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Reviews for The Only True Lords

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - Polka dot on November 25, 2013
    Good for Harry. Lucius deserves to pay for his crimes.
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  • From Genuka on November 25, 2013
    It comes to mind that the ministry might be willing to release Lucius and Narcissa into Harry's care if its suggested by someone else with at least Lucius under house arrest for a minimum of oh say 5 years? The other requirement being that all vassels live with Harry and Harry lives with the Malfoys.
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  • From Genuka on November 21, 2013
    I still say she's a bitch, but I'm glad that those two resolved their differences and that Ron and Hermione are making him focus and realize what NEEDS to be done rather then running from crisis to crisis.
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  • From moodysavage on November 19, 2013
    awwww.... just... awwwww. I loved this chapter. I loved how Draco was really wanting to be accepted by Harry and willing to put his hand out like that and HOLD it there for so long without getting angry and defensive. He was really leaving himself open to possible embarrassment and humiliation and I love that he did that. Harry also reacted totally like he should have and I loved how when he made the decision to accept he had that big smile for Draco... Harry is sincere in what he says and does and that is one of the things I love most about him.
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  • From Kain on November 18, 2013

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  • From Genuka on November 10, 2013
    BITCH! You don't deserve to have Blaise as a son!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on November 10, 2013
    about #30...

    Daaaammmmmmnn!!! O_O

    Black widow spiders & evil little demons ain't got nothing on Mrs. Zabini! Talk
    about hacking away to pieces...boy!

    *sigh* Hopefully he learns to stand on his own two feet in time and that his allies are
    closer than he expects...and that 'Gryffindor' Lord will treat him better than family and
    not forsake him.
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  • From Genuka on November 04, 2013
    I think he cares more about how Blaise was frightened then what she wants. *snicker*
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  • From ANON - SP777 on November 03, 2013
    about #29..

    You know not everyone takes the time to 'flesh out' Mrs. Zabini's character, much
    less try to write about her. I'm surprised you did and doing a good job, thus far.
    She's not patterned after your mother is she...and not in an evil way. :-)

    Oh, and give her hell Harry!
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  • From ANON - karisma on November 02, 2013
    YOU GO HARRY! I love this story. I love what you've done with the characters and I love where it's going (or at least where I THINK it's going - I'm not ruining any surprises for myself). I love finding well-done fan fiction. It's the best of delights!
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on November 01, 2013
    I am wondering where and how kreacher gets food for everyone. Kinda odd but I guess wizards don't need no grocery stores.
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  • From ANON - goldfish on November 01, 2013
    Delia cerrano & I read this together as her computor is in the shop. Enjoyed it and can't wait to see Harry put Ms Zabini in her place. She is a real barracuda! At least I hope he does. Maybe Blaise will see her as she is then. He still has to talk to the three Malfoys. I hope Severus will start to appreciate Harry for all he has done and is doing while he is still a boy or young man without the teaching and background he should have had. Dumbledore and the ministry have always used Harry as a blind club rather then as a knowledgeable surgical instrument.
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  • From Kain on November 01, 2013
    Something that has been on my mind since they were introduced but........where the actual fuck were these so called "Freedom Fighters" when Muggleborns were being round up like cattle? They choose now to come out of the woodwork to oppose the guy who just saved the freaking world, ACCIDENTALLY created the bond and has stated over and over and over again that he is trying to undo it? Sweet Jesus, I am sure these people mean well, at least from there point of view but they need to get their shit in order.

    Another thing is that not having a Dark mark does not necessarily make you innocent. Fenrir and quite a few others did not bare the mark and still did quite a few evil things under Voldemorts command. Not that I am trying to compare the Slytherin students to those monsters but while many of them did not have a mark, they were still firmly in Voldemorts camp(mostly due to their parents, but still) and even if things work out and they get through the trials and even with Harry' protection, they are going to carry a stigma to their names for some time.

    Pansy continues to grow on me, slowly but surely. Liked seeing her use her wits to gleam some useful info to report to her lord. Out of everyone she seems to be taking to the bond more smoothly and is making the best out of her situation. Although her ass would have been grass if Mrs. Zabini had caught her snooping. And since you have seen the other reviews I have left here and on your other stories, you know my opinion on Slytherins, so for me to admit that I am liking your portrayal of Pansy says a lot.

    And this:

    "Again Hermione and Ron moved without question, and Harry felt a glow as he looked at them. They weren’t his vassals. They didn’t have to obey. There were just his friends, and that was enough."

    Damn it you three, stop being so freaking perfect. The shear amount of loyalty and trust shared between them is so absolute. They have had their ups and downs but at the end of the fuck with one of them, you deal with the whole damn crew.

    And hot damn, Blaise's mother is a real piece of work. Goes a long way to showing why Blaise is the way he is. Loved seeing Harry lay down the law before she could even get a word in. If she wa hoping to intimadate him he just lost some major ground and with his peeps at his back, she is in for one hell of a fight, be it verbal or physical. these 3 toppled a fully grown troll in their first god damned year and during there time in Hogwarts kept getting the better of an "immortal" dark wizard and his cronies on a yearly bases and through sheer luck, a bit of brains and brass balls, finished him for good eventually..........she is nothing.

    Lovely chapter as always.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 26, 2013
    about #28...

    You should have titled this one 'One of the Few Trials of Being Lord', cause it's
    a headache for him right now. Tho' I can see that Harry is sloooowly coming into his
    own as Lord and does have the attitude to match it, if he wants.

    I get the feeling Ron & Hermione are going to complicate things by making shit that's
    already tense worse. Hope they have SOME common sense to help when it's needed & know
    when to keep their mouth shut. Because from what I'm seeing Harry can do it, he just needs the time & space
    from literally breathe, so he can.

    ...and I have confidence he'll take on Mrs. Zabini with pomp & flourish a bit while at it. Like I said,
    he needs time.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 24, 2013
    Oh I'm really enjoying this story. It's really setting up for the start of the exciting stuff now...the Malfoys are there, Hermione & Ron just showed up and Zabini's Mom is due any time much less the trials. Can't wait till Zabini's Mom gets into it with Harry! Also the trials should be very interesting. Draco seems to be going through some changes in his feelings toward Harry...hmmmm. Severus seems to look at Harry in a different light also. I'm hoping next chapter will be a long one and will get into some of this & some stuff I've probably forgotten.
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