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Reviews for Quartet

By : OracleObscured
  • From Desert_Sea on February 11, 2017

    Damn, I was too late. You’re going to have to take it as a double-banger.

    ‘Blood purity became the folly of youth, a meaningless trinket that had kept his attention with its sparkle and novelty. Now it lay shattered on the ground, nothing more than rust and dust.’ – wonderful writing, as well as insight into his mindset, again seemingly transformed by loss.

    ‘path lead’ – should be path led.

    ‘rotting in his room until his body gave out’ – an interesting dependence and closeness established early on.

    ‘He just crossed his leg and continued to sip his bourbon as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening. That was fine by Lucius. His mere presence would be enough to assure her compliance.’ – always intrigued by a closed Severus.

    ‘he recognized a surreptitious sweaty hand blot when he saw one’ – nice visual.

    ‘his lips tingled with the ghost of kisses long past’, ‘He felt a bit useless with no one to care for.’– okay, so now he’s growing on me ;)

    ‘But he was about as cuddly as a rhinoceros’ – bahahahah!

    Now I’m interested in Hermione’s perspective on all this. I guess I’ll need to wait for chapter 5! ;)

    Onto chapter 4 . . . mmmm

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  • From Desert_Sea on February 09, 2017

    Nice continuation. I like the chapters from their different POVs.

    ‘Later, his mother had given him some child-appropriate explanation, telling him that Snape was their “special friend,” and sometimes he stayed in their bed—like a sleepover’ – Yesss. I’d like a special friend like that.

    ‘He came home from the funeral and wrapped himself in the shrouds of his sheets and buried himself in their bed.’ – mirroring Draco’s couch sadness. Sorta makes me like him too, but not quite.

    Draco has a surprising amount of insight into his own motivations. I’m wondering how old he is and how he came to realise he’d moved beyond the superficial.

    ‘But how does a wizard bridge the gap between mate and mating?’ – very nice. :)

    ‘cordial cunnilingus’ – *snort* I think I want some of that too.

    ‘It’s only polite to go out and say hello.” – I totally agree. Let’s go!

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  • From Dyrim2285 on February 07, 2017

    Ahhhhhh I'm so excited!! I've been checking back to see if you have posted anything new and enjoying re-reading everything else in anticipation.


    im really enjoying the direction this is going so far. I've pretty much always been a Snape/Hermione fan, but I really enjoy the way you write Draco and Hermione's relationship as well.

    Also, sex and puns. Ha! Great times.

    looking forward to the rest!

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  • From Desert_Sea on February 07, 2017

    Well, what can I say . . . thank fuck it’s finally here! :D

    I love it already. Hermione is so you it’s just not funny (well it is funny but that’s why she’s you). I’m excited but also a little scared about what we’re in for. I have a feeling she’s a lot more forward than in TMG, even more than GP, so I’ll be very interested in the dynamic that develops.

    So onto my favourite bits (and fixes – haha).

    I must commend you on the early ‘pitch’ – I believe it was for me and even if it wasn’t, I’ll take it.

    Loved the leather and arousal innuendos and then the Winged Victory of Samothrace through the books – brilliant.

    ‘Prat Prince of Slytherin, Draco 2.0’ – *snort*.

    ‘He'd done more for Creature Justice than anybody would ever know—including him’ – hahahah.

    ‘huddled into a ball under her Aunt Geraldine’s green afghan, his eyes red and swollen from crying’ – so now I already like him, D’oh!

    ‘fondle his massive literary endowment’ – Yum!!

    ‘fondle at her at her leisure’ – 2x ‘at her’

    ‘her selections scattered around her like empty bottles after a bender’ – excellent visual.

    ‘This was so . . . dirty. And spellbinding.’ *double snort*

    ‘It's a heart attack waiting to happen’ – I really liked this for some reason.

    ‘Hermione's eyes bugged out as he rubbed the other man like a magic lamp’ – Another great visual.

    ‘rumbling resonance of each vowel and the broken pulse of each consonant’ – mmm, more yum.

    ‘she was pretty sure he was lingering in Crotchville’ – best place to linger . . . similar to Centerville I suspect ;)

    Oooh, and the last line? I’m thinking Draco . . . looking forward to seeing if I’m right!

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  • From Fnanon on February 05, 2017

    HOLY BONKERS THIS IS GREAT SO FAR! Please Sir/m'am, I really need some more, and soon!

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