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Reviews for Shiloe

By : Sablesilverrain
  • From ANON - Clair on May 25, 2014
    Cute story but when is Harry going to show up? Who will he paired with? Hoping he will be present in the future. Equal Harry and Shiloe would be nice
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  • From milapink on May 24, 2014
    I loved the story. Very interesting combination of anchors. Harry romantically love the anchors as Silhoe?
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  • From ANON - Isa on May 24, 2014
    Hi i dont know very well english but here we go.. I love it even if some parts i feel that harry will be very angry when he wake up but a good history will be that, even if dont like everything that is happening. So please i want yo keep reading it :)
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  • From ANON - Sera21 on May 23, 2014
    Ah, I liked the sex scene between Draco and Shiloe and that it was a bit more drawn out.Not to crazy about the declarations of love after like 2 days tho :P Very eager for Lucius and hope he isn't too OOC. Hey, theres nothing " damaged " about having DID.You are a unique person who is dealing with some problems... You have obviously been through a lot and this is how you deal with it. Just think where as most people experience one life you will unknowingly experience many! I guess it is coming to terms with the " others" that is the hardest, especially when they do stuff that you would never do yourself. I hope they havn't ever done anything to get you hurt...cyber hug!
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  • From ANON - Sera21 on May 23, 2014
    " Severus plays hard to get"?? REALLY?? That was like 2 minutes of refusal. You couldn't have had him hold out just a little longer? Actually make Shiloe put some effort into it?
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  • From ANON - Rocmom on May 21, 2014
    I saw this pop up as recently updated. I swear I know this story and the version I read went much further than this. I really like this one and am looking forward to seeing where it goes next. Do you have this posted elsewhere? Aff isn't the only site I red, but it is one of the most frequent.
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  • From Fushigithedruid on May 21, 2014
    1st of all, Welcome back. I read this oh, years ago. so glad to see you back and working on this again. :) i love it so far and can't wait to see what else is coming.
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  • From ANON - Sera21 on May 21, 2014
    Hey, I wondered where this story went! So glad its back...hope u r doing well. I think its really great that somebody with DID is writing. I've always wanted to do a story where Harry had DID. Possibly with different aged one would also be highly sexual and one would be an innocent 5 year old. I really like your writing so far but I have to say that the sex scene was more then a little unbelievable. There is just no way a guy will hold out that long on his first time. I know Harry is a shining beacon of awesomness but no teenage boy makes a girl orgasm twice with only penetration on his first time. I speak from experience. Even guys that know about the theory behind the clitoris often don't know how to apply it. ie it is not fun when you press your finger down on that thing like its a game console -__- No guy is born a sex god...
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  • From WolfPup5683 on May 21, 2014
    NEED MORE omg, I am really not tired right now, okay well at least you updated this much for me, I guess I can let you sleep a bit, but I want double the chapters tomorrow
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  • From WolfPup5683 on May 21, 2014
    YAY, IT's back up, now maybe I can catch up with the story instead of being like 10 chapters behind. And I'm First Reviewer, YAY COOKIES FOR ME!!!!!! specially since daddy won't give me the other things yet... ;)
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