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Reviews for The Music of the Spheres

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - SP777 on June 12, 2015
    I liked this, especially their little strut & dance when they figured something out.
    You should expand on this in the future.
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  • From ANON - starr on June 11, 2015
    Thank you that was a wonderful ending that they are together !!!!!!! in mind and soul :):):)
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  • From ANON - starr on June 05, 2015
    I get Hermione but they do have a life and all of them needs to leave them along !!!!! thanks for the update....nice to sees that they are getting along now and thinking the same also !!!!!!
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  • From ANON - SP777 on May 31, 2015
    To THINK Hermione would be that insensitive but...if the situation were to hit closer to home?

    I've seen movies/TV shows in the past where there is a healer in town & they are called to heal
    EVERY ailment...the question is where DO you draw the line??? Because when you try to pull back,
    then you have people saying ''you have an obligation to this'' & ''you have to do that''. Can be
    frustrating. Definitely a power I wouldn't to have, not THAT one in particular.
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  • From ANON - starr on May 30, 2015
    nice Hermione as ever a know it all !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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