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Reviews for Fire and Wonder

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From SickPuppy on April 27, 2016
    LOVED THIS! I really liked the way you interspersed it with "interviews" with people - really gave a deeper understanding of the world without needing it all explained. And my heart just about broke when I read Harry's "Too late" on Hermione's letter. Superb! SP
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  • From ANON - SP777 on April 03, 2016
    Ambitious indeed. The idea of a Raven Veela in a HP story IS refreshing.
    Definitely a sight for sore eyes when you're used to reading about the
    average Veela. Nothing wrong with that but it's good to go outside the norm.
    ...and Harry ruling them all is fitting.

    I see where you got inspirations for most of the story, but would you consider
    expanding on this, if you got into the flow of this again?
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