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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - Death on October 22, 2003
    I have a question: just how long is this thing going to be?
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on October 22, 2003
    Please keep going!
    I want them to bond. I want to know what's going to happen.
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  • From ANON - Patry on October 17, 2003
    Continue pleaseeeeeeee!!! I can't wait it anymoreeee!!!
    I'm a spanish girl, and I LOVE your fic!!!
    Next chapter next chapter!!!!
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  • From ANON - Hijja on October 13, 2003
    Great chapter, as always. I *loved* the beginning, with Draco seething in the Common Room, and his reaction when he found out what Harry was up to.
    The Snape-Hermione scene was great, and I chuckled at Snape's " Never try to take on a Slytherin Miss Granger unless you are sure you can destroy it." Of course it's probably a typo, but it makes a funny point about Slytherins being almost inhumanly tricky :). And the Gryffindors are trying to air out their Slytherin side
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  • From ANON - Th on October 12, 2003
    I'm a spanish girl who love your fanfic!!
    Please, continue it!! Y'll love the chapter 10!! I really want it... I need it!!! XD
    Seriously, I love this fic, continue!!!!
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  • From on October 12, 2003
    Great story, please update soon! ;]
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  • From ANON - manx on October 11, 2003
    Please please....more!
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  • From ANON - Anata (too tired to log in) on October 11, 2003
    Wow. That was truly fabulous. Very depressing. The details you put into the hatred and pain that they have are bone-chilling. Not only could I practically -feel- their emotions, I could nearly taste them.
    I know I'm not one that usually reads dark Harry fics, but this is absolutely wonderful! The angst, the pain, the anger and disgust have drawn me into the tangled web of this story.
    I applaud you, and I shall definitely stick around again for chapter 10.
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  • From ANON - Jenni on October 10, 2003
    I am bathed in your Godlike Godliness. ::bows:: Normally I wouldn't stand for a story bashing the Trio or my dear Dumbledore, yet it was a satisfying change. I VOTE FOR CHAPTER 10!!!! Draco+Harry=sexiness...Can't you add a bit of cuddling...maybe? the end, perhaps? :) Cuddling makes me happy.
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  • From ANON - phi on October 10, 2003
    this is soooo good.....i have just started to read it and i'll tell you i was screaming at the computer - i soooo want to hurt Draco Malfoy and i want to make he scream!!!!

    and i love dark Harry - its about time the darkside was let out to play!!!

    Keep writing this is way too much fun!!!!

    Oh and i love the answers to that flamer.....i totally agree with everything you said.....!

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  • From ANON - JAPHIA on October 10, 2003
    WOOT!!! I love this story and I agree with Draco... Pain= Pleasure ^-^ *Innocent smile*
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  • From ANON - Lunadeath on October 09, 2003
    too much sex?? How is that possible? O_o

    I really enjoyed this, much much much! like how Harry was having the Roonspors (sp?) as guards, or attack snakes, or whatever. ^_^ very good. :-)
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  • From ANON - Elfstone on October 09, 2003
    I really like evil Harry, I'm really not sure what to type here, because the story was SO GOOD. I've re-read it a few times. Hehe. Oh yeah, I really like the anti-trio anti-dumbledore part. I'm kind of a... I really don't know. Anyways I'm rambling here. Just write more and I'll be happy. Ok? Happy writing!
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  • From ANON - Rural on October 09, 2003
    Oh! I like when Harry have tortures
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  • From ANON - heard the owl scream on October 09, 2003
    YES PLEASE! *^_^* Chp. 10! I love this fic! Thank you.... Jenn
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