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Reviews for The Only True Lords

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Genuka on October 24, 2013
    I'm glad that Goyle at least has sorted out most of his feelings in regards to the situation. The Malfoy part is still tricky though.
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  • From Kain on October 24, 2013
    Positively loved the reunion, those three love each other so much and you right them so well. They have such an absolute trust and a unbreakable bond.

    Greg continues to make me like him. Say what you will of how he acted in school, but that boy is loyal and did the things he did mostly because he was told too and doesn't seem to have much malice in him. He has his moments of wit and is kind of adorable in this at times.

    Severus being a brilliant adviser is always good to see and I am happy about the plan Harry has in regards to Lucius and perhaps Narcissa. It is going to be an uphill battle, but this way he can tend to his vassal Draco while simultaneously making sure Lucius doesn't get off Scott free. He is getting better at being a Lord and now that he has his closest friends with him, the pressure he has been under may become easier to handle. With Hermione around now he at least will find it easier to research different aspect of the bond.

    I see the logic in keeping all of the Slytherins with him so things can run a little more smoothly and everyone can have their say when the trials start and judgement can be passed fairly, but I am curious about the fates of the remaining Slytherins students who weren't placed under the bond? Would they be targets? It's a given that the whole house has gained the enmity of quite a few people and if they are still at Hogwarts then Minerva has her work cut out for her if she intends on protecting them from revenge attacks from the other students. Unless they are all at home awaiting the trials as well. Or is it just the group with Harry that's on the chopping block?

    Even after everything settles down and classes start up again, Slytherin house is going to have one hell of a target on all of their backs. Not just from fellow students but people outside of school as well.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-
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  • From WorldePARALLEL on October 17, 2013
    Glad to see that now Snape, Pansy and Greg have all found a place for themselves in the bond :D I really like Pansy here, she's mediating well between people within and outside of the bond, although she is more or less serving her own interest, it is so much better to see Draco being reprimanded for his challenge to Harry's authority in the bond. Apparently Draco here has yet to learn the appropriate attitude towards a Lord, no matter who The Lord is... That's why I found it soooo enjoyable when Lucius decided to instill the Malfoy rules onto him once more *snickers*. Personally, I find the Draco here a little less developed and matured as I would have expected - urgh, why can't he just learn to go along with the bond and Harry as his Lord is trying to?! Aargh *frustrated, yanks hair*!!!

    Greg seems to be well contented to remain in the bond, and I do believe that having Harry to look out for him is much better than Draco ordering him around... Poor fellow, I hope Harry helps him develop some degree of independence soon - he can't always be there to tell Greg what to do! But he is indeed taking the bond very very well :))

    So far, Blaise has yet to remain in the good favor of his Lord, I wonder whether his mother will rip him apart for not recognising the circumstances and realities he is in and trying to make it work in his own favor, or will she try to get him out of the bond asap? He seems rather cowardly now, without much sense of self-preservation... Oh no, now I've got this idea of Blaise being a traitor to his Lord now (hmmm, well, he did conspire against his Lord 2 times)...

    So the elder Malfoys are also intending to become Harry's vassals? A good political move, but Harry is probably not very happy about it anyways... But the at least he needn't worry about Draco rebelling because he deems his parents in danger and stuff like that... It would ease Harry's mind... And Snape's, of course :) I do hope Harry is not going to just forgive Draco like this... I mean, it is nice that Harry is all compassionate and all that, but just... At least make sure Draco gets some form of punishment from Harry's other vassals? Pretty please? Surely being forced to go through the Malfoy rules is not enough? He is supposed to know them, after all... (Okay, I admit, I just want to get back at him for being an inconsiderate spoiled brat towards Harry)

    Looking forward to your new update soon!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on October 14, 2013
    about # 27...

    Harry would do best taking the elder Malfoy's request, if Lucius actually
    decides to do it. As deadly as the snake is, he knows politics better than
    most wizards, except the Minister himself.

    You know, he really needs an advisor with a cool head, who's role would that be?
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  • From moodysavage on October 14, 2013
    I KNEW I would like Greg :)

    I find this story very interesting. I'm still reading everything else but I haven't been on a computer long enough to actually review. This is sooo not like me but life is what it is.
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on October 14, 2013
    I was not expecting the Malfoys To ask to become servants. You would think he would have had enough of that after serving the dark lord.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 14, 2013
    Now It's Reeeally getting interesting with Draco, Harry & the Malfoys talking!! Gregg has turned out much better than I thought...he's kind od dorky sweet and child like with a strain of simpleton clever...hope nothing too bad happens to him.
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  • From Kain on October 14, 2013
    -feels an unholy rage when Lucius appears-

    okay review time.

