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Reviews for Black Phoenix

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - sp777 on January 11, 2014
    about #14...

    1 This is a declaration of war. The Ministry is pleased to inform Dark Lord Harry Potter that he is
    now considered an enemy of state, under the Dark Lords Act (1998).

    Okay, I admit I was right there with HArry. The image of a deserted town with tumbleweed blowing in the wind popped
    up in my head along with 'Huh?' It sounded like an invitation to tea from the Ministry. They are PLEASED to inform.
    *rolls eyes* They wouldn't have done VOLDEMORT that way.

    2. Persephone didn't meet her match, that was low down & dirty!
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  • From BAFan on January 11, 2014
    Ch. 14

    Oh shit! *waiting not at patiently for the next update* ;-)

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  • From Kain on January 11, 2014
    Well......that escalated quickly....I mean that really got out of hand. Although it is good too see that Harry is not invincible and that his own familiar is his weak point. Clever(Suicidal) move on that Auror's part for thinking to attack the phoenix instead of Harry directly. Interested in seeing who made a move against Draco.

    I know I have griped about Draco in the past and may continue to do so but I will admit that I enjoy how you have kept him true to his character as a morally ambiguous individual. Slytherin to the core and while by no means evil or sadistic he will always see how a situation can make him look good even while trying to legitimately help. Not particularly brave or altruistic but looks at his options before acting.

    The single solitary downside to all this is since you wrote another story taking place at some point in the future showing Draco as minister and revealing Harry to be just fine it takes some of the tension away.

    -waits patiently for next chapter-

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  • From ANON - streakerboi on January 11, 2014
    I love all of these stories. And I hope Persephone is no where close to meeting her match. I'm hoping for another absolutely stunning display of raw power and utterly ruthless response to being attacked. Hoping....
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 06, 2014
    about #13...

    ..and the winner of this chapter is PERSEPHONE!

    LOL! Oh my gawd, that bird is a mess! :-) ...and Harry is actually
    scary when he gets serious in that way of his.
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  • From BAFan on December 30, 2013
    Ch. 12

    Damn, I hate that this has come between them. Well, if nothing else it ought to further relieve Hermione's fears that Harry is influencing Draco unduly.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 16, 2013
    about #11...

    1. Okay, I know you're the author and you have the right to name whatever group
    you want to name in your story, but...come ON, Knight of the Lightning Bolt???
    Couldn't you have picked something... a wee bit cooler? I'm afraid to find out what
    the name of the official court will be. Though I have a name if you want to see.

    As a matter of fact, how about making that an inside joke with the characters, the name
    of the knights changed three times before they settled on one that sounded right.

    2. Did I read that right? Harry is thinking about putting distance between him & Draco?

    3.All in all, I liked this chapter. Btw, I sent an email.
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  • From Kain on December 16, 2013
    So from now on, every time the word "politics" comes up I am going to take a shot of bourbon. Joking joking, but seriously nice chapter and does it make me a bad person that I am slightly happy that Harry and Draco's relationship is not picture perfect?

    It's just that in most of your stories that when Draco and Harry get going, they seem to gush at the mere thought of the other and one or the other seems to constantly have a hard on when the other so much as glances at him and it is refreshing to see some chinks in there armor since the relationship is still young. Another thing is that more often than not, Draco at times can come off as, well for lack of a better term, "clingy". I get that he adores Harry but he gets pissy if he is not told of every single action in Harry's day and he is not the sole focus of Harry's attention. He will have to learn that there will be times that Harry will have to roll the dice and make a decision without Draco's input.

    Clever move by Harry to make Hermione the liaison with the wolves since not only will she excel at the job but it will placate her and keep her from coming down on him to harshly in the future. Anne is absolutely freaking adorable and it will be nice to see her slowly come out of her shell.

    In the future will the Weasley family make and appearance? I mean Harry is setting up this grand new domain and most of his old comrades/pseudo-family/friends are nowhere to be found. Will his crew from the old D.A come to his side?

    -waits patiently for the next chapter-
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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 13, 2013
    about #10...

