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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - thamodis on December 12, 2003
    This story is wonderful! I hope it gets updated soon... Just so you know, I really appreciate being able to count on authors who, when they update, do so with something worth reading. The quality of your work is well worth waiting for chapters to come out. I like the characterization of Harry and Draco in this. I also like it when authors explore the ways in which Dumbledore manipulates those who trust him.
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  • From ANON - Nocturnali on November 23, 2003
    Another wonderful chapter. I'm looking forward to answers. Thanx.
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  • From ANON - Kaze on November 21, 2003
    Yes it is good, makes a change from the fluffy Veela Draco fics out there (not that I don't like fluff mind, but I also like dark). I hope you'll update again soon.

    ~ Kaze
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  • From ANON - Michelle on November 20, 2003
    Okay. For starters, it would be helpful if *somewhere* anywhere, there was a date on when pos posted the last chapter so I would know whether or not it was too soon to beg for another. *GRIN*

    So far, so good. I'm dying to find out who the mysterious "dark forces" that want Harry are. And what's up with the scars. You've alluded to them twice so I get the feeling there a good (for lack of a better testorstory behind them.

    I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work. And for the record, I agree with the idea that Dumbledore is a manupulative bastard.



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  • From ANON - Japhia on November 19, 2003
    PLEASE KEEP WRITING!!!! I NEED MORE!!!! God I sound like I am on crack...I like the withdrawn self loathing Harry. He is Sexy like that I just want to lick him. >D I love it....continue please.
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  • From ANON - Zero on November 19, 2003
    Please write more! your story is vary good. want to know what happens next.
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  • From ANON - Sarah on November 19, 2003
    Just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying your story very much. I really like where you have taken the charters so far. Its so unlike what we have seen of them so far. It really is a nice change from the normal "fall in love in one day" stories that I have found so far. I wait with bated breath to see where this journey will end.
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  • From ANON - yukari on November 18, 2003
    write more. write more. write more. Write More. Write More. Write More. WRITE MORE!! WRITE MORE!! WRITE MORE!! WRITE MORE!! WRITE MORE!! WRITE MORE!!

    i love this story. :)
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  • From ANON - melissa on November 17, 2003
    i love it. it's amazing. more please.
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  • From ANON - luxy on November 17, 2003
    wow! this is an amazing story, you put in to words things that most people can't. reading this far into your story has already made my day. I can relate to putting up walls, not feeling or trusting, all of my own devices. I really hope you will keep writing this. Wonderful job! Brava!
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  • From ANON - nia on November 17, 2003
    HOW DARE YOU LET HARRY TAKE DRACO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    how can draco be harry's bitch??? see its supposed to be that draco took harry and at the end harry would suppress his feelings and draco could know the truth.

    keep up the great work. i love the story. could you email me your website to so i could look at your other stories and do you know anyone that writes good adult draco/ginny fiction???

    well again i love your story but draco needs to come out on top.
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  • From ANON - sati on November 16, 2003
    Wow! I just picked up this story today. I can't wait for you to write more. I am so glad you kept Draco -- Draco and didn't turn him into some fluffy twit. :)
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  • From ANON - Keshu on November 16, 2003
    Once again you have managed to produce another shining jewel of a chapter. Pretty soon, you'll be able to gather all the sparkling, shining chapters jewels toge, se, set them in silver (well, what else for a true Slytherin) and wear them on top of your idea-crammed head, because you are truely the Queen of Slash, and I have every right to lick your toes to thank you for letting me be your beta. And to thank you for that gorgeous mention of me.

    In other words, I loved it.
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  • From ANON - Keshu on November 16, 2003
    Once again you have managed to produce another shining jewel of a chapter. Pretty soon, you'll be able to gather all the sharkly, shiny chapters jewels together, set them in silver (well, what else for a true Slytherin) and wear them on top of your idea-crammed head, because you are truely the Queen of Slash, and I have every right to lick your toes to thank you for letting me be your beta. And to thank you for that gorgeous mention of me.

    In other words, I loved it.
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  • From ANON - Jaimi on November 16, 2003
    please more please sooon. PLEASE
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