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Reviews for Ensnaring Enthralment

By : Sasunarufan13
  • From ANON - on October 23, 2016

    Hi Melissa, 

    I was hoping you would get this and write a sequel to this. It may be a bit late to ask since Halloween is only eight days away, but I'm hoping you already wrote it.  You did the other Halloween series, but with that one I think I found you because when you posted this fic. Anyways,  have a happy Halloween. 


    PS: Please write more of Harry or Draco's point of view and the at least the smut scene where they get together please. 

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  • From ANON - Anon on December 27, 2015
    A come on you can't leave it hanging there. Please write more now, not just for Halloween either like your other fic that I think you wrote only on Halloween. I can't wait a year for an update or who knows how long for it to be completed. Please finish this, pretty please?
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 10, 2015
    Please continue and PLEASE don't make me wait a while year for it as with your other "Dance" fics. Pretty please.
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  • From ANON - Misssy on November 07, 2015
    I hope Harry remembers and finds a way to leave Draco. In my opinion the moment he forced Harry he lost all rights to be with Harry.
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  • From ANON - Hestia on November 05, 2015
    I loved it! It would be great if you could add more chapters please, I would love to see what happens next.
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  • From ANON - SlythindorMalfoy on November 01, 2015
    Wish there was more. :'(
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