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Reviews for The Only True Lords

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Deathskiss on February 06, 2014
    Can I please be put on an email list or something so that I know when the story is updated? I'm hooked!!
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  • From Sealpotter on February 06, 2014
    I like how you write Harry's mind. The steel and determination is not something we see often in the stories. I like the interaction, your details are always delightful and provocative. I can't wait for more... you are definitely one of the few authors I read with WIPs... Nice job through the entire story. This chapter is great. Theory is an interesting choice for the trial to use against logic and facts, but I guess even the high and mighty have to stoop to scraping the bottom of the barrel when they are desperate.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on February 05, 2014
    Chpt 38-40: Enjoying the story. Glad we're into the trial now. I like Greg and think he may be more help than anyone expects. Severus worries me. I wish he would relax and be more understanding of Harry.
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on February 05, 2014
    The wizengot that makes me like Voldemort more, At least he wasn't trying to pretend he wasn't evil when it was obvious that he was.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 31, 2014

    Out of this whole chapter, I think the most interesting part was seeing how Greg feels
    about being bonded thru his own eyes, more so than anybody else.
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  • From BAFan on January 31, 2014
    Ch. 39

    Well. A helpful Skeeter; I'd forgotten about that earlier deal she and Harry made. Nice of her to warn Harry, even if she has her own agenda.
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  • From BAFan on January 30, 2014
    Ch. 38

    I have a bad feeling about Snape's success in distancing himself from the bond.
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  • From moodysavage on January 30, 2014
    *sniff* too short

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  • From ANON - Polka. Dot on January 29, 2014
    I just don't get it a court appointed defense attorney or anything like that. If they did they would've had an opportunity to consult with him or her before the trial.
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  • From Kain on January 29, 2014
    Oh boy.......Harry really needs to think before he just does things lol.

    "He didn
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on January 22, 2014
    Snape won't share what he has found with Harry, but he should. Harry just would try to use it to weaken the bond for everyone.
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  • From Kain on January 22, 2014
    chapter 37:

    Loved seeing Hermione lay down the law with Snape and Harry just sitting back and loving every second of it. The boy needs a year long vacation and it is nice to see that there are people who are going to make damn sure he get at least a little peace. It's a really scary thought that the bond can alter someone and they would not know it. Pansy seems to have pretty much accepted it but it's hard to tell if it' the bond making her accept it or her own will.

    Chapter 38:

    Interesting beginning with Severus, it's frighting how resourceful he is and that is some potent iron clad determination to resit the bond changing him and retain his own will.

    .........and now on to Lucius......(temporarily consumed with fury)........Lucius bloody Malfoy.

    It says a lot that a fictional character can piss me off as much as he does. If feels like even when he loses, he comes out a winner in some ways. After all of the crap he has done in his life on top of his already unfinished prison sentence, he should by all rights be given the Kiss. While I would say the same for Narcissa minus the kiss but a pretty lengthy prison sentence given her involvement in her husbands deeds, she actually did something worthy of a chance at atonement by lying to freaking Voldemort and helping the light side win the final battle. Lucius on the other........all he has going for him is that he loves his son and didn't take part in like...the last hour of the FINAL battle. And he isn't even sweating to fact that he will go to prison, since he can apparently make things cushy for himself in there.

    He's not repentant about what he has done, he is still the same bigoted, murderer he has always been and the fact the people are even humoring the thought of defending him is mind boggling. Harry in the past few chapters has listed off quite a few of the horrible things, the ones we know of at least that Lucius has done and by all accounts should be at the front of the line in crucifying this prick. And now after all that talk about truth and fair trials Harry is going to allow some shady shit if it means making things easier for the Malfoy's?

    I understand the bond affects him and pushes him to help Draco and he owes Narcissa but willing to break bread with Lucius to maintain the acceptance he has gained from Draco and not jumping down the pricks throat when he insults him? When any of these people insult him he could easily point out just where there actions led them too and that he is the only person who gives even half a shit about them to try and help them out. And yet he just takes any and all criticism from them despite them having no ground to stand on. They call him an idiot in terms of politics(btw I was serious about taking a drink every time that word came up) and yet they are the ones up shits creek with out a paddle and acting like they don't deserve their fates. Another thing that has been bothering me and I might have to go back and re-read some parts.....but since Harry can now release people from the bond.......why doesn't he just do it? I mean the original problem was that since these people were stuck with him he HAD to defend them.......but now since that is not the case, why does he bother with them or is his chronic hero syndrome so big that it extends to some of the very people who would have hand delivered him to Voldemort? Outside of owing Narcissa a life debt which he would square by speaking up for her at her trial and the MASSIVE debt he owes Severus, he really doesn't owe the rest of the Slytherin's jack shit. His life would be infinitely more easier if he just cast all but Greg off from the bond and left them to reap what they sowed. It would get the "freedom fighters" off his case and more people would be willing to have his back. And I get that this is a very morally grey world and truth and justice will always be skewed but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when it is someone who touts that fair trials should be the order of the day and is then willing to lie to suit his needs.

    ahem okay, gonna cut that out before I go even further off on a tangent of rage gibberish.

    Now that I got that out of my system it will be interesting to see where things go from here and how the trials will proceed.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-

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  • From ANON - sp777 on January 14, 2014
    about # 37..

    Well at least Harry is finally getting some enjoyment out of the madness. :-)
    Poor child needs a vacation, unfortunately he'll have to take Everyone with him.
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on January 14, 2014
    Blaise is still around, I thought he would hightail it outta there.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 10, 2014
    about 35...

    Well, Draco jumped ship off the boat called Reality. I admire HArry for
    his restraint, though a couple of smacks would have sufficed, since he was
    literally beating a dead horse back to life. For Harry to be pushed to say he 'doesn't care',
    I think he does, he was just getting frustrated...when push comes to shove, Harry will always act
    no matter what & help if he can.

    Hopefully Draco got it.
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