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Reviews for The Only True Lords

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Sasunarufan13 on May 13, 2013
    Ah, the dismissive gesture of Snape regarding the Healer was for some reason hilarious. It was actually what I thought he would do if he ever encountered someone like that Healer.

    So it seems that whenever the Lord/Lady was planning on releasing the vassals, they died of a heart attack. I wonder if that is the bond's way of punishing the Lord/Lady. That, or they were both murdered by someone.
    That Harry wouldn't mind dying to release the Slytherins doesn't really surprise me, but it's still incredibly stupid of him. After the sacrifices his parents made and to a certain extent even Sirius (talking about Sirius, it's been a while since you last wrote a story with him alive in it XD Ignore that little ramble), one would think that he would be more careful with his life *shakes head*
    Well, at least Hermione would be there to smack some sense in him.

    I wonder how Draco will appeal to Harry - it's not like they ever had a good bond. I'm surprised it was Narcissa who suggested they use the life-debts and not Lucius. For some reason I thought Lucius more likely to use those bonds than Narcissa. Oh well. It will certainly be interesting to discover whether or not Harry will ever find out why Draco would like to get close to him.

    Anyway, like always a great chapter that answered some of the questions ^^ I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
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  • From kadajclone on May 13, 2013
    Love the story and kudos and taking it into such an interesting direction. Usually I dislike any story where Lucius has a chance of walking free which pissed me the hell off in Canon, Narcissa was instrumental in the Lights victory due to her lie but I can still just barely stand her along with the other Slytherins, especially Pansy seeing as how she was very willing to sell Harry out at the first chance. Post war stories where Slytherins act like they were wronged and dont deserve any minor thing that happens to them usually irk me because for a lot of them, had the war gone the other way, they would be victimizing muggles/muggleborns and would not lose any sleep over it. Then again, Moral Myopia of any kind really grinds my gears.

    So it is a real testament to your writing ability that I have gotten so into this story and my only hope is that Harry wont become anyone's tool for political gain or higher standing and that he does not compromise his own morals for the sake of his Slytherins. I am loving your Snape by the way and how he is trying to educate the others on how to NOT fuck things up lol.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-
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  • From bloodshound on May 12, 2013
    oh yeah, i'm glad har has friends watching for him cause the healer wench wasn't exactly subtle with her agenda.
    poor sev, he always seems to get the short end. hard core shafted and drafted.
    sigh, zabini, you're a nit... desperate and all that, but still, total idiot.
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  • From moodysavage on May 09, 2013
    gosh I love Severus. Feel free to threaten Blaise all you want to because Blaise is an idiot. I'm worried about what spells that healer taught Harry to do to himself. I don't trust her a bit. He better tell Severus about them before he tries anything.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 09, 2013
    about #6...

    It's ONLY been a day? Daaayyuuumm! >_
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on May 09, 2013
    Yeah, after this chapter, I'm really distrustful of that Healer. I wonder what she told Hermione. Cases in the last ten years haven't appeared in books yet? That sounds fishy to me - especially considering what kind of breakthrough it would be if a Lordship bond was broken in that manner. I'd assume people would want to document that experience and bring out to the public in the form of books as soon as possible.
    But we can trust Hermione to search relentlessly for the answer until she finds it, I suppose.

    I had to admit though that it was a weird mental image I got when Hermione pulled Harry's eyelid back to stare into his eyes LOL My instinct would have been to smack the hand that came close to my eye XD

    The Healer is kind of a hypocrite though. She was saying every human life is valuable, yet she seemed to not mind that Blaise had tried to kill Harry, and the bond only reacted in his defense - actually, not that I think of it, with her claiming she knows so much about bonds, she should have realized that the bond is a seperate (at least I assume it's kind of seperate) thing that reacts in the Lord's defense.

    Will Snape continue to have the role as Shield, now that the bond sent him to Blaise to deal with him? Like, the bond wouldn't shift the Shield position from one vassal to another, depending on the situation or so? Although Snape seems to be the best choice for the position (did the bond decide that or Harry subconsciously?)

    Hm, the review came out longer than expected. Oh well *shrugs* Great chapter like always :) I really enjoy reading your stories!
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  • From ANON - helga1967 on May 09, 2013
    Awesome! Very creative, excellent work.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 09, 2013
    The Lord's Shield! Cool! What a neat idea. And for Severus to be the Shield too! I love it. I don't think that Healer
    should be trusted at all. And now Harry is under a spell?
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  • From ANON - bre95 on May 09, 2013
    "He might have to be his Lord's Shield, but he would make the shield out of Dark magic and bad temper, not bleating Gryffindor mercy." This is my favorite line so far.

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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 04, 2013
    about #5..


    Everyone seems hopeless...and helpless. Will the solution the Slytherins thought of help a little?

    and will Kislik's, who reminds me too much of Snape, little suggestion more harm than good?
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 04, 2013
    I am very suspicious of that healer. She seems kind of weird. Seems like the life debts that Draco & Harry had for each other would cancel each other out.
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  • From Sasunarufan13 on May 04, 2013
    For some reason I don't trust the Healer. Her answer to breaking the bond is too easy. While it does make sense that not exercising the bond would cause it to weaken eventually, that solution seems too easy to really work. I don't know - I just don't get a good feeling of her when reading her explanation.

    Pansy's view was nice and expected when she talked about using Harry's name to get higher up - that's the way of a Slytherin I suppose.

    Great chapter like always :)
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  • From bloodshound on April 29, 2013
    i had forgotten what a wonderous story weaver you are. my only disappointment with this is that there isn't more of it yet. :P
    how many slyths does har now have leashed?
    it's good to be back. stupid net issues. >>
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  • From ANON - Kibou32 on April 28, 2013
    This is an interesting concept. I'd rather like more the idea of a Snape/Harry/Draco rather than only Draco, but I digress.

    Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 28, 2013
    about #4...

    All I can say is 'Oooo...!' and that was a very intense ending there, well that and
    yeah, Severus' assessment of Harry's stature kinda put a grey cloud on Harry's effectiveness
    as Lord. Thus, must he be a shorty all his young life?
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