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Reviews for Marathon

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - delia cerrano on February 06, 2014
    Ohhh I wanted to read what happens when Harry realizes that Draco is standing there and heard at least some of his talk with Ginny. He says he will give up Draco if the kids say they want him to and give him a reason? I hope it would have to be a reallly big reallly good reason!
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  • From BAFan on January 31, 2014
    Ch. 37

    Hoo boy! I'm gonna pop some popcorn and settle down to watch the show. It oughta be a doozy!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 31, 2014
    Nope, I'm talking about an unknown upstart who dares to come out
    of nowhere & slightly seduce Harry into temptation, because the established
    relationship between Harry & Draco, while loving, has become stale and this
    stranger brings excitement. Thus, a rival is born...

    ..or better, there is no established relationship, but Draco IS trying to win
    Harry's affections, but this other person is doing better him with gifts and words.
    The catch...Harry secretly likes Draco too. :-)

    If this doesn't have you thinking...nothing will.
    about #37...

    Okay, gotta say that was a nice conversations between me. Sometimes I have to remember
    to picture them as older MEN and not teenagers.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 27, 2014
    about #36...

    I think the chapter in #35 was the best conversation I've ever seen between
    Harry & Hermione.

    Okay, Al is starting to rub me the wrong way.

    You know, I'm surprised you haven't done this yet, but haven't you ever thought about
    doing a story where Draco has a rival for Harry's affections?
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  • From CareLessLover on January 21, 2014
    Now we can check off 'talk to friends', on to Ginny. She's not going to take this well... I can feel it.
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  • From Kain on January 20, 2014
    Another lovely chapter.

    I really enjoy how you portray the friendship between Hermione, Harry and Ron. Sadly very few writers can get it just right and you have excelled at it. It was a nice talk they shared and it is only natural that she would be curious as to whether or not Harry and Draco were going to be long term or not. Glad to see Harry is really seeing his own self worth and making all the right decisions and while people might say he is being selfish, he has more than earned the right to think of himself for a change. His whole life he has had the weight of the world on his shoulders and has had to meet near impossible expectations so to see him do something for his own peace of mind is nice.

    Hopefully when things settle down Harry and Ginny can still remain friends and not just for the kids benefit but for there own sakes as well. I mentioned it previously but I like how there is no real villain in this divorce, people grow apart and while it sucks and hurts like a motherfucker for a time, reconciliation is always possible. Other writers would pull a character assassination on Ginny and make her into some unholy hell bitch to suit there plot but you have kept to canon while creating a believable breakup and keeping people in character. No character in this story is perfect, they all have flaws but that makes them human, not bad. Hell even Harry isn't perfect and Draco is certainly not a saint despite how good he has been for Harry. He is still a dick most of the time with some jealousy/controlling issues but he treats harry like an equal. Ginny has her issues here and at times needs to mind what she says and she says it around and you have made some very believable reasons as to her and Harry's breakup but she is not a bad person. I bring this up since,and not too beat the hornets nest, some individuals-looks up and shakes head in dismay- seem to like to dig for anything negative on a character that is an affront to their OTP.

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-

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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on January 20, 2014
    Yes Draco is great for him some backbone after Ginny & Dumbledore what to think and what he should do. I still think Ginny did something that kept Harry for herself way back when and knew that she was cutting Draco out. Or is that another story? I read & follow so many. I try to keep them straight.
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  • From ANON - The Pink Fuzzy Elephant on January 17, 2014
    I loved the way you handled things in the 34th chapter.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 17, 2014
    about #34...

    Okay...okaaay. The sex was good, chapter was unexpectedly short. Seriously.
    After the interlude, and Harry getting a 'one up' over Robards, I kinda expected
    something to go down. Some type of external confrontation, but that would have lead
    to a cliffhanger and we KNOW how you DON'T do those.

    Don't you think Harry confronting R & H in person is better?
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  • From ANON - The Pink Fuzzy Elephant on January 17, 2014
    I liking this story more with every chapter. lol
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  • From ANON - The Pink Fuzzy Elephant on January 16, 2014
    I like your story quite a lot! I see what you are trying to do with Lily, either Harry doesn't listen to what she says or that is just how she sees it. I don't see Harry not giving his children top of the line brooms when there is a need and he would keep up with that.
    Growing up the way I did being that ungrateful for something that costs a great deal of money like a broom does, o boy that don't. (if you will please pardon the unintentional pun please)
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on January 15, 2014
    Even if Harry's boss was an ass he can't go around burning bridges.
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  • From CareLessLover on January 15, 2014
    Wow! I need to check up on this story more often! I was a good bit behind. And speaking of behind... seems like either Harry or Draco is about to get some. I would bet Galleons that Draco is going to be more dominant in the relationship.
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  • From orcadarwin on January 11, 2014
    I absolutely love this story. I love the relationship between Harry and Draco that you have developed. I can't wait to read more. I can only wonder if Harry will refuse Ginny specifications on time with Lily. Does she not want to be a mother anymore? Does she not want the responsibility? She wants Lily to stay with Harry for all but two days a week. That's not really fair to Harry, and not fair to Lily, either.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 10, 2014
    about 33...

    It ALMOST sounded selfish of Draco, but I get his point. Harry takes on too much and never
    asks for assistance anymore...and it's about time they took the next step in the 'relationship'.

    Normally I don't do this but...what happened to Nothing like the Sun?
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