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Reviews for In Their Hands *Complete*

By : Desert_Sea
  • From ANON - on July 01, 2016
    is any of this true the did snape catch Miss Granger masturbating inside one of the classrooms?? 

    “When Snape was under hypnosis.” She directed her statement to Lynch and George. “We delved into a few . . . memories. And one happened to be of Dr Granger here.” She threw her a snide sideways look before continuing. “He told me about catching Miss Granger masturbating inside one of the classrooms.”

    “What!” Hermione leapt up so fast that her chair crashed to the ground behind her.

    Simone shrugged. “He was very specific. I believe it to be a true recollection.”

    Hermione was flushed and shaking with fury. “It’s a lie! A complete fabrication!”

    Lynch stood and put a hand on Hermione’s shoulder. “What are you so worked up about? How many times have you been falsely accused of engaging in sexual acts?”

    It was true. She’d lost count of the number of times she’d been implicated in sex scandals by projecting clients. But somehow this was different. She felt an overwhelming sense of unfairness. Perhaps it was young Hermione, the misunderstood child, returning to haunt her.

    Catching the satisfied smirk on Simone’s face, Hermione turned on her heel before storming out the door. “I’m going to bed.”

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  • From ANON - on July 01, 2016
    why dont they put something like a spell or a bracelet on their patiences so that they can NOT do wandless magick? like snape can obviously do !!!
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  • From ANON - FalonIce on June 13, 2016
    Oh that was really good. I loved the development of the relationship and the variety of sex scenes. I read it all the way through in one go. Thanks for writing it
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  • From ANON - MzPearlz on April 19, 2016
    No prob at all! I have written before (it was shit, still is) and I know how it feels to grt those reviews but I believe authors like you need freaking books xD mot only because of the plot and themes but because of how well you hrt your point across! Plus. Snarkyness. I Love. The snark :D

