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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - Stardusty on November 16, 2003
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  • From ANON - Mira on November 12, 2003
    Very glad to hear the writers block has vanished. I have follwed your writings from Sailor Moon to Harry Potter and remain impressed. I hope you continue.
    This is an excellent slash.
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  • From ANON - Gem/Hermione on November 06, 2003
    Come on. Where's the rest. You've left it at the worst cliffhanger imaginable. I wanna see more. What's the point in starting a story if ur not gonna finish it.
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  • From ANON - Hijja on October 28, 2003
    Great chapter! Draco JustJustin was just *evil*, in a very, very amusing way. Brilliant, that. And I loved Lucius' letter and Snape's voice of reason.
    And Harry - *so* glad that spell didn't work, and inmyohsoveryhumble opinion he was never more Harry than when he refused to pay Draco back in his own coin here. A dark, desperate Harry, but definitely himself. Lovely. I'll wait impatiently for the next chapter now - that ending really made sure people won't forget to check for updates :).

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  • From ANON - Rose on October 25, 2003
    I like it... I hope you continue... and update soon!!!

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  • From ANON - nocturnali on October 24, 2003
    I love this story. I wasn't sure, after reading chapter 1 and I forgot about it. I have just finished up to chapter 10 and it's great. Your Harry and Draco are so antagonistic.cancan't get them to behave that way... and I did try. And, at last, someone else who hates Hermione, Ron and Ginny. About f-ing time!!! The dialogue- and thoughts- between Harry and Draco are great, and poor Snapey. I have a feeling he's becoming reliant on his coffee and that they're going to get stronger. I'm having a hard time getting these evil guys out of my head, so I apologise if they end up in my fic ( but not quite as evil. )
    Write more please... Nocturnali xxx
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  • From ANON - Weasley Wonders on October 23, 2003
    Interesting fic. It's quite addictive actually...I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I wonder what Draco's spine tingling meant...Anyways, I really want to see how this thing turns out. Nice job. Toodlez!
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  • From ANON - XiaoBai on October 23, 2003
    >_< I want chapter 11!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Kristen on October 23, 2003
    Can't wait for the next chapter.
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  • From on October 23, 2003
    Keeeep writing! Don't stop! I must know whatpens!
    You're on my recs list, by the way! :P
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  • From ANON - morgeth on October 23, 2003
    I love your s. It. It shows the human soul as it truly can be. I can't wait to read the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - sammy on October 22, 2003
    i think that this story is bloody amazing. there's not too many dark!harry stories and i've never read a better veela!draco than this one. this story needs to bloody keep going!!
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  • From ANON - lupusdragon on October 22, 2003
    Karen: O.O
    LD: Excellent. I love all of the tension and anticipation! This is fucking brilliant. Everyone needs a good dark fic every once in a while.
    Karen: *pout* Poor Harry. I think Draco should kill ledoledore and Voldemort. Both have hurt Harry so much and Dracco has to protect his mate from outsiders. ^_^ That would be nice.
    LD: I do feel bad for Severus though. He is trying so hard to protect Harry and Draco is just being a prat. Can I kill Ron, the selfish bastard? No wonder I consistantly make him the bad guy in my stories.
    Karen: Only if I get to kill Hermione. I love what you did to the Gryffindors. They need to get kicked down from that high horse. Put them in their place.
    LD: Great story, keep it up. I can't wait for the next chapter ^_^
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  • From ANON - RED on October 22, 2003
    hello...i just got done with the authors note for this story and i want to say that you are "spot on".. i agree with everything you said and i am loving this fic very much.. i like the darker harry you don't see him very often.. i am now going to read the rest of what you have posted..keep up the good work...
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  • From ANON - Manx on October 22, 2003
    Should you write more?! YES! YES! YES!
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