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Reviews for The Tribulation of the Blue Moon

By : StarLightMassacre
  • From ANON - HEARTSTAR on August 15, 2013
    no don;t stop there plz update soon ''
    I mean when you can thank you
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  • From ANON - behindblueeyes on August 15, 2013
    I admit I was a bit wary about reading this story. (hence only now reading it) I'm not a fan of Harry/Fenrir
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  • From Wolfmistress on August 14, 2013
    Oh, that is just so cruel. *grin* Thank you for the update, and I wait patiently (not) for the next chapter.
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  • From slearl on August 14, 2013
    I would love to get updates on your stories if there's any way I can do that please send me an email thank you
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  • From PandaGaara on August 14, 2013
    LOVING IT!! I expected the cliff hanger but I'm still anxious to read what happens next. I hope Fenrir gets there in time to save Harry and his pack. Also I hope Tonks will get bit just like Harry did and get slapped in the face for being such a jealous twit. It would be funny if Remus was with Sirius and he tells her that her crush on him was never going to evolve into more than friendship. She deserves it for being so insensitive.
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  • From ANON - Ristikkain on August 14, 2013
    Yes!! You don't know how happy I got when I checked, like I have done every single day sinse 4th, if you had updated, and YOU HAD!! I sooo enjoy reading your stories! But I'm a lazy reviewer, so :P I've read alla the Fenrir/Harry fics I've found, and somehow your is simply the best. You have made Fenrir just the way I like him, and while Harrys attitude is sometimes a bit annoying (and I'm sorry to say I really can't describe what makes it so..), I deal with it, and just enjoy your damn awesome story! Maaaan I can't get over the fact that you updated.. SO HAPPY! But damn that Tonks. Stupid, stupid woman.
    But what now?? OH NOOO!! I'll have to start with the stalking again!! And I've already read all your other stories that interest me! Guess O'll just have to toughen up and be a man, as they say, and endure, till I can read some more of your goodies~
    So keep going please, I'm cheering you on! And thank you for your continued writing for all these years.
    P.s. I made an apple pie! Yummy~
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  • From ANON - Lexi on August 14, 2013
    So I've been reading this because there needs to be more fenrir/harry fics, and I love how this was setup and everything. And this chapter was brilliant and god i hate your cliff hangers. They're great, but you put us on the edge of our seats. That's actually good cuz then i keep reading. I've actually read your avengers crossover stories as well. I liked the nick fury/harry one, it was simple and to the point. And I've been enjoying the clint/harry one in the whole alpha/beta/omega society that i've heard of but never really read and it's certainly well crafted. I'll be waiting for updates on that one as well as this one and any other stories i might find of interest. I truly enjoy your writing style and often keeping characters in character. So keep up the amazing work.
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  • From ANON - lenia on August 14, 2013
    What a cliffhanger!! Love this, dying to know what happens!
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  • From ANON - Sml on August 13, 2013
    Nnnoooo! Stupid wizards!!!!!!!i hope they sent someone out to Fenrir...
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  • From LadyFreak on August 13, 2013
    That... was cruel! How can you leave us hanging that way! Ugh!

    Anyway, loving your new story. I was concerned at first, but read it anyway since i loved Drakkens :) Looking forward to seeing where this is going. The next chapter will decide if I stick with it or not... but no pressure ;) lol
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  • From ANON - Ravenmaster7 on August 13, 2013
    You are the most amazing and yet infuriating person in the entire world. I love rise of the drakons, I have read it several dozen times in fact every time I need a story to just calm me down and really ignore the outside world I go to Rise of the drakon and when I heard you're doing a Fenrir/Harry I was so happy because I haven't found a good one yet and then you do this to me, why must you be evil! That being said I eagerly await the next chapter in both are ROTD and Bluemoon
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  • From Jan on August 13, 2013
    Amazing story! Loved every moment of it, can't wait for chapter 4, hope its soon ^_^
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  • From ANON - Jask on August 10, 2013
    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee continue this wonderful story. I'v never found such a detailed and interesting werewolf story such as this.
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  • From ANON - SinfulMind on August 06, 2013
    It starts interesting and I will curiously follow the story. Though I think you're giving out too much of the future happenings in the story in your answers to comments. Please, keep those things to yourself. We will know once we read and I don't want to know beforehand even though deep down I suspect what will happen.
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  • From ANON - Dreamer27 on August 05, 2013
    I just found this story. It's great I love it. I really like Fenrir/Harry pairings but their don't seem to be a lot around. I love the pack and how you have written about all the different interactions, like the head rubbing and showing the belly, as it makes it more realistic. I can't wait til Sirius and Remus find them, but I hope only they do and decide to join the pack. I mean Remus is a werewolf and needs a pack and it was Fenrir who turned him and Sirius is a fugitive on the run and his only family are Harry and Remus, so I think he should also join the pack also having fun with the beta's might help him get over his time in azkaban. Also on the full moon he can turn in to padfoot and as he can control his actions and remember what happens, he can help keep the pack safe by helping them to avoid dangers, that their not aware of in their wolf form.

    Any way I just wanted to say I love this story and can't wait til the next chapter, your a great writer and I can't wait to see the reaction Fenrir and the pack will have to him being Harry Potter and for Harry to have pups. It will be more than one pup right as he's a werewolf?
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