friendly.

    very well written chapter.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-
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  • From Bickymonster on May 27, 2013
    I almost always enjoy your writing because you are so good at getting into, explaining and showing the emotions of the characters. This story has created some truly fascinating dynamics that I am very much looking forward to watching develop; even more so because I know that you will take your time to progress them in a believable way.
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  • From moodysavage on May 20, 2013
    I LOVED that part where Harry drew his wand on that auror and both his friends backed him up and surprised Draco. Draco doesn't realize what it is like for them to show a united front like that to benefit him. I think he's totally going to like that :)

    One of your a/n responses mentioned about Draco not knowing whether Harry is gay or not yet. I actually like that there really isn't a hint at romance yet. I think they have to get past the old opinions they had of each other and start learning what each of their personalities are really like which makes feelings and interest that develop believable (which you always do a great job on). I really like the pacing of this.
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  • From ANON - Timeangel93 on May 20, 2013
    Oh great, I've fallen for the bug...*facepalm*

    Kislik rings damn many alarm bells in my head. The only one that doesn't is the tiny one of benefit of doubt. -.-
    Somehow I've got the feeling the two Lords didn't really die because of their bond....not to say that SHE would to it, but still....

    I'm wincing at the thought of what mistakes lil' Harry will make. I hope he doesn't do something TOO stupid.

    And the thing whit Zabini....I hate the little shit, but you wouldn't have included that way if you just decided to kill him off (well, 'cept maybe as an example).

    Skin infection. one big SIGH. Seriously, how could something that's just on the skin infect/change people THAT fast? No, this runs far too deep. Nothing wil be able to remove the Lordship thingie.

    @Sasunarfan13: Oh, I wouldn't be sure if Hermione would be able to stop Harry if he really wanted it. Not alone at least. :(

    Before my ramblings get any bigger, I'll say goodbye for now. *mock salutes*

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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 20, 2013
    Enjoyed this chapter a lot. Probably because Harry was putting people in their places & backing the "good" slytherins.
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  • From ANON - bre95 on May 20, 2013
    oh my gosh!!!! This is such a good story!!! Its a lot of information and stuff but im really enjoying it!!!! keep going!!!!
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  • From ANON - Nathoca Malfoy on May 20, 2013
    I love this fic! :)
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  • From Genuka on May 15, 2013
    I like the premise for this tale. I hope that you continue it soon and I wish I could get the stupid in-site marking to work for me so I could find the fics again more easily.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 14, 2013
    Now we have some plans of action! I like that Severus is Harry's Shield. Wonder place Draco will have? Consort or is that to much to hope for? Still don't trust Kislak especialy after the info Hermione found.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 13, 2013
    Why was #7...called the changeover? What does that mean for this chapter?
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