    I also loved the ending! Ahh yes. But I'll keep my eye out for that one shot! ,3
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  • From OracleObscured on April 18, 2016
    "Maybe I have no fucking idea what his motivations were. He didn’t tell me!"--Hahahaha! I know, he's so secretive.
    "And of course, the mystery signature at the bottom of the letter is OO"--LOL! That's great. It was exciting enough reading it in summary form :)
    And no rubber chickens for me. I don't like to eat poultry let alone shove it up my lady business.
    I loved this ending. As always your finales are sweet and sexy (just the way I like them). Calder and Jaeger get a second chance. I was wondering if I should include them in my predictions. (Calder and Jaeger get together and open a hardware store. 50% off ropes and rigging.) Shaun is working out his guilt through physical labor. (So much healthier than cliff-diving). Sarah and Dennis get to make beautiful music together. Luna's staying on to help (and fuck George). Excellent. Ellory was ultimately helped by the sunflowers. And her tension seems warranted with so much going on in her private life. They need some couples' counseling.
    Groin tension. Hahahaha! That's what happens when you're carrying around Nessy in your trousers.
    “And why am I fat with a pointy head?” Snort!
    Overall great ending to this great story. I think this is my favorite so far.
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  • From OracleObscured on April 17, 2016
    "I’m not sure that he even considered when he entered into this that it would be long-term."--He planned to fuck her more than a few times--that's long-term in my book. Enough to form an attachment. (And he must know Hermione's the attachment type.)
    "I’m interested to hear the rest of your predictions."--LOL! I don't have any more predictions. I'm clueless about Ellory (unless she's hot for Lynch). I guess I could make up some stuff. Like...Luna and George have boatloads of crazy hilarious babies...Dennis and Sarah also get together and start a nightclub act where he plays the piano and she sings...Shaun starts his life anew as a private eye...Snape and Hermione create plant hybrids that provide sexual relief/therapy....Lynch becomes involved in a triad with Ellory and Sprout... Am I forgetting anyone? That's all I can come up with right now.
    I don't know if I want you to write any scenes you didn't originally have planned, but the first thing that popped into my head was a Luna/George scene (what else?). Snape catches Hermione watching them.
    I liked this chapter a lot.
    The whole opening part was hilarious. And hot. I love the reveal of the entire scene being spread out from inside the office to outside the office. Oh, and George and Luna definitely need their own claw. Or something better. George could probably whip up something fun (although it might be made out of a rubber chicken or something).
    Hermione and Severus getting it on in the garden was excellent. The writing was exquisite. I loved the deep-throating. The trust involved and the acceptance of him was lovely. And then the sex was all sweet and hand-holdy. Such balance :)
    And now they have a tentative plan. Together. New beginnings for both of them. Excellent.
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  • From ANON - Chea on April 17, 2016
    I knew when I read the chapter before this last one you were reaching the end. Or at least I hoped so because it was beautiful. Everyone was relishing in the emotional calm and coming together. I also felt the glade represented the emotional growth of Severus and Hermione. It was thriving and powerful. I like the way she handled Lynch and I think Severus would be wonderful working with the long as he sticks to potions because I hope he and Hermione stay exclusive to each other. I loved the last chapter. Can't wait for the epilogue. I'm sure you'll round it up well. You always do :)
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  • From ANON - MzPearlz on April 16, 2016
    Yaaaaaaaaaayyyy so much smut and happiness. ..hey....maybe you could make a oneshot smut with George and Luna? XD along with they're voyeurism :D but I'm up for any fluff or smut :D
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  • From Severus1snape on April 16, 2016
    sighs - don´t ever end this story
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  • From ANON - MzPearlz on April 15, 2016
    Have you ever seen how those animals on animal crossing clap? If you haven't then you should youtube it cause that's how I'm clapping right now. OF COURSE HE'S FORGIVEN, HE'S NOT DEAD :D I'm so excited! I'm surprised we didn't get a reaction from the rest of the group from that kiss but I guess they all already knew x3 Theyre all pretty intuitive and I like that x3 So excited!
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  • From OracleObscured on April 15, 2016
    "These types of chronic conditions could indicate some sort of underlying issue, you might need to get it looked at ;)"--I keep trying to owl the retreat for some Snape therapy, but my birds never come back.
    "I think it’s part of a suite of approaches that she is experimenting with and using to broaden her horizons."
    Yeeeeees. This is what was in the back of my mind but I hadn't formulated words for. I was also thinking about the conditioning process. While I think some people just naturally want to be submissive or dominant, a person could be conditioned to find submitting satisfying (or relaxing). As long as there wasn't an outright resistance to it, it would probably be pretty easy. (By the way this is what I didn't want to forget to mention the other night when I had to go to bed before finishing my review). I was also thinking about how Bella's assault/molestation would play into all this. Would someone who had gone through that be amenable to a D/s approach? I think that would be the trickier part of any plans Snape had for "helping" her. Of course this has already been discussed in the story. Hermione wants him to continue and it's very therapeutic and consensual; but I wonder if someone who's been abused in a dominant way and who never had any submissive tendencies would ever really embrace a submissive mindset. (That's not a commentary on the story or anything. I'm just thinking about people in the real world.) I do think letting go is an important (and healing) part of sex, but of course there are lots of ways to do that that don't involve any kind of power play. But, back to the story, part of Snape's goal was to put her in other people's shoes (or ropes if you will). I'm not sure if domination was even a main idea. It seems to be more about opening her up and freeing her mind. Snape might have liked the slight distance the domination provided in the beginning. But any long-term relationship that involves that much trust is going to wind up being way more intense and close; and he should know that. Maybe he did. Maybe he knew that, ultimately, his actions would bring out his own worst fears which he would be forced to face once and for all.
