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Reviews for At the Headmaster’s Discretion *Complete*

By : Desert_Sea
  • From Remarkable on June 19, 2017

    UUuuuhhhhhh oooohhhhhh!!! She's really touched a nerve now. I think she's going to end up regretting what she said. And I wouldn't be surprised if he either tries to end the association by giving her wand back and the rest of the points or just giving her the wand back by having it on her pillow with a note or something, leaving her panicking. This does not bode well. On the bright side, balls are good for furthering the plot device!!

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  • From OracleObscured on June 19, 2017

    Ooooooo! I told you. She's cruisin for a bruisin. The only problem with pushing people's buttons is sometimes you actually hurt them, and it looks like she found a weak spot. She'd better apologize, because Snape seems like the kind of man who'd shut her out over an offense like that rather than punish her. Redemption might be a steeper mountain than she's prepared to climb if she keeps biting the hand that spanks her.

    was he seeking to achieve some bizarre redemption of his own?--I think he is :)

    I loved the whole "branding bonanza" bit. I think he did it on purpose too, but it turns me on, so I'm in favor of him stamping his initials all over her (or me).

    “Closer.”--Your anagrams are showing, Dr. Lecter. (Sorry, anagrams don't really apply, but it was the first line that popped into my head.)

    “No one would want you.”--*Gasp!* Noooooooo. Way to make me side with Snape, Hermione.

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  • From Mistress on June 18, 2017

    Ah, finally. It's about time he showed some sort of a feeling. As much as I love Severus in all forms, I was waiting for the moment she's going to make him show some emotions. Go Hermione. Can't wait for what's next to come. 

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  • From OracleObscured on June 17, 2017

    Well first off, you get a thousand bonus points for calling this chapter Thighmaster. That might have been enough to make me love it on its own. But then you went and got all wonderfully dirty and poignant on me. Of course I loved the display position and spanking, but I loved the way he made her accept her own part in their game by making her do the riding. And of course the whole holding her at the end part was touching and revealing.

    I could see in the earlier chapters that Snape was trying to impart some sort of lesson in his actions, but I couldn't tell if it was just a sexual lesson (teaching her about her body) or a lesson in learning to let go. But this chapter in particular was far more telling. The way he pushed her past her comfort zone and brought her to tears (and then praised her for them) indicates that his mission is actually one of  healing. It's more than just teaching her to let go--he's bringing her back into the very emotions that have brought her the most confusion and pain. He's forcing her to deal with them.

    That made me start to think about her actions up to that point. Although she put in the appearance of trying to be sneaky, she really hasn't been. It's more like she's been trying to get into trouble. Whether she's seeking the adrenaline rush of being bad or if she's subconsciously trying to get punished for her guilt, she purposely did things that would be considered reckless (especially for someone so regimented). She's pretty much screaming for help. And Snape is obliging. Albeit in an unorthodox manner. (Or is there sexual therapy that actually works like this? If there is, that a profession I'd be interested in pursuing.)

    Fav bits--

    who knew what she might have transfigured and tried to shove up herself otherwise--Bahahahaha! Oh, honey, you don't have to transfigured them first :P

    How was that possible? How did he incite conflict in even her most primitive impulses?--I love this question.

    nothing more than the forced opening of another callow neophyte--This was great, and callow neophyte was delicious.

    She would gladly risk the head injury to avoid the mortification flopping around inside her like a dying fish.--Love this description (and the sentiment).

    Hermione found herself on the verge of suggesting that he do the same--Hahahahaha! DoitDoitDoit! And this is yet another example of her need for self destruction, as that would surely bring on his wrath. I'm impressed she stayed silent.

    Remorse? What fucking remorse?-- :D I'm glad she's being honest with herself.

    When she’d Obliviated her parents she had chosen survival . . . and the cold rejection that came with it.--This whole part about her parents and the reflection (and blame) she associates with them was both revealing and beautifully sad.

    I'm curious to see where Snape takes her next--what scab will he pick off and what will he reveal about himself in the process. Besides saving her from her own self-destructive ways, I don't know what his angle is yet.

