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Reviews for The Dust of Water

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From ANON - SP777 on September 07, 2015
    about #11...

    I felt like I walked into Frankenstein's lab...

    about #12...

    ...and into the Twilight Zone! O_o LoL!
    I think Harry has completely lost it, somewhere down the line and Draco knows it.
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  • From ANON - Silanae on September 07, 2015
    I'm rather enjoying this story. It's an interesting concept and I think you work out the finer details of it quite well, including how some people struggle with accepting that Harry doesn't remember and is thus not the same person, to how some find it easier to accept. As well as his own reaction to it, of course. Keep up the good work. :)
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  • From ANON - starr on August 24, 2015
    yep Harry should have taken Draco's hand he did miss something there and really don't know if it'll be offered again ! ...Draco knows more but not telling and I see why Harry was an ass so who is to say that he doesn't go back to that or worst.....nice can't wait for more .....Thanks !!!!!! and Ron as dumb as ever !
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  • From ANON - moon on August 23, 2015
    Excited. This is one unique story!
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  • From Severus1snape on August 23, 2015
    Ooh, this is soo good.

    Wah - your stories are haunting me - I can
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 20, 2015
    about #9..

    The Mystery That is Harry absolutely boggles the mind. O_o
    Well can't wait until we get to the truth of the matter...and I take it
    Draco had a little crush in the past, maybe?

    ..and for some reason, I don't trust Draco's little wand story, sounds exaggerated.
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  • From ANON - moon on August 16, 2015
    Sounds like Harry was hit with a spell because that behavior is SO unlike him. It doesn't add up. I like the story. Please don't respond to my musings. I never read the responses that you give others. I love to be completely surprised. :)
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  • From ANON - starr on August 16, 2015
    love this the drama the not knowing anything !!!!!! Thanks !!!!!:):):)
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  • From ANON - starr on August 10, 2015
    Was Draco and Harry an item !!!! hope Harry says no to that Rob guy.... wow Harry really grew up really fucked up in the head !!! hope this one is better and stays that way but does what HE wants not want others want of him !!!!! I can see that it'll get worst before it gets better IF Thanks for the update 1!!!! :):)
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on August 09, 2015
    Nooooooo lol... is it wrong that I find the end of this funny? I can't decided who's expression would be funniest... Rob's disappointment and maybe defensiveness because he had a relationship with Harry first and he was excited to get an answer about a possible 2nd chance but got interrupted. Or Draco being shocked again by Harry who is caught in a compromising position that he wouldn't expect from young Harry or older Harry. Or Harry... (I think I pick Harry) who can't remember being attracted to men but just got caught like that with one from his 'recent' rival who used to give him a hard time about everything... and now this! He must think Draco is doomed to witness all his worst moments lol.

    And now I'm dying to know what's next :)
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 09, 2015
    about #8...

    Well that was interesting, but I would have asked the man for Veritaserum myself, just
    to see if there was any truth to what he was saying.
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  • From ANON - SP777 on August 03, 2015
    about #7...

    Damn...if I didn't know better I swear he was doing some type of cocaine. O_o
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on August 03, 2015
    This story is so freakin' interesting. I really like that Harry has this young, sincere and honest vibe going and it's interesting how a mature Draco is going to react to that. And I guess that powder explains how Harry could let himself do all those horrible things but I think the worst knowledge has yet to come.
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  • From ANON - starr on August 02, 2015
    Does Ginny know that harry was with that guy Rob or that he likes men ?? man o man Harry was a prick in the past, but I do understand that he needs to know everything to change it now if he wants to !!!!! Thank you for the update !!!! BTW Hermione does she know or image any of this ????
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  • From ANON - moon on August 02, 2015
    I like it :)
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