    Okay, enough rambling. Back to the chapter.
    This chapter was great: the healing plants and finding out another way Snape's been helping everyone. And it seems to bring about this huge group healing. Everyone is finding some relief as the story draws to a close. I still don't know what's going on with Ellory, but I assume we'll find out soon.
    And Snape working at the Retreat would fulfill my secret wish/prediction. Yay :)
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  • From ANON - Maral on April 15, 2016
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  • From OracleObscured on April 12, 2016
    Holy sheep shit. This might have been my favorite sex scene so far (although I'm am still rather attached to him eating Sara in the forest). This was inspirational both sexually and word-wise. My pussy and brain both want more. (Alas, my clit was rubbed raw in a bathing incident earlier tonight, so she's been quarantined to prevent any further damage. But I'll be coming back tomorrow to read this again if she's not bruised.)
    I can't figure out if my love of this was due to the graphic and sensual descriptions or if it was the intent behind it. I'm sure it was actually both, but it's probably my favorite due to the intent. I love how she not only using what he's taught her, she's begging for it. She's not saying "oh, this wasn't so bad." She's saying, "I need it." She wants him to fuck the anxiety out of her.
    And he wants to take care of her. He isn't detached, he's right there with her, looking out for her. He takes command while she escapes. But in her escape she finds herself. Which is what I think sex is about. I think that's why I liked this chapter so much.
    I did think about that quote from the other chapter more "Was that the nature of the Dominant-submissive relationship? That the power play could redraw the lines, anew, each time?" I feel like there's something very close about this, but it doesn't go far enough. Hermione and Snape ARE redrawing the lines each time, and subsequently making the grooves a little deeper with each repetition. But Hermione, in this instance, is not what I would consider a real submissive. "Real" (I shudder to use that qualifier) submissives don't need to be talked into doing any of this stuff--they want to do it. They crave it. Lines only need to be redrawn when one person keeps erasing them. For a submissive, being dominated is like "home." You can let go and find peace in not being in charge. Much like Hermione did in this chapter. There was no resistance to his domination, and nothing needed to be reestablished. She's gotten a taste for the freedom submission can bring, and now she's seeking it out as a balm for her stress. What was once a stressor has become a stress reliever.
    Dang it, it's late and I need to go to bed. I hope I don't forget what else I want to say. I'll email you tomorrow. I got three chapters done since I wrote you last. What can I say? I'm more productive when the sun is out. Oh, and yes, I did know that water represents emotions. I couldn't figure out if you were doing it on purpose or not.
    Oh, and I almost forgot to say OH NO, Shaun is gone! As soon as Hermione asked him to stay, I was shouting, "NOooooooooo. Who's gonna watch Shaun?" Lovely cliffhanger. :)
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  • From ANON - MzPearlz on April 12, 2016
    -exasperated scream- God dammit Shaun, you picked the right fucking time to do it xD everyones gunna lose their shit now. Great. I hope he's okay tho....he better not have reniged his deal with Hermione either! Or he shall be shunned the next review ....-cries- but yay lemons....sometimes the downfall of having dorm rooms is having a roommate who stays in it too long >\>
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  • From OracleObscured on April 11, 2016
    Holy crap. Lynch is nuts. Understandably nuts, but nuts all the same. You're right this does all make more sense now. I feel bad for him, but geez, what guilt trip for Hermione. I'm sure she can turn him down without hurting him, but I wonder how they could ever work together after all that. I have had this idea about how I want this story to end for a long time now (but I never say it because I don't want to influence what you have planned). But now I'm wondering how you might be planning to conclude this. So many possibilities. (“She’s beautiful isn’t she?”--Comma between beautiful and isn't.)
    And now I'm working this all out of order. I'll go back to the start. I loved the whole hand-rubbing scene between her and Shaun. Very sweet. I thought for sure when she had him throw the rock in water there was going to be some connection to ripples, but I like what you/Hermione did a lot better. Much more physical than just words.
    Your scene setting with George was great. Mushy leaves for a sad conversation. It seems like emotional revelations happen at the Bath a lot. (Come to think of it, it seems like she always talks to Shaun near the water.)
    I guess I didn't expect George and Luna to be getting it on what with her all burned up, but now I don't know if they're doing anything at all. Luna needs some play. He can still lick her clit, can't he? That doesn't require a lot of contact. And maybe her lips and hands are too burned to do much to him, but I'm thinking George might be willing to hold off on his own pleasure until she's better (or maybe let her direct his masturbation so he can come without hurting her). I am way too into this pairing, aren't I? I'm putting more thought into them than Snape and Hermione.
    I was so fucking confused when you said "Percy told us that he desperately tried to cling on to life." I thought you talking about Percy dying but somehow telling them about his own attempt to cling to life. I didn't catch on till the next paragraph when he said "He was my twin." Then I figured out he was talking about Fred. You might want to change that first he after Percy to Fred to help out the slow people like me who didn't cotton on to the the significance of the preceding paragraph on the first read.
    There was a lot of info in this chapter. I like that. I think this is the first chapter where Snape is barely mentioned. Hermione is becoming her own woman. A new improved model thanks to Snape's influence. I'll keep my eyes peeled for that next update.
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