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Reviews for Building Bridges

By : ShadowAngel
  • From AidaLily on November 15, 2014
    Yay! Harry and Draco made up. I think it is great that Hermione's whole 'I'm totally not a Slytherin' side showed in her and Pansy setting the whole thing up. I do hope that Draco and Ron can become friends and learn to see past differences. I also want to know who they will hook Ron up with. This will be interesting since Blaise and Hermione are taken and those are the only two I imagine him with. Of course when it comes to Blaise I may be a bit biased because I love writing Ron with Blaise. Ron is all weird though when I do it, so you are doing fantastically.

    I am curious as to what Daphne and Ginny are doing. I know what I'd imagine them doing thanks to 'A Rocky Bridge'. Wonderful story and scene by the way. I think Theo needs to get what's coming to him (or I suppose they could both date him together, but they are much too proud for that). I

    t is so funny because I stopped reading this to read 'A Rocky Bridge' and all I could really think of Ginny saying when Daphne brushed her off in an angry manner before they talked was 'What Daphne? One taste of a Gryffindor wasn't enough? Need a repeat performance?' lol sorry. Can't wait until you update again. :)
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  • From ANON - staar on November 15, 2014
    so Ginny and Dafhne !!!! wow never read anything that way ..interesting !!!!!! thanks for the update.....before I forget now they are trying to find Ron a partner...that's going to be fun..let's see who wins that one !!!
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  • From ANON - staar on November 09, 2014
    Nice and please fix harry and Draco...get someone for Ron so he can shut up......thanks !!!!!
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  • From AidaLily on November 09, 2014
    Yay! So happy you updated. I hope Draco and Harry work it out. It didn't seem like Harry was taking Ron's side, but trying to diffuse the situation. Harry definitely needs to fix that. Ron needs to get over himself. Admittedly during the fight of Daphne and Ginny I was sitting here thinking "oh just kiss already... you two would feel so much better". lol. I know it seems you have Daphne and Theo, but it just popped up in my mind reading their fight. Can't wait for the next chapter and Blaise and Seamus were adorable.
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  • From Jan on November 05, 2014
    Interesting story, and pairings, can't wait for more ^_^ please update chapter 4 soon.
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  • From ANON - staar on November 01, 2014
    Really nice and had me laughing so much with this !!!! hope to see more soon !!!!!!
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  • From AidaLily on November 01, 2014
    Hermione and Pansy then? Or was that someone else? I mean they both did go to the library and I am so confused lol. I am so happy you updated this and think Daphne needs to relax more or something. I can't wait for the next chapter. I really enjoy this story.
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  • From katthomas1987 on August 30, 2014
    Love it. I so can't wait for more. Update soon plz.
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  • From djaddict on May 31, 2014
    Thoroughly enjoying!
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  • From AidaLily on May 30, 2014
    I liked the chapter but now I am even more curious to know who Pansy is interested in. I can't wait for the next chapter. I also admit to finding it adorable that Harry and Draco were not doing exactly what I thought they were doing and instead studying potions together.
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  • From djaddict on May 28, 2014
    I really love a story that makes me smile the whole way through!

    Enjoyed immensely
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  • From AidaLily on May 27, 2014
    I want more. I really really want more to the story. That was such a cute beginning and who does Pansy like as she said Draco was first and please make a sequel or add to this.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 27, 2014
    Yes, certainly was interesting enough for more chapters or sequels. Different to read of ex-girlfriend Ginny being nice for a change...usually can't stand her mean and mouthy/pushy self.
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