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Reviews for Gryphon Baiting

By : gryphnwng
  • From ANON - cutie_draco84 on July 29, 2003
    What's Sirius's idea? I"d be kind of scared if I wasn't Draco! That's not rite, those ppl at M.O.M they prob wanted to keep his stuff. Poor Draco
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  • From ANON - Dragon\'s Girl on July 29, 2003
    wow! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your story but not the fact that every chapie ends in a cliff! It will keep me reading, but in the meantime i'll just be quietly going insain over in the corner. PLEASE write more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Lizzypetsrus (dont ask!) on July 25, 2003
    Awou hou have gotta keep going with this. Bloody cliffies! PLEASE keep going, it's really good!
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  • From ANON - mikochef22 on July 25, 2003
    Hot Harry and Siri, on the Rivera... I think im drooling....i hate cliffhangers! You do them thanks for the update... keep 'em coming.... Dracos a waiter huh... interesting... didnt see that coming... Thank You Very Much ;) ~>mc~>
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  • From ANON - animekid on July 24, 2003
    LOl! This was funny in a lemony way! I want to know more about how H/D got together in the first place! Mpreg would just make this more funny, (Harry or Draco I hope Sirius finds someone and gets some alright!
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  • From ANON - Aranel Turelie on July 23, 2003
    Yay! I love the cliff hanger at the end. I can't wait for the next chapter, so let me know when you update!

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  • From ANON - Shorty on July 18, 2003
    your story is jokes i was laughing my ass off the whole time i was reading it i can't wait for
    the next chapter please write some more soon. your and excellent writer so keep sharing
    your gift. bye
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  • From ANON - Aranel on July 08, 2003
    Um, that rev review I left was supposed to say "HOT sex", not "not sex". Duh. Learn to type, eh? Anyway, your slash scene was awesome. I can't wait to hear how Harry and Draco got together and if Ron and Hermione ever consumate their relationship.

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  • From ANON - Aranel on July 08, 2003
    I really loved your story. It was not sex, well written, and I didn't find many mistakes. Keep up the good work, and let me know when you add chapters. Pretty please?

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  • From ANON - Takaro on July 08, 2003
    *cheers* OH YEAH BABY! I'm soooooo loving this fic! I can't wait to see more of it *does a little dance* So mmm....
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  • From ANON - demngrl on July 08, 2003
    Oh Yes! Please do an mpreg! Can you make the one who gets pregnant Draco? PLEEEEEASE. I absolutely love your story it's wonderful! More sex scenes too please! I thought the last one was perfect.
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  • From ANON - Anata on July 07, 2003
    Mmmm...lemony goodness. Yummy! ^-~
    I'm eager to hear the "explanation" of their relationship. I think Draco is very cute curled up in Harry's arms, albeit a little OOC. Other than that, no complaints here, only compliments!
    PS-Could you email me when you udate?
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  • From ANON - Ebon Wings on July 07, 2003
    I love your story. I'm glad you made it longer. As far as the mpreg question go for it. It's one of the things i wopay pay to see in real life so it makes me happy to see it in the stuff i read. Plus I think it's so cute when the guy get's all sappy and hormaonal and then the next second he's like biteing the other guys head off. Plus I think they would make such good dads and have the cutest lil ones.
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  • From ANON - Raija on July 07, 2003
    How about few more chapters? C'mon we need to know,I need to know how they got together.
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  • From ANON - cutie_draco on July 07, 2003
    I love your story, it was so cute. If anyone could bring the wicked out of Harry is my fav Slytherin, please write more. Also I like your idea I love the thought of the mpreg (a little one with harry's ebony locks and Draco's silver orbs!!!! to cute). I can just imagine Draco lovingly complaining that the baby was ruining his figure.
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