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Reviews for Light of the Life That Is

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From Severus1snape on March 01, 2017

    please write more

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  • From ANON - Carrie on September 21, 2014
    I see that it has been awhile since u have updated this story. I normally don't read a story until it is finished because so many authors abandon their stories. U actually finish them. I hope u plan to update this one soon! U are an amazing author and I don't normally review because I don't have time. I usually save the stories I want to read and read when I can. Please update this story soon! Please do not abandon it!
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  • From ANON - Anon on August 07, 2014
    Love this and the prequel! I hope there is more to come :)
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  • From BAFan on July 12, 2014
    Ch. 6

    Good chapter. I loved the scene in Draco's office between Draco and Harry. So Harry is having problems with the Slytherins. Eh, deja vu. At least one of them has some sense.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on July 11, 2014
    I'm going to have to go back and re-read the first chpt or two. I seem to be having a hard time remembering why he felt he had to march around and especially as long as he did. Also why Draco cared enough to rescue him. I'll have it done before you put the next chpt up, I promise. I hope it will help me understand why people don't want him as a student at Hogwarts and why why Draco is being sooo overarms length with Harry (though I sort of do understand - prof/student looks like favoritism right?).
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 11, 2014
    about #6..

    I had a brief thought..I wonder if Draco realizes how Severus felt when he was
    Potions Master & Draco was his promising student. :-)

    By the way, is this it for the series and what about the person you wrote it for?
    Are they enjoying this?
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  • From BAFan on June 22, 2014
    Ch. 5

    Lovely chapter! I have to sympathize with Harry. Minerva won't be the only one who'll find it difficult to accept that he really isn't a teenager, despite the age of his body. I wonder how long it will take Harry to realize that he simply no longer fits in with the majority of the other students? Maybe Draco and he can find an potion or spell that will age him a few years. ;-)
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on June 19, 2014
    So glad to see another chapter of this tender yet fun story. It's good to read of how Draco & Harry have come to value each other and have formed a tight team of two against others so Harry is comfortable in adjusting to life.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on June 19, 2014
    about #5...

    Picture me shocked. :-p

    I don't's like I want the romance, but at the same time it seems like
    forbidden fruit between them, with the age difference that is. BUT, it seems sweet..
    and...innocent in a strange way. Know what I mean?

    In a way, I feel sorry for Harry for missing so much...and not being able to grow with the
    rest of the Hogwarts motley crew.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 22, 2014
    about #4...

    Awww, it's L-O-V-E. :-p
    Girl, this story is giving me a toothache. I would say more, but I'm tired at
    the moment. Bottomline, this is a pleasure to read thus far.
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  • From BAFan on January 20, 2014
    Ch. 4

    Wonderful chapter! Harry has a new wand in spite of Ollivander's snippy attitude and he and Draco are drawing closer together. Looking forward to the next update.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on January 20, 2014
    I'm glad that Harry knows he needs a center that remains the same and that he understands how important to him Draco is. I hope that soon they'll realize how much the care about each other in the romantic sense because I'm sure they do but Draco if not both either don't know it yet or don't understand what they are feeling.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on January 10, 2014
    about #3...

    I think I've gotten pretty good at reading between the lines, while Harry sees Draco
    as someone he can like but keeps at a friendly distance, Draco is definitely standing at
    the line where friendship & close intimacy meet. He's ready to cross it already. Did that feeling
    happen long before he was able to get Harry back?
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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 14, 2013
    about #2...

    1. Draco wanted to explode in pride, but someone might stare at him if he leaped to his feet and
    did a war whoop and a dance around his chair.

    for some reason I just liked that imagery. :-)

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  • From ANON - SP777 on December 13, 2013
    I actually had to wrack my brains to remember the story before this, I still don't even when
    I glanced at it. But I'm liking what I'm reading as of right now.
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