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  • From Kvarta on June 16, 2017

    yes, but there might be a reason for that ;) - since you are the writer I'm more than sure there is a reason behind everything ;)

    this one’s definitely more smutty than plotty - I like smutty, I have nothing against smutty :D


    I just love her inner mussing. She's definitely overthinking it. Nice description of the awakening of her sexsuality. And nice dilemma to put her in, sex for the sake of sex, pure physical satisfaction vs involvement of any kind.

    He’d turned her away the last two times she’d gone to see him, citing a busy schedule—although he hadn’t looked particularly busy. - hahahaha, sly snake :Dhe keeps her on the edge and waiting for her to be desperate enough ^-^

    an electrical super-highway, sending shockwaves rippling through her entire body - just love this description

    Spank? How old was she? Five? - yeah I could ask her that too, but from different reasons :D

    “This will give you an opportunity to reflect upon the nature of your remorse.” - love this bit

    There was no reason for her to continue to feel guild-ridden, whatsoever./But she did. Of course she did. It was her default state. It had been for a long time. - I'm just going to grin, widely :D

    And whilst she wasn’t under any illusions about whether this was normal sex—the sort of thing that she would do with someone she loved - and why not?

    But then she heard him speak again, one word, “Good,” murmured quietly, followed by his palm soothingly rubbing her burning rump. - awwwww :)

    It was his mouth—it had to be—a sinuous pressure, impossibly soft and feathery against her clitoris. - ok I know I'm overworked and almost completely braindead (which is obvious from my comments) but I have problem visualising this scene, the physics of it to be precise :/ I adore it, I just have problem releasing how is it possible from his position, based on where she is and where his hands are, wouldn't she feel him shift?

    What Snape had done—what he was still doing—was undoubtedly wrong but something about it gave her permission . . . permission to feel. - love it <3

    If her previous orgasm was akin to a possession, this was an exorcism - ughhhhhh, fantastic!

    she suddenly felt the sensation of her clothes wrapping back around her body. She’d forgotten them. - this is sweet :)

    I know you are used to different type of comments from me, but I had two exhausting days.  I hope next time I'll be 
    Can't wait that "next time", btw  ;)

    Love&Kisses&Hugs <3 :*

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  • From Remarkable on June 15, 2017

    I've been sitting here all evening trying to think of something clever to say, and I tell ya, it's just not happening. Hermione really overthinks stuff. It's good sometimes, but in this instance I'm not sure if it's good for her or just going to drive her 'round the bend. Thanks for the answer about quim by the way. It was interesting to read your thought processes and I wouldn't have thought to approach it the way you did, so that was food for thought.

    I think there's something to be said for the way Snape is going about this. He is clearly getting something out of it. And really, it could be just about anything. This is now bordering on D/s and I'm keeping my fingers crossed there's something to my educated guess. 

    Is Severus fulfilling an undisclosed need of his own? Is he subtly training Hermione under the very credible but dubious guise of discipline and point redemption? Does he have ulterior motives for going about it this way? Isn't he afraid she'll say something? I can imagine the fallout if she tried to. Oh boy, I don't even want to go there.

    Your mental twists and turns in this story make my head spin. It's like a labryrinth for sure, and god only knows where this merry-go-round is going to end up. Hopefully right side up with everything and everyone intact. I love happy endings. *Hint* LOL Just kidding, sort of.

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  • From Remarkable on June 10, 2017

    Jesus. Fucking. Christ. He's an imaginative bastard, I'll give them up. And he's 'opening' her up to the pleasures of debauchery very nicely. And for points, to boot. I do wonder what he's getting out of it. Oh, don't mind my pun. I had to return the favor. 

    I honestly *must* ask you what allure the word 'quim' holds for you and a number of other writers. I respect your right to use it, but I've trained myself to insert 'pussy' or in this case, 'cunt' in place of it because I find it so grating. Is it something that is popular in the British Isles to use in the vernacular? Just curious if it's a writer's preference or if it's regional. I've never, in my entire life, heard female genetalia referred to as 'quim' (shudder), hence the curiousity.

    I wonder why he made her keep her head inside the sweater. How odd, but I guess it kept her trapped. You use some very good analogies which I find is hard to do once so many are over used. They're very apt.

