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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From Naiad95531 on October 09, 2003
    I WANT TO READ MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D PLEASE write more so I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - heard the owl scream on October 09, 2003
    Gods! I can't believe you answered this entire diatribe of crap. I could hardly even read the questions due to the horrible grammar, and she's questioning you? Well, besides that, I love this fic and totally believe in Dark!Harry. Canon!Harry definitely has it in him and no one can deny it after the 5th book. I really can't stand the Virgin!Harry and mushy-arse Draco crap. It just isn't plausible in my mind. The only way the slash really works is if they base it on their passions (hate) and find the similarities in their characters (which are abundant!), and thankfully your fic does it extremely well. Thanks for the wonderful read! ^_^ Jenn
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  • From ANON - Phoenix Flame on October 08, 2003
    I'm reviewing! I love your work and yes I want chapter 10! ^_^ (I suck at reviews, sorry.)
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  • From FaerieOfMischief on October 08, 2003
    Your story is awesome (still, of course) I can't wait for more, I really want to see what happens. Please let me know when you update again, or if you need a thick skull to bounce ideas off again. Onward and upward m'dear

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  • From Naiad95531 on October 08, 2003
    LOVE your story so far and I'm sure I'll love the rest of it also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I agree that Harry will most likely go at least a little dark in canon, there has been plenty of evidence in all five books to support this idea. Fics where Draco suddenly falls head over heels in love with Harry as soon as he finds out Harry is his mate can be really annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! I'm glad this isn't one of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bye-Bye :D
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  • From ANON - Draco Malfoy\'s Bitch on October 08, 2003
    heehee. i love this fic. i'm all for a chp. 10. like your ideas too. love your website, and am a devoted H/D shipper myself. you're a great writer, don't give up. bye
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  • From ArachneNonafel on October 08, 2003
    Justin is a dipshit. Either work thingt fot for Draco and Harry or let Harry find someone else. That is my suggestion and opinion. Great story so far!!
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  • From ANON - wintermoon2 on October 08, 2003
    yes! I absolutely want chapter 10! I think this is great, and fabulous, and wonderful! Don't get me wrong, I'm a sucker for the sweet and sappy fluff that eventually pops up in most H/D fics, but I really like the dark side of both characters that you're showing here. I can't wait to read more. And as for Miss Lesley over at, I'm really glad you didn't let you get the best of you. She apparently went around for a few days cutting EVERYONE down (including me) and I'm glad to see that it didn't do more that piss a few people off. I'd hate to see some of this t wot work taken away from the fans just because of one little twit!

    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Eldemar on October 08, 2003
    please Please PLEASE write more!!!!!!!
    i love this fic, and it feels like you're just getting started!
    AWESOME! you kick ass!
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  • From ANON - ~~Minnie on October 08, 2003
    OH MY WORD!!! This is just getting better and better I love the dark Harry fics, but I can never seem to write them, I am a fluff writer plain and simple, and that sucks. I'd LOVE to see this fic continue until the end Keep up the great work!!

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  • From ANON - Pamela on October 08, 2003
    Gah!!! I adore this fic, I cant wait until the next chapter!!! HURRY!! PLEEEEASE?!?!?!
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on October 08, 2003
    Ignore the flames. I love this fic. I wish there were more like it.
    Aren't people sick of all the romancy fluff? Sometimes reading a
    fic like this is just what I need. I hope to see a new chapter next week.
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  • From ANON - Judi on October 08, 2003
    I'm enjoying this story greatly. I know that it will be an excellent ending and a story that i wont easily forget. Please continue.
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  • From ANON - YG on October 08, 2003
    Oh, come one ^.^ I want more of those two! When is Draco gonna properly shag Harry?? ^_^ Update soon!
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  • From ANON - sadeyes on October 04, 2003
    o my gosh, i love this story. the way you made the story come out, and the subjects. i love the malfoy and harry combo sooo much, more over malfoy himself. i wanted to know when you are going to update it, because this is one and the only story that i realy want to know what happens next. you wrote it good enough to get me into it, and i am most of the time hard to please with writting.i have to say agian this is one good fucking story. always Sad Eyes:(
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