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Reviews for The Only True Lords

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - on January 16, 2017

    How is the blood ghost centuries old as a ghost when he fought in the first Wizarding War? The first war was around 1980. You also say that Lucius corrupted the ghost's daughter; therefore the ghost in ghost form could not be centuries old. 

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  • From ANON - writeaddict on October 26, 2014
    Poor Potter. He's having a hard time between that rock and hard place with Draco and Zambini.
    And Greg! Greg just broke my heart. His thought process is simple but he just might be the smartest or most correct out of all of them.
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  • From ANON - writeaddict on October 25, 2014
    Oh, how Harry handles the aurors in this chapter is a thing of wonder. It's quite fabulous and controlled. I loved his responses and how he backs them into a corner all the while pretending to be innocent or unknowing of what he's doing.
    Reading this was quite enjoyable. It reminded me a bit of Political Axes.
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  • From ANON - writeaddict on October 25, 2014
    I just started reading this story and I've just been breezing through it.
    I love it. I love the idea and the originality of it. I've never seen anything like it and I think it's brilliant.
    And Snape in this chapter was brutal and ruthless. I loved it. The "If you think you felt pain then you know nothing because my magic will not stop" was so in character and awesome that I wiggled. If my Other was home he probably would have looked at me funny because I actually started giggling. Just brilliant so far.
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  • From BAFan on July 28, 2014
    Ch. 63

    Another wonderful story comes to a satisfying end! (Though I'm sure we will all greet with cries of joy any oneshots or sequels which may appear.) I think Harry made the right decision with regards to Blaise, as well as to Draco. Really liked this!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 21, 2014
    about the end!!!

    You better post some sequels I feel like you left this up in the air...when you FINALLY started
    their fledgling relationship!
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  • From ANON - karisma on July 20, 2014
    An end! Oh No! I love this story so much! I'm terrible at reviewing, but I look forward to every new chapter! Lovely!

    I'll have to keep an eye out for the one-shots now!
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on July 20, 2014
    That was altogether a good time. I will be looking forward for your one shot sequels.
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  • From Kain on July 20, 2014
    Well, things certainly jumped up a bit here.

    Before I realized it was the last chapter I was thinking that the kiss felt rather rushed. I mean they have only JUST now started to build up some sort of chemistry and the bond perhaps influencing them adds a bit of a squick factor. It just felt like there wasn't enough build up to it. Still good though.

    Nice to see Harry put his foot down and leave Blaise to clean up his own mess. In regards to Blaise the bond is no longer forcing harry to stand for him so he is now up shits creek without a paddle.

    Interested in seeing where Pansy goes from here and whether or not her story will make people sympathize with her or make her more enemies. My only complaint about her since I have actually grown fond of her in this fic is that it feels like instead of putting some genuine hard work into redeeming herself, she is instead choosing to give half truths, scheme and maneuver/manipulate her way back into the peoples good graces. It's a shitty situation but the cold hard facts are that her and the rest of the Slytherins have more than earned the enmity that the Zizarding world feels towards them. They have had a bad rep since Salazar Slytherins time and have gone above and beyond to keep that rep and make people distrust and in most cases, hate them. The fact that they were denied sanctuary should not have come as a surprise to them, seeing as how most of the families had Death eater connections and the students who were hiding had no reason to trust that they wouldn't stab them in the back.

    And this:

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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 15, 2014
    about #62...

    I think I like the conversations between Harry & Pansy more than any others he has
    had with his vassals [the ones with Greg a strong second], they are the most honest
    and straight forward of the lot. I still believe Pansy makes a wonderful Shield Maiden
    to keep everything..and everyone.. in line. I still see Severus as the most powerful Shield,
    dealing with the unsavory, Greg as the Bodyguard and Draco as the Negotiator/Strategist.

    Good chapter by the way.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on July 13, 2014
    Harry is really developing into quite a guy! The bond seems to be more better for him than bad. It seems to be maturing and educating him...making him more socially smooth or acceptable some how.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on June 29, 2014
    I'm not clear on why Severus now wants to stay in the bond but I'm very glad he does. I think he needs to feel that someone cares about him on a closer more personal level than the general friendship level of Pomphrey or Minerva. I don't think he realizes this except in his unconcious mind.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on June 23, 2014
    Gregg seems so sweet and simple...young boy like. I hope Severus stays with Harry. I think they would be a strength for each other...understanding each other more than others could. I hope Draco comes around to see that he can be independent and yet part of a pair. Pansy? Sheesh, she needs to calm down. She is planning on being the high supreme mugwhomp by next eweekend!
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  • From BAFan on June 22, 2014
    Ch. 59

    Loved this chapter. The conversation between Greg and his mother was very touching, and I hope Pansy's letter has equally good results. Snape...I don't know about him. Even if he lets himself acknowledge that it might not be such a bad thing to be under the bond, will he stay in it? Or will his pride and stubbornness compel him to go through with the severing?

    Really looking forward to the next chapter!

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  • From moodysavage on June 22, 2014
    Methinks Snape is feeling unsettled because he doesn't want to leave the bond but he hasn't realized it yet. Poor Snape... but like Harry he is a born protector and that is the role the bond put him in as Harry's vassal so it's probably strange to him that he feels like he should feel comfortable in the bond... it is playing to his strengths. With the war over and all those years protecting Harry... he is in the position that feels natural even if he is unwilling to acknowledge it.
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