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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - myrine on March 29, 2004
    Do you hate me if I tell you that was sweet? Great dialogues between Draco and Harry. I don't get, it wasn't worse than former chapters. "I hate you"-"fuck me" was no surprise but well done.
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  • From GraycefulChaos on March 29, 2004
    I must tell you, I love you so much right now. Curse any flamer that has tried to insult you, when it is obvious that they do not deserve to read your art. It reminds me, the want to feel pain, to rip yourself apart to do so. To close off your heart just so you can be free. When smiles aren't real anymore.

    I babbled. Sorry.

    I hope you don't mind if I point something out, though it is rather trivial. It just stuck in my mind. This is probably really stupid of me but...

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  • From ANON - ajkit91 on March 28, 2004
    I am loving this!!!
    It's awsome! Keep it coming.
    Love it Love it Love it!
    post soon please
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  • From ANON - DeathStryke on March 28, 2004
    Well, I read the unedited version and was going to leave my review on Unfortunately, as you probably are already aware, yfic fic is no longer on the site >:(. What the feck is up with those morons at!?

    Ok, on to the review. Awesome chapter, as always! That "dream bonding" sequence (and everything that lead up to it) was very original, and extremely intense! To put it in a nutshell: Was it worth the wait? Do we want more?? Hell yeah!! :D

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter! I'll bookmark this version in case you don't repost the fic on the fecked-up site, as I've got you in my author alert list. Take care!!

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  • From ANON - ransgal on March 28, 2004
    Woo-Hoo! Way to tell Miss Leslie. BTW lovin the story!!!! Dark Harry rocks!! SLYTHERINS rock (for anyone out there *cough* who claim to be a fan and can't spell) Anyway, does she know the meaning of FANFICTION - if she wanted everything to go in accordance to the books with no outside imagination, she should stick to reading the books, end of. Anywho, carry on - it's so deliciously morish!!!!!

    big chibi smiles, ransgal
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  • From ANON - Black Elf(*Cherish) on March 28, 2004
    Ok.. you're not going to tell me that A Song Unsung got deleted from are you?
    THIS CHAPTER WAS ABSOLUTELY GREAT, BRILLIANT... I I I don't know what to say... Please update soon, or I'll die or something like that
    Lots and Lots of Love, Black Elf (*Cherish)
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  • From ANON - Cory on March 28, 2004
    at first I started out hating this story, because Harry desicribed me so well and it scared me, but then as I followed more into the story I was pleasently surpised at the outcome, and I was surpirised that they hadn't realized that to hate so much is to love with a passion.

    the 13th chapter was my favortie when they finally realized they needed each other, not only to keep Draco alive, but in a passionate way as well. and that made me happy, they needed eachother to feel and to be no matter what they say they are coneccted and they are happy about it, or they will be, it is already starting to happen.

    the mantra "I hate you" that Harry was repaeting, seemed only to deny the feelings to himself, was more to convince himself he didn't feel anything for Draco than to actually tell him he hated him.

    please continue this story, there was so much more I wanted to say but couldn't find a way to put it into words.
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  • From ANON - stacy on March 28, 2004
    This is the best story I have ever read. I swear to you, I have never read anything more origional with a used idea. I like angsty Harry (which is how I've always seen him in my head), and the fact that Draco isnt' all lovey is just...I am in deep awe. Please, as quick as you can, please, write more. I've never been this drawn to a story. You have my undivided attention, and respect, as a fellow writer, and fellow Harry Potter lover.

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  • From ANON - Jessie on March 28, 2004
    I ADORE this story! Anyone that tells you you need writing lessons is an utter imbecile! Yes you have a few small grammatical errors, but compared to most of the stories on this site there is no comparison. You have talent. I eagerly await the next chapter, and I hope you use those stupid reviews as fuel for a nice crispy bonfire!

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  • From ANON - SecretStage on March 27, 2004
    alright, im not claiming to be a great writer, cause i know im not, however, i know good work when i read it. your story has a good plot, yes, but the charac are are so OOC (hermione, ron, dumbledore, mcgonagall, harry; draco is somewhat believable) that its hard to even concentrate on it. you say u are a professional writer, you have many errors in your grammar and a lot of thinking to do when the chaers ers come into play. however, like i said before, your plot is really good, you just need to work on your characters. ~SSb
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  • From ANON - Eimear on March 27, 2004
    This is really good- it's rougher then I usually like, but I'm still lovingry mry minute of it. I can't wait to see where you take it.
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  • From ANON - MaLady Verdi Molto on March 27, 2004
    Dah! *Falls over* Yes, it was definately worth the wait! x.x; But, I wouldn't have minded if the chapter had come out sooner. *Hint, hint* Dah, You need to continue the fic. You torture me (and your other readers) so! Dah! I want to know what happens next! Grr~! I don't like Lucius... And I don't want Draco to be Initiated... ;.; I like how Harry and Draco are all cute and stuff... ^^; But the whole Let-me-beat-the-crap-out-of-you-and-then-kiss-it-and-make-it-better-just-so-I-can-do-it-over-again-ness is happy, too. ^^; (Not happy as in the emotion...
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  • From ANON - thamodis on March 27, 2004
    I am really fascinated by this story. It is so very differenom aom any of the other H/D fics I've read, which makes it that much more interesting since I can't predict where you are going with it. I hope you update soon!
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  • From ANON - lynntownsend on March 27, 2004
    YES! *PLEASE* continue to update this story!!! I apologize for not reviewing more,(REALLY unforgivable as you're one of my
    fave writers...One of the very first H/D stories that I read was your "It Was A Thursday" and it's *STILL* one of my favs)but
    being as lazy (and with computer time restraints, pressed for time)as I am, I tend to only review ongoing stories as opposed
    to one-shots. Why didn't I review this before then? Err...(*blushes in embarressment*)I only started reading this last week.
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  • From ANON - Nocturnali on March 27, 2004
    Wonderful. Another excellent chapter. Leavio mao many unanswered quons,ons, and opening new ones. And we have an evil Lucius who expects unswerving obedience from his son and isn't an overly indulgent parent. Just how I love him...
    Thanx Ren, Keep writing.

    Noc xxx
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