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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - noa on March 21, 2004
    {i start at saying tha spe speling and grammer are the worst there is so forgive me...}
    i read all the chepters and i enjoyd it.
    to see the dark side of the perfect harry potter was very refreshing, i have a lot of questions about this story
    but i belive all all will be solved in the end, so i wont bother you with them.
    i loved draco! you did his cherecter perfectly.
    i hate ron and hermione and enjoyd very much the way you writhed them, but one thing botherd me and it was the way that harry hated them so much
    i meen they were his best friend's and did gave him some surt of light
    but offcourse that just my way of thinking...
    let me say again that i loved this story
    and im looking forward to read more chepters!
    please hurry with the updating
    thank you
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  • From ANON - Swannoch on March 20, 2004
    I am not sure what others have told you about this particular story but I for one liked it and hope that you finish it. I have always thought that considering everything that he has gone through Harry being human like the rest of us would most likely not be all sweetness and light
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  • From ANON - mojo_jojo241 on March 18, 2004
    hey, great story u got there but im getting a bit bored. make them fall in love!!! the hate thing is kool and all but its been going on for too long and it getting boring. this is not a flame.
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  • From ANON - charley on March 15, 2004
    I just found your story and had to read it straight through. I just love it!! For some reason I just love a dominant Draco :) But it was fun to see them both fight for dominance. I sure hope Harry will be ok though. Please say you will finish this :) Do you know of any other stories where Draco is dominant?
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  • From ANON - Dahlias on March 06, 2004
    all 12 -no- 11 chapters were awsome. I loved all the angst between Draco & Harry pluss the whole breaking of the trio. Except one questions. Shadows? Is that like a dementor? I also loved how you portrayed Albus, all in all your y isy is fab and please please please continue! THANKS!!!!
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  • From ANON - Don on March 06, 2004
    You know what? Your absolutely bloody brilliant! Need I say more?! ^_^
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  • From ANON - DarkPrincess3 on March 04, 2004
    I really like your fanfiction. And I'm sure you hear that on a regular basis (Or I would assume you do with how good this fic is). I can't say that I noticed the puncuation and all the other things you added which were wrong (but I sometimes read things backwards andng tng too). I really enjoy reading your story, and I can honestly believe that your a professional writer, your a very, very talented person. I hope you update soon, but there is really no way to force you (Not that I would try to). Blessed be.

    ~Carly (aka DarkPrincess3)
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  • From ANON - heretic angel on March 03, 2004
    Loved it ! gah, you're one of the best writers I have ever encountered on the net.
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  • From ANON - magegirl on March 01, 2004
    ok, ya know what?? that bit about not being worthy of reviews or soemthing at the end toatally pissed me off. have you ever tried going anywere like for some reason, the fanfiction in those places alwase sucks. Writers never give any rationalization to thier story lines, thier grammer sucks for real, and thire storys are all writtwen like:"Snape thought harry was hot. He looked at him and likked his lips Harry who had a very big dick snape coul see it throuigh his hot tight pants and it was making hard though snapwe was hot too." I cant standt sht shit. you can hardly keep track of the storylines, and they're not even PWPs. Your story(though a ron hater-tear) has a plausible, clear, and detailed plot. It is acctually quite well written, and grammer mistakes are minor enough not to effect the artistic flow of the story line. I have been keeping up with your story for months(i think since the second chap.) and check for updates on a regular, almost daily basis. please continue writing, and take heart that soembody who was taking AP writing courses by her junior year apprieciates and enjoys her writing. Thankyou, keep up the good work, and please quitt it with the low self esteem attitude, it will get you no-where. just believe in yourself-you are worth believing in!!!

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  • From ANON - Findarto_Sirfalas on February 29, 2004
    I hope you do another chapter, because if you leave it like this I will kill you ^.^ hahah...

    Anyway, good story!
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  • From ANON - Taralynne Moon on February 27, 2004
    I cant believe that anyone would flame you for this story! I love it! It is very different from other fanfics i've read and that, in my opinion, makes it all the more intriguing. I cant wait for an update! I think i may be obsessed....... thats not good. :(
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  • From ANON - SG on February 22, 2004
    wonderful story absolutely jivvy.
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  • From ANON - Su-chan on February 21, 2004
    DUDE! its a shame ch.13 is delayed.... still DUDE! how awsome is your story ^_^ you have a great imagination to do a plot like this i think and for this i am truely in awe as though i have thought of many a thing like this, heve not been able to get the courage to right these disturbed images down into a story (and you say you needed a booster!). For that, i revere you (not like a god but as a pretty good g.d. writer ^_^). the insults at the beginning were great and i think you should keep up with those words (the insults were brilliant and i love you for that ^_^ Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah!...) keep up with the great writing and also i was wondering, what does happen to Malfoy if Potter stops shagging him? if you mentioned that in the story i must have missed it so could ya kinda clear it out for me? ^_^
    with love and respect
    SUSHI xo
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  • From ANON - JMB on February 18, 2004
    I like it. You are a good writer. I hope you finish the story soon.
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  • From on February 14, 2004
    First off, just hear me out, okay? I'm not flaming you. You do seem to have a tendencyjumpjump all over reviewers who leave you constructive comments, however. There is a difference between pointing out things constructively in order to help you improve your writing and flaming you. From what I've read of your reviews and in your notes, you've been attacking your supporters. Lesley cared enough and was following your story closely enough to have questions about the plot. She didn't come across as rude to me. And when JD said you were harsh on her, you deleted that review (which really wasn't as bad as you clamed in your journal) and then you publicly bashed JD as well. Again, please just hear me out before adding me to your black list of reviewers who must die. I actually like you, okay? You just need to learn that sometimes when people point things out to you, they aren't doing it to be cruel. For anceance, you don't seem to know the rule about using commas around direct address. For a writer, this is rather shocking, but maybe just nobody ever happened to tell you. It's not your fault, and I blame your school teachers. Now, you can either take that as helpful advice or you can choose to hate me. But wouldn't you rather try to learn from what people say instead oftingting upset about it? If we didn't find some value in your work, we wouldn't bother with revie it it at all. Oh, and I don't have an e-mail account other than school/work, and that is why I'm not leaving one, but it's not as though you don't have any forum in which to respond. You have here you your journal, and you don't seem to mind responding to things publicly. I only ask that if you decide to make me out as somebody who was awful to you, don't delete my review so that people can judge for themselves, and please do put put words in my mouth like you did with JD's review.
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