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Reviews for Made of Common Clay

By : Lomonaaeren
  • From moodysavage on May 13, 2018

    Kreacher is funny. I like how he reacted to Harry getting himself in trouble again and kidnapped by stupid people lol.

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  • From Kain on April 15, 2018

    Ah that murky grey area morality area of things and i like that at least some people are questioning Harry's goal while also not agreeing completely with how things currently are in the wizarding world. You can see where they are coming from when they think that Harry intends on burning everything down and then skipping town to leave them to deal with it.

    Harry has been pushed past the brink after years of trying to do things the moral way and now intends on breaking the corrupt wheel. Would he have also at one point considred just taking out the ones spining the wheel and their closest supporters? I mean like get in close and take out both the un chamber and the kingmakers and hope that whoever fills the void has the best intentions of the people at heart?

    Curious on what he plans to do with the Elder Wand and what spell is gonna be used. Maybe not the best move to straight up tell Harry her intentions on opposing him but got to at least give Ginny points for having the balls to say that to him. If only that conviction could instead have been put to aiding Harry instead of going against him. She knows what he can do and while she is a tough little thing, a fight between them would not go her way. Will Ron have anything to say about his sister possibably being their enemy?

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  • From moodysavage on February 24, 2018

    I've never liked Pansy. I like the way she got herself arrested. Is it a permanent Imperius curse? It wouldn't be good for her to tell all the Sun people that it was Harry who made her confess or the ministry who would get on his case for using blood magic. And that mother totally deserved justice for her son. I like that she was able to know the plan and watch. It also saves her from doing something stupid to get in trouble by getting revenge herself.

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  • From moodysavage on January 28, 2018

    Is it just me or does everyone else also like when Harry is a badazz? :)

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  • From moodysavage on January 05, 2018

    They are really stupid to think that Harry would willingly get rid of one of his best friends because she is Muggleborn. Are they just willingly blind to his friendship with Hermione?

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  • From bananasforyou on December 08, 2017

    Wow!  Bring it down!  Great chapter by the way 

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  • From SickPuppy on November 25, 2017

    Ch12 - Well, that was entertaining! And I did chuckle at Harry's response to Parkinson casting Avada Kedavra - Historically that's failed to work in the past (or words to that effect) LOL! SP

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  • From bananasforyou on November 25, 2017

    Love this story, please continue!

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  • From SickPuppy on November 13, 2017

    Love all the people who think they can control Harry - and are wrong! Looking forward to the duel. SP

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  • From moodysavage on October 21, 2017

    Ok I finally logged in so I could review... I think Harry is hilarious in this. He's having such a good time and I'm having a lot of fun watching it :)

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  • From BookDragon on October 16, 2017

    Thanks for the update!

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  • From BookDragon on October 04, 2017


    I didn't catch this at the beginning and am crossing my fingers it's an "update every week" kind of story

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  • From BookDragon on October 04, 2017

    This is awesome! I do hope it gets finished!!!

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  • From SickPuppy on September 29, 2017

    Ch8 - Loved scary Harry, and Dragon Harry, and peacemaker Harry. He really has to keep on his toes, doesn't he?! SP

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  • From Kain on September 18, 2017

    Wonder if Susan will decide to side with Harry once she finds out just how little the group regards her and what she suffered from  the war. Harry is just dancing circles around the clowns and the only ones who suspect are the Malfoy's and thats mainly because they are natuarrly suspicious of him and know not to underestimate him and dont like him.

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