    This chapter really had me on edge with the depravity, and I had to wait until my yapping family had gone to bed to properly enjoy it. Thanks for the great read. I thoroughly enjoyed their point-making session.

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  • From Kvarta on June 10, 2017

    you do give him a lot of leeway! - do I? Anyway, they are on their "third date", so yeah, he is switching to foreplay ;)

    I’ll be interested to see what you think after this chapter. - I could tell you here, but it will be clearly visible from my further comments ;)

    in his own fucked up way - I'm not so sure of his way is fucked up, but you'll get what I mean by that later in comments ;)

    the trophy? Hardly ;) - now you got me all heated up for his POV, and I know that his POV would mess up things royally, because (and I can't believe I'm saying this!!!) this story is so great  from her point of view. Revealing his motives would dampened it considerably at this point and through the better part of it, I think.


    as though it would be naïve to dismiss his intentions so easily  - I agree with this, even if he's doing this only for pleasure shakes, it is too much of a mind game to be pure straight line :D

    But could it equally evidence his own derailment? Was this, in fact, a manifestation of his own trauma, enacted or projected onto her?  - I love this, and there are slight possibility that she is right. Then again, observing from different angle, one that she can notice but with great difficulty is parallel between their positions. She is Head Girl, that is position of responsibility, and expectations from her, from student body from teachers lay on her shoulders. On the shoulders of a girl who just went through the war, level-headed as she is, war is traumatic experience. And suddenly she's  just supposed to "fit back in", like nothing happened? Isn't that something he went through in his youth?

    If I adopt that perspective, he's still in same position he was during his life as a teacher and double spy.   He's still not free, leading the school is more of a  dance on a tight rope than true feel of power. He still has to bow his head on occasion, to tiptoe around various red tapes, to be careful not to anger those who pour the funds in to the  school account, to keep things going.  Not really freedom or a free reign, more of a servitude. 

    And for either of their positions, which are not that much of a different, sex is perfect outlet. She can't deal with much more pressure, no matter what she thinks.  And, he can't afford to lose control, not anymore  and not again. In a way they are perfect match.

    in fact they’d occurred to date mostly without her consent - self delusion is a marvelous thing! There is a "small" matter in being have to decide and to surrender, you have to allow it to happen.  And to enjoy it, you have to desire it. But she is "typical" example of repressed personality (brains or no brains), concerned more to fit in to the boundaries of the socialy accsepted normes then to be her true self. There is japanese phrase "live your life to the fullest" which translates to being bold to do/experience what you want without regret even at the price of public condemnation. She is absolute opposite of that saying, and he is twisted and distorted version of it.

    her book back . . . and her wand . . . and her freedom - odd order of things and priorities, wouldn't you say so? ;)

    I love his mind games :)

    No it doesn’t. It requires a willingness to surrender. - be still my heart! I love how he's toying with her! It does require thrust, and a loads of it.  By her behaviour so far...she trust him more than she thrust herself. More to the point she is more honest with him than she is to herself.

    Then he stopped. - I just love this bit, it is so telling. 

    His emphasis on each ‘p’ word, was driven home by simultaneous thrusts from his fingers into both holes, making her whimper. - fck! *runs away to fetch a bucket of cold water*

    But she didn’t—she was positive she didn’t. - she's thinking with her head instead accepting herself.

    made her wonder what she really knew of herself, her true desires - thank you :D

    leaving both holes shuddering and ticking, and surprisingly bereft. - ugh, his "speech" and entire scene...*pours the bucket of cold water over head*

    “Are you all right, Miss Granger?” - BINGO! ;)

    He had serviced her. And he clearly wanted her to know it. - fantastic!

    “Return it to your grandmother,” he muttered. “She needs it more than you do.” - hahahahahaha :D

    Oh, and yeah, I still stand behind all I said to the previous chapter, whether you intended that or not, we'll see if you'll come up with some plot to turn things  around the bend, knowing you - probably you will :D

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  • From OracleObscured on June 10, 2017

    Aaaaaaaah! That wasn't enough. I still need more. And now you've introduced me to a new fetish: Bondage by blouse entrapment. All the privacy of a changing room with all the access you've come to know and love. Mmmmmm. Shirt sex.

