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Reviews for The Only True Lords

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - SP777 on May 14, 2014
    about #53...

    What a clever young man, Harry is, with Changes help of course. :-)
    Things are looking up a bit for Draco.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 07, 2014
    I'm very anxious for Draco! I hope Harry can help him and they can form a relationship. They fit together and have a long history - kind of oneupmanship - I guess you'd call it. Lucius is giving his witnesses to Draco to keep him out of Azkaban?
    I'd say he's being a good father and I guess it is partly that but also to continue his line. I guess he really will go to Azkaban. I really enjoy Lucius character for some reason...good looking, powerful, rich...naaah that has nothing to do with it after all he is really bad sometimes.
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  • From Kain on May 02, 2014
    Apologies for not reviewing as much as I typically do for your stories but my review muse left me high and dry for some time.

    But has returned!!!!!!!

    Did a speed run of all the chapters of neglected to read and continue to be impressed by this fic.

    But at times I am of the same mind as reviewer "Polka dot"

    Were the Slytherins scared? perhaps,sure.

    Were they told to do some of the bad things they did or be tortured? yeah.

    BUT, they still did do plenty of bad things regardless of these factors. The fact that Greg is simply too damn dumb/'innocent of the mind' to understand the full weight of the things he did should not give him a free pass nor should the bond he now has with Harry. Yes the fault lies mostly on the parents who failed in properly raising there children but Greg has to eventually except his part in things. And Harry's views are going to be as biased as the people coming after his vassals due to the effects of the Lordship Bond.

    I am not saying these teens, even Draco deserve Azkaban since other students were also involved in torture but to be given what amounts to a slap on the wrist after everything is sending a bad message. People are going to be pissed and the students who fought bravely at the battle of Hogwarts and watched good friends and perhaps family die are going to look at Harry much differently since he is going so far to protect people they considered the enemy from 'justice'.

    Now don't get me wrong, and let me reiterate I don't believe the kids deserve Azkaban but it feels like they are being handed redemption instead of working for it. Hell some of them are even using the perks of the bond to skate through the trials. That's just not how redemption works, and what I am about to say applies to my thoughts on the entirety of House Slytherin as well..... I WANT them to crawl out of the mud and redeem their house name and their own names as well, It just feels like there connection to Harry is letting them bypass any of the hard work and anyone who has a legitimate problem with them is going to be made to be made the designated villain.

    And the trials just seem....I don't know but faaaaar to easy to predict. Bond or no bond Harry just feels too damn good at what he is doing and more savvy than anyone in his situation and with his stress levels has any right to be lol. He is steamrolling through these trials by simply showing no emotion,sneering or answering an easily countered question by someone who should be ashamed that a teenager who might be battle hardened but has no experience in the courtroom is making her look like a fool.

    Harry's life would be infinitely more simple if he didn't feel the need to save every last person, whether they deserve it in some cases or not and now due to the bond that impulse has only grown. Until he gets more control over it it is hard to tell what are his own thoughts and what is being influenced by the bond. I mean here is a group of people he owes jack shit too either using him as a shield because the fact that there are consequences to your actions escaped them, a support system because they can't operate without a security blanket or a political stepping stone or all of the above and after a few talks/arguments/insults he wants to nestle them all to his bosom and coddle them? I am surprised Hermione or even Ron hasn't called him out on this little fact.

    Now, you know I love this story and others you have written but this has been bouncing around in my mind for days on end.

    Draco's trial is going to be one hell of an uphill battle..........and I'm talking bout skating uphill with a rapid chimp on your head during a hail storm with one leg.

    holy fuck, what a visual that was.

    -waits patiently for next chapter-
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  • From Ciara_D on May 02, 2014
    Really looking forward to the next chapter now, especially with the new developments with Draco and Harry's understanding.
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on May 01, 2014
    Being stupid doesn't make doing bad things ok.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 01, 2014
    about #51...

    You can't help but like Gregory, he's like a puppy you can cuddle. :-)
    ...and then a poisonous frog, dangerous without it being intentional. :-/
    Go figure.

    ...annnd so!

    Dun dun duuun! Now it's Draco turns, boooy talk about misgivings.
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on May 01, 2014
    Oh I just loved that. I really like Gregory and the fact that he just simply trusts Harry a his lord and just wants to be a good vassal is just very endearing to me. Like how a little kid wants to show picture to their mom for that return of loving praise and approval. I am glad that Harry will be taking care of him.
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  • From Ciara_D on April 25, 2014
    Ok, that felt good, very good. I think Draco was actually honest, for once.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on April 25, 2014
    Yes maybe the future Draco and Harry!! You know I kind of like Gregg...sort of like having a faithful dog around. At least Gregg was smart enough to know he's not smart and needs to be "attached" to someone.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 24, 2014
    about #50...

    ..and I see a beautiful friendship forming somewhere over the horizon.

    * you don't have to respond to this review if you don't want to.
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  • From pittwitch on April 24, 2014
    Loved the tie in to the proffered hand and snub from the very beginning of HP. Well done!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 18, 2014
    about #49..

    1. I always felt it was unfair that the Gryffindors were treated with golden gloves, while ALL
    the Slytherins were all seen as...minions of darkness. I think the newer generations of Slytherins
    had a bad rap, because of the past generation, who basically spewed the nonsense their parents said.

    2. By the way, this IS a Harry & Draco story, right?

    3. By the way, you handled Pansy's trial perfectly.
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  • From moodysavage on April 15, 2014
    I feel sorry for the Slytherins. That was a really strong scene where you showed that a Slytherin student was denied safety by the other students. I don't think Harry would have allowed that if he had been there and it's not something he probably knew much about since he was gone at the time. People may often be afraid and not fight back but against someone they feel is weaker or for revenge... that may change things. Harry may not realize that after the trials are over there will still be negative opinions that and attitudes that will cause problems for his vassals.
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  • From Ciara_D on April 15, 2014
    This is one of the best versions of Pansy I've enjoyed on this site.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on April 14, 2014
    Continues to be fun to read. So glad Severus, who I love, is begining to wise up. I really feel bad for Blaise but you can't force someone to grow up or to see the truth.
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