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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - Quiproquo on January 22, 2004
    Oh la la, c
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  • From ANON - chekiita on January 21, 2004
    continue please continue, please write.
    I love your fic, it's dark and scary and original, please continue!!
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  • From Quila on January 20, 2004
    LOL! I laughed my ass off when reading your responses to the persons flame.. and man, was that person and idiot or what?
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  • From ANON - Dracona on January 20, 2004
    I love it! Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on January 20, 2004
    Draco wants to be marked? Shadows? Cause worth dying for? worth sacrificing your only child to?
    I do hope chapter 13 makes an appearance soon. I'm so confused...
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  • From ANON - sak on January 19, 2004
    I have been reading this story since October and I have been intrigued by the domination games and the pressure both Harry and Draco are under. I tend to like the angsty but with a nice romantic touch stories, but this darker fic has captured my attention. I would be happy to see how it turns out for this odd pairing. Not a nice fluffy end I predict, but I hope for a resolution that keeps the characters true without darkness dogging their every step. And seeing Ron get his comeuppance won't go amiss. I hope to see more of this Veela!Draco fic with a dark twist in the future. This is one of many of your stories I find myself reading. Keep it up!
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  • From ANON - Jud on January 19, 2004
    more more more please
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  • From ANON - melissa on January 19, 2004
    please continue!! this is an amazing story. you should definately do chap 13, and so on...and so on.
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  • From ANON - FaerieOfMischief on January 19, 2004
    Yup, you've definately got it, getting better with every chapter darl :) But I n I need more! More more more!! And thank you for the dedication babe, it means alot to me *kotc* You're a great friend to me and it's nice to know you feel the same.
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  • From ANON - Ice Lupus on January 19, 2004
    To all 4 questions: OH BOY! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Morgeth on January 05, 2004
    I simply ADORE you story! If you are still in need of someone to help with your site, I would like to volunteer my services. Just drop me an e-mail.

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  • From ANON - SWEET MOTHER FUCKER!!! on January 04, 2004
    woah...that more please!!!! how did harry get the scars....what was that feeling? please write more!!!!NOW!
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  • From ANON - manx on January 03, 2004
    I have read many fan fics and this is by far my favorite! Please continue! I check for updates once a week and I'm getting desperate to read the rest.
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  • From ANON - Quiproquo on December 31, 2003
    Comme promis, je te laisse une review qui j'esp
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  • From ANON - Blackrose on December 30, 2003
    I'd love to read more of this. It's getting really good. You just gotta continue. Hope Malfoy grows up a bit or Snape is able to help Harry out. Please make summit happen.
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