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Reviews for The Auror Method

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - SP777 on November 12, 2014
    Good ending. :-)
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on November 02, 2014
    Go Harry! He's so awesome. I'm so glad he wasn't as clueless as he appeared and the fight with the Goblin was truly awesome.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on November 01, 2014
    about #13..

    Well dammnnn!!! O_O Watch Law & Order much? I was expecting the end theme to pop
    up after reading this!

    Well Draco got cocky & got caught, had a feeling Harry was faking sleep at one point, he
    seemed too clever for his own good. But it's good to read a story where Harry is not the clueless boy
    that some authors seem determined to make him. Doesn't that make your hair stand on end? Reading
    a story where Harry is this innocent little lamb..and Draco is this suave, devious devil, especially
    during the Hogwarts years and they're BOTH 16!

    But, here we have a man willing to go thru lengths to get a job done...AND got the hairy kahunas to back it up. :-)

    Good job author.
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  • From AidaLily on November 01, 2014
    Actually Harry pointing out how much of an idiot Draco was being about everything was exactly what I wanted. I mean Draco seemed to see signs that Harry knew so much more than what he was letting on. He just really didn't pay attention to any of them. I am interested in seeing how this ends between them. I am guessing Draco has a nice little stay in prison and maybe a semi-sweet goodbye between them before he is carted off. I shall wait semi-patiently to next Saturday and dream of more of the 'pure-blood customs' story to tide me over until then. :)
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  • From ANON - streaklight on October 25, 2014
    Wow, what a cliffhanger! Draco has the goblin dagger yet, so can he hurl it at the black sphere in time to save to save Harry? This has been such a risky plan from the beginning so I only hope to enjoy the rest of it. Anywho thanks for the ride!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on October 25, 2014
    about #12..

    *looks at author..and doesn't say a word*
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 25, 2014
    Intense chapter! Love all powerful Harry. Do you think Draco will learn from this experience, assuming they get out? Sure they will but will Draco love Harry with real love not just because he can be used as a shield or because of his caring be made to do what Draco wants
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  • From AidaLily on October 25, 2014
    Oh dear... that cliffhanger. I think it was awesome that Harry came to save Draco, but now I want to know what that black sphere was. I do like that Draco realized he was an idiot even if it was too late to do as such, but I am hoping they both get out of this and have a talk or something. I am also curious as to how Harry is able to combat their magic. Two more chapters, then? Great. I can't wait to see how this end. Will it have a sequel?
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  • From ANON - SP777 on October 19, 2014
    about #11...

    Why oh WHY, couldn't that child have stayed home and been good a couple of days??? If he was so
    adamant about getting into Gringotts, he could have waited a few days past the deadline, with the hope that
    could have created seeds of doubt that maybe Draco was taking the goblins threat seriously & he wouldn't try to
    break into the bank. But, instead he could plan a better attack.

    Well, so much for that thought.
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on October 19, 2014
    Ohhhhhh... Now that is an interesting and unexpected twist. And its hard to do something that truly surprises me so well done there. So everything is working out for Draco`s plan but the goblins were ready for him. I kept waiting for Harry to show up and let Draco know he knew everything. I Harry too much credit there lol. But the goblins didn't kill Draco. So was his low level goblin informant a plant? Have they been testing Draco this whole time or maybe took advantage of this opportunity when it came up? Regardless of this I'm very interested to see what they have planned for Draco. I think his next task will be even harder. Don't think they want or need Harry for anything though.127
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  • From AidaLily on October 18, 2014
    That had to be the most idiotic thing Draco could have done. I mean if they were watching him enough to send spells through the wards and know about what Jared may have told them, why on earth would they have been completely unprepared for him to strike early? I think sleeping with Harry activated Draco's latent 'Gryffindor' recklessness or something. lol. Oh I hope Harry is able to save him on time or something. I really want the next update to see what happens. Is there a lot more of this story?
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  • From AidaLily on October 08, 2014
    Draco really is a master at lying to himself. It is obvious that Harry knows something about his plan and Draco is very obviously ignoring. I am not sure if Harry has the specifics or not, but even Draco should be able to tell Harry seems to know more than he is letting on. I think Draco is way to comfortable for what he was doing and not recognizing the danger at all. Like he knows the danger is there, but he isn't paying attention to it. I am really curious as to how this is going to turn out.

    Even though Harry is an Auror, I'd like to think he is developing (or always had) feelings for Draco and wants to keep him safe no matter what. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on October 08, 2014
    I think Harry has figured out more than Draco knows and suspects even more from his last question to Harry and Harry heart felt wish for Draco to be frank with him.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on October 08, 2014
    about #10..

    Intrigue, intrigue and more intrigue. Very intriguing. :-)

    Things are starting to get deep and Draco insists on being stubborn. I get the feeling Harry
    COULD help him, if he confesses.

    By the way, any luck on the S/H/D threesome?
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  • From moodysavage on October 08, 2014
    *sigh* maybe Harry should just let the goblins kill Draco... he is a pain in the butt
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