    Interesting chapter and at this point it is hard to tell if it's the bond making Harry so protective towards these people or his own chronic hero syndrome. Surprisingly enough Greg is actually starting to grow on me as it is being shown that he is less cruel and more or less simply not smart enough and too naive to really break out on his own and was a follower for most of his life. It's all he really knows how too do. Pansy is opportunistic and manipulative and while I hope she starts to feel legit remorse for the crap she has pulled I am enjoying her roll in this story and am curious as too whether or not she will encounter the boy who attacked her for what she did too his little brother and why the little brother does not seem hold a grudge and whether or not their are more people coming after her and the remaining Slytherins. And while I know that this is a Harry/Draco pairing I can't help but see the possibility of Harry/Pansy since she is one of the only ones who has had his back and their is some tiny chemistry and Harry has given no inclination to liking the male form, although that may be because this is going to be a long story with a lot of buildup. Also curious as to where Hermione and Ron are. They seem to have vanished and don't seem too concerned that Harry is in a house full of people aside from Severus who at one time or another wanted to see him dead.

    This is not a knock against you but a running theme in some of your stories is that the Ministry are the bad guys and Harry's crew is always usually in the right in whatever stance they take against them. Seems to revolve mostly around politics as well and Harry being seen as a threat despite quite literally just saving the world and making it clear several times that he doesn't care for that kind of power. I understand stories need an antagonist but the Ministry despite in canon not exactly being on their "A" game most of the time, it has less too do with every single member being incompetent or corrupt but more to do with very very poor leadership and a select few individuals. It also at times seems like a bunch of children fresh out of a war and school are able to manipulate and walk and talk circles around them. Not really complaining, it just seems at times the teens, Slytherins in particular are too good at what they do despite there situation and the public's view of them after the war.

    And now since my reviews would not be complete without a rage rant against Lucius and death eaters in general(oh come now, you knew this was coming lol) who have escaped justice too we go.


    I sincerely hope Harry does not give that kind of protection towards Lucius or even Narcissa or any of the Death Eater parents of one of his vassals. They simply do not deserve it. In regards to Lucius and do NOT get points for switching sides like an hour before the battle is done after a lifetime of villainy. Loving you children while still committing evil is not an excuse that absolves you of all wrongdoing. And it only became about protecting the family from an "insane monster" when they fell out of favor of said monster. Prior to his screw up Lucius was quite happy too do whatever his master said with a skip in a step. Hell, why would he even be getting a trial, seeing as how he never finished serving his first sentence after the battle in the ministry where his true allegiances were revealed. The man was an active Death Eater in 2 wars and more than likely a mass murderer/torturer as well. He almost got an 11 year old girl killed in her first year of Hogwarts all because he wanted to get rid of any incriminating evidence and tried to kill harry when he lost him his house elf. At the manor while Draco was hesitant to name any of the trios names, Lucius was trying to goad his don into revealing who they were all so they could get back there old standing despite knowing what the Dark lord would have done to Harry,Hermione and Ron and the other prisoners he had in his cellar. Now Narcissa could be given some leeway for lying to the Dark lord and giving Harry that one last shot at ending the monster......but still and this goes for Greg's mom as well, while they might not have been "official" death eaters, they willingly served Voldemort, more than likely sat in in a few meetings and knew damn well the atrocities that were being committed and didn't give a damn. And now they are turning around and coming to the boy they have wished death upon in the past and who's life they tried to make as difficult as possible to ask for protection while condemning the ministry for how they may treat them? After the way they have treated others by using the ministry's power? The same ministry their group for a short time had full control over and made into a gestapo? The ministry had it's times of corruption.......but it was people like them who made it corrupt.

    whew..... sorry than ran on for a bit, just needed to get that off my chest. Love the story and am excited on what comes next.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-
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  • From Genuka on October 11, 2013
    Blaise has clearly gone insane...
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on October 10, 2013
    Haha cry to mommy but he is still a child.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on October 10, 2013
    about #26..

    LoL! Draco being confronted by his father is akin to an alpha male growling
    at an impertinent pup. Draco had this coming for a while. :-) I'm glad to finally see

    *sigh* I see Blaise is up to his stupidity again.

    Yeah, Pansy will make a great political figure/Counselor for this group of 'merry men', got
    the tactics down & everything and Greg is good at doing what he always does..being the body guard.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 10, 2013
    I liked this chapter a lot. It seemed to be straightening out some things, especially Draco, and setting a more formal "pecking order". But then there is Blaise and his letter writing to his Mother, hmmm...
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  • From ANON - SP777 on October 07, 2013
    about #25..

    1. I have a saving-people thing, and a Lord thing, but most of all, I think this is
    just me. It
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  • From ANON - A on October 06, 2013
    I really love this story and can't wait to read more! I love a plot I can't figure out and have to wait on the edge of my computer chair hoping for another chapter to be posted and more of the story to be revealed!
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 05, 2013
    Now that's power & thinking out of the box but who, great Merlin's raggety pants, is the mystery figure in the middle & what are the aurors going to do...if anything!
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