    And now you've introduced us to some possible plotty reasons for Snape's actions. (Damn you for interrupting my sex with thought!) And now I'm wondering more about the reasons behind his efforts. (Why would you make me do that? We were having such a nice time with dirty Snape.)

    Fav bits--

    hands a pale knot against the small of his back.--Love this visual.

    The suggestion that she’d brought all this upon herself was insulting--She has a short memory, doesn't she? That's exactly what she wanted.

    Hermione frowned. For some reason she found this even more insulting.--Hahahaha!

    Snape frowned as though it were a word he’d never encountered before—one he’d never entertained.--I don't know why this cracked me up so much, but it did. :)

    Hermione was grateful that her humiliation was currently hidden within what could only be described as a tunnel of shame.--Bhahahahaha! Oh god! I've been a bad girl and I need to be locked in a tunnel of shame.

    —as though she’d accidentally discovered a person buried within that cold shell.--Love this realization.   

    "Both female openings are incredibly amenable to manipulation . . . to insertion.”--Unh! Damn straight!

    "Two bucks—stags, fighting for supremacy inside the ductile arena of her body.”--So hot. And ductile is going in my word notebook.

    face boiled like a dumpling by the hectic rasps of her steaming breath--Hahahaha! Oh gods! Perfect simile.

    He had serviced her. And he clearly wanted her to know it.--Hot damn. He can service me anytime he likes. I loved this whole wiping his fingers bit. Forcing her to own up to the visceral reality of what just happened (especially since she was essentially hiding the whole time) was wickedly hot.

    As she turned, her cardigan suddenly buffeted her in the face. “Return it to your grandmother,” he muttered. “She needs it more than you do.”--Hahahahaha! Perfect ending. :D

    You know I'm already salivating for the next chapter. (I won't say what my pussy is doing.) I'll practice my shirt-restraint sex positions in the meantime.

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  • From Remarkable on June 08, 2017

    Well, Headmaster, it seems you've made some 'head'way har har. It's amazing how he's messing with her at the same time teaching her something about her own sexuality. With Snape, there's almost always a lesson in what he shares with others. I can see him being attracted to her while still getting off on the humiliation and domination, lording the points over her like the greasy, snarky, sarcastic and sour bastard he is. I like my Snape able to keep others off balance. And his position makes it all the more forbidden. 

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  • From OracleObscured on June 05, 2017

    "ATHD – sounds like a disorder"

    Hahahahaha! Whatever it is, I have it :P

    Uuuuuunnnh! This chapter was so delicious. My dub-con heart is all aflutter. (And my perverse punishment loving pussy is weeping in ecstasy.) I love the current of intrigue running through the background too. Has Hermione not considered the idea that maybe he's just doing all this because he's a horny motherfucker? (I'm not saying that's my guess; I'm just being practical.)

    Fav bits--

    the vacant penumbra around her only adding to her humiliation.-- Love this description. Penumbra was perfect.   

    she was having trouble dislodging his deep resonance from her auditory memory, like schizophrenic utterances, urging her to do things to herself.--Me too! That's probably what the ATHD is. Auditory Trance Hypnosis Disorder. 

    "I doubt you could manage anything more . . . robust.”--Bahahaha! Seductive BURN!

    "Aren’t you fortunate that I came at precisely the right time?”--Oh gods! Yes! Yes! Yes, I am glad. Thank you. Come again. (You have to read that last bit in Apu's voice.)

    his index finger trailed lightly up and down his bicep--I don't know why this turns me on so much, but it does.

    but knew that he would be absorbing her red flush like a vampire.--Love this description.

    (Ten per cent of her deficit all at once--Percent is one word. But for a few seconds you made me question whether that was true.)