    Oooo...looks like there's going to be trouble on the homefront, if Draco
    & Harry don't get this cleared up between them. Talk about being inconvenienced. :-)

    Is it just me or is YOUR bird a carnivore for flesh?
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  • From Genuka on December 12, 2013
    Fair enough. I do however think he should have told Malfoy about the werewolves before responding.
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  • From Kain on November 22, 2013
    Man oh man, I am surprised so many people are mad at Hermione. I like to think anyone with a lot of power needs a detractor. Aside from Ron and perhaps Malfoy, the people aligned with Harry are either going to push for him to use more darker methods when dealing with problems or are yes men/ass kissers. Hermione is going to be the shoulder angel to all that, keep him grounded and all that. Tell him when he is going to far and perhaps even suggest another means of payback that won't make him look bad. Harry has been wrong at times in this story and Hermione not being willing to compromise her morals does not make her some unforgivable hell bitch. And come on people, it is much MUCH better that she is working with Harry than against him. He might be a few steps short of a magical pseudo-god but Hermione is no slouch and even if she can't match him magically, her mind has always been her greatest weapon. Her accomplishments in canon speak for themselves. Her and Harry have reached a compromise and things are going to run much smoother now.

    Did she make a mistake by leaving?

    Is she an arrogant 'know it all" at times?
    -yes........but she can back it up.

    Should she have had more faith in Harry?

    Should she be demonized for it?
    -Hell no

    Harry does need her.

    She might not be politically savy and can be naive on some matters, but aside from all that, is STILL the smartest motherfucking witch of her age. You know that saying "the smartest person in the room"? Yeah, when it comes to Hermione, no matter what room she walks into, she is gonna be that person.

    If the people who like this story can forgive Draco all his mistakes and flaws then I think they should be able to give Hermione a pass for making some very human mistakes. I've said it before but Harry would have been dead 100 times over and probably would not have made it to his 4th year if it wasn't for Hermione.

    -waits patiently for next chapter-
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  • From ANON - Reba on November 22, 2013
    Not a good thing to do, giving Hermione carte blanch to overrule major decisions. That's how she will see it. He gave his word to ask her about everything SHE thinks is something major. He , in Hermoines mind, put her in a position of power to have a right to be consulted. To have a right to change, overrule things. To decide what's important.
    House elves, a topic of their school days and she is still hung up on it. Still hasn't talked to them and still is too stubborn and arrogant to see the truth about house elves needs. Her muggle upbringing ideas and her willful ignorance should be challanged and be brought down, so she can grow as a person and lern to see what' there not just what she wants there to be. Let Harry put her in charge of negogiations with another magical race. Someone with demands, a clear view of their selfworth and no compunction telling her her about their goals , morals, views and society rules. What for them is their truth they live by. Hermiones rigid thinking will get her in deep trouble. And it is her that has to make it right. The onlx way to get her from arrogant to humble, from selfrightous brat to intelligent adult.
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  • From Genuka on November 22, 2013
    Yup. Tillipop is so screwed. He might have had a fraction of a chance without Hermione, now? Not a chance in hell.
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  • From ANON - Meechypoo on November 22, 2013
    Im glad Hermione is back, if somewhat reluctantly. Harry has always valued her overall opinion. However the girl is utterly blind to the machinations of politics. How can someone so smart think that they would ever be a minister that would fight for "justice" and "do what is right" and rally think that everyone else would think it a great thing?! There will always be lobbyists, special interest groups and those that think power should be used to push "personal" agendas through. You can't change prejudice and small mindedness overnight and passing all the laws she believes should be passed is not only a flight of fancy but utterly delusions of grandeur. I've always said that some of the smartest people can be the densest people to the social niceties that once must play to actually get anything done. That is why Draco will actually be a good minister. He's very intelligent but he understands how most people react in certain situations so he won't put his foot in it just to be "right" but he also won't back down from a fight if it truly is right.

    ~~ Meechy
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  • From ANON - SP777 on November 21, 2013
    about #9..

    1. One day I'll reread #8 and remember what brought that to mind about foreboding..right now
    too tired to do it.

    2. You know reading this chapter I had the sudden desire to walk past Hermione and push her off
    a balcony, seriously. Is she under a spell??? Anyway, hope Harry made some type of leeway with
    her. You know for the brightest witch, she sure is acting stupid.
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