    "From now on you will come to me for redemption.”--Oh. My. God. You are fucking killing me! Now I have to dry out my underwear. Thank you so much. (No, really. Thank you so much :D)

    Now you've inspired me to schedule an appointment with the JGG. Good thing the house was empty today.You'd better update again soon. I may be patient, but my pussy demands satisfaction. She said to tell you, "More!" :)


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  • From Kvarta on June 05, 2017

    I can assure you that, despite current appearances, it’s going to have more depth than that (at least I hope so!). - I wasn't expecting anything less from you ;) 

    Let me know if you feel it falling down that hole.  - Don't worry, I'll be first in line to tell you, but at the moment is seems like this is just the courting, I'm waiting at least foreplay for that judgement ;)


    In a way he is placing her in a same position he was in, at  least partially, the part of the collective and outcast simultaneously. At the same time, he is closing the circle for her, returning her to the same possition where she was before she became friend with Harry and Ron. It still begs the question is he just playing with her or is he trying to give her a unique perspective?  Even through the books they are the same and absolute opposites in a same time, she succeeded where he failed  but everything is quite the same. They remind me a bit of yin and yang symbol. 

    He also gave her a shift of focus, instead of rule-breaking he's forcing her to focus on herself. Maybe even to truly face herself for the first time, she does desperately try to live up to image she has in her head, more than who she trully is. In general, Severus is force to be recon with, but along the lines with my previous statement, I have nagging feeling that for her he is a bizarre form of reflecting surface. 

    No point deductions. Please. No points./Points reward. Please. More Points. - Oh you are so mean to her, he's playing her hot and cold, you made it sound so juicy it is sinful. Oh, and yeah, no way in hell he'll give her points for regular work :D

    I had been in the process of informing you of Professor Slughorn’s absence - "lucky" coincidence or quite deliberate one? My bet is on the later. 

    I just love how he is toying with her during class. And  this confirms a bit my theory that he indeed needs a bit of thrill, a rush of hiding a secreet by exposing it for everyone to see (E.A. Po and "Hidden in plain sight" comes to mind) ;) Also, pushing on her limits is added bonus :D

    “I would ask that you inform me before doing anything like . . . like you did last time.” - hahahahaha, she does have a death wish, hell she's  dancing tango with the death itself. 

    “No.” - ugh, shivers down my spine! He does not disappoint.

    Either he was incredibly short sighted  - you made me laugh

    What a delightful and steaming hot lesson :D And that's what it is, a lesson. he is teaching her! Brilliant!!!! And what a lesson, makes you want to return to the "school bench" :D

    No point in c/p entire scene on the table, allow me to quote Ron "bloody hell, that was brilliant!"

    Perhaps the aim of all of this really was to fuck her up.   - or set her free ;)

    He lifted the heel of his hand to his mouth, sucking it as he watched her, before flicking the cuff of his shirt back down. “You do squirt.” - unghhhhhhh, ahem, and what happened to his frock coat? I don't recall him attempting to clean it, just taking it with him :D

    Can't wait for the next chapter!
    Take care!

    Hugs&Kisses xx  

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  • From Norla on June 05, 2017

    Wow.  Intensity overload. I was getting comfortable with the Severus from the last few stories, the one who was all "I'm actually really afraid of being hurt so I'll just act like a prick, to everyone, especially Hermione". This Severus, is truly frightening. Looking forward, I think, to see where this story goes. Thanks for sharing your talent. 

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  • From Remarkable on June 04, 2017

    This is horribly  naughty and delicious and train-wreck-can't-look-away worthy! Lovely so far! And the humliation is perfect.

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  • From Lissa on June 01, 2017

    Chapter 2

    -"...Then come to me." - Full body shivers.

    -The tumb and ring finger of the other hand delicately touched together in what looked like anticipation. -I have no idea why this sentence made me hot, but it did. lol

    -She would fall on him? He would watch and laugh? -Snort

    -"Do you never venture inside?" - The taunts - bloody hell. I'm equally disturbed and turned on.

    -"the pot of nectar that glistens before me now, ready to grease hit phallus, to receive him, to usher him directly into your tight heat, the enticement so absolute that he must return, more desperately each time." *fans self* Holy crap. Delicious.

    -So, I think my jaw absolutely hit the floor when he shoved a finger up her pussy. I totally wasn't expecting him to get "phsycial" with her the very first time. Good shock factor! The statement "one index finger glistened with her juices" hot.

    -The audacity of the five point reduction was good. Floored me again. Cripes!

    More, more, more! Love!



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