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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - Kiristeen on September 25, 2003
    Definitely a totally different take on several plot bunnies. : ) You certainly have the honor of being unique. I very much look forward to seeing where this wicked story leads.

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  • From ANON - Shota-kun on September 24, 2003
    "you are my property, just like my horse, my owl or my wand, only I will treat you better
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  • From Anata on September 24, 2003
    *mouth forms a little 'o'*
    I think I'm going to cry. This story is so wonderful! I'm severely disturbed (don't worry, that's an excellent reaction to get from me with a story like this.) I'm not quite sure how I missed the updates...I've been checking this story for them. *shrugs* But I did get to them now, so I suppose that will have to suffice. Anyway, as much as I'm a fan of fluff etc, I love angst and dark fics. This is wonderfully written; you've successfully gotten me to hate everyone except for Snape, Lucius, Draco, and Harry. Well, pretty much. The characters that don't show up much aren't really worth mentioning.
    Anyway, as four fur flamer...I couldn't understand half of what she was saying, anyway. She stated opinions as fact and tried to spoil the whole story. I don't think I'll ever understand people like that. The point is: your fic is too good for words. You should ignore all flamers and only listen to praise and constructive critisism; nothing els rea really worth any time. As for your self esteem...well, I know that it can be hard to listen to others' praise and actually believe it, but you should be p of of your work. You are 10 times better than many authors of whose fics I have read.
    I also loved the way you incorporated your opinions of your flamers comments in the latest two chapters. *cackles* I laughed out loud when I read this line:
    "Dominance was not all about mind games after all
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on September 24, 2003
    I can't believe you left it there! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! not not fair...
    Well, can't wait for the next chapter. I want to see if Justin and Harry shag and if
    Draco flips out.
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  • From ANON - Firestorm17 on September 24, 2003
    Keep writing. This chapter is better than the last. Good to see that Harry didn't kill himself, like you seemed to be hinting. Dead characters tend to make the smut harder to write. Not impossible, mind you, but harder. Draco seems to have a lot of confidence in how desirable he is and how much control he has, which is certainly IC. Are you planning to have Harry turn the tables at some point, if only to keep our favorite Veela on his toes? (You don't have to answer that, it's more of a request than an actual question.) Go ahead with the "Full Sex"; I'll be waiting for it.
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  • From ANON - Tricia on September 19, 2003
    Ack, this is really good. Very well written. I have to say, my vote is with a dominant Draco and resistant Harry. Ooh. Can't wait to see what's next!
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  • From ANON - specialphreak on September 18, 2003
    Wickedly Delicious!
    If I could figure out how to give you six stars, I would do so...
    as for the 'flame' ...I tried to read it, but just couldn't wrap my mind around it...
    I read stories for the entertainment value...not to pick people's works apbecabecause they have a different view than mine...if they dont like it or understand it, uh, dont they have a back button???
    Flames be dammed, I like it!!!
    Keep up the good work!
    ps. glad to hear u got another job! is it better than your last one? hope so! now go write another chappie!!! ;)
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on September 18, 2003
    Glad to see the new chapter up. Although I don't mind rape scences when nessasary for a plot line, I'm glad to hear
    that Harry will be a willing particaipant. I hope when they join they will be a force to be reckoned with, wheather that
    be a dark or light force matters not to me. Together and powerful is what I'd like to see. (and Harry getting a bit of
    revenge on the rest of the school would be nice...)
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  • From Hijja on September 18, 2003

    I just stumbled across this fic, read all chapters in one go, and then went right back and read it again. I *loved* it. Draco is absolutely brilliant in his utterly unredeemed ways, and the way you took angry!OotP-Harry and turned on the spotlight on the dark aspects of his personality worked well - especially when it became clear that he's protecting his vulnerability that way. And though Veela-Malfoys and evil Gryffindors usually trigger my flight response, I couldn't stop reading this one - it's dark, and original (it uses a lot of familiar tidbits and turns them into something unique, if that makes sense?), and the clashes between Draco and Harry (inside and outside their minds) are more than intense. Especially lovely is that it is a power struggle between *equals* - no pre-assigned roles, and no lodovedovey sentiments - that's *so* rare.

    Snape is great as well - very IC (hiding Harry's 'punishment' from Dumbledore, his hysterics at the thought of having Harry in his house, and I giggled madly at his memory of how Lucius and Narcissa met).

    The one thing that bothered me was the Gryffindors - not that they're the bad guys (that's refreshingly different to see), but I think Harry's rejection would have been more powerful if it had been done more subtly - we saw in CoS and OotP how easily Harry's housemates turn on him, and in GoF that his friends do it, too, and I would have preferred it a little less unmotivated here - the 'calming-snakes-with-parseltongue'-ability shouldn't have shocked anybody after the second year.

    Of course, your take on the Slytherins makes more than up for it. The mere idea of an inner-Slytherin resistance is great - it makes *so* much sense for the members of a house whose main characteristic is ambition to resent groveling before a 'Dark Lord'. Blaise gave me the shivers (menacing, anyone?), Pansy's... explicitness, and Crabbe and Goyle can talk! The 'welcome' scene was really intense. It also makes a lot of sense why Harry would feel drawn to them - he will never have to worry whether they like him, since it's clear upfront that they don't, and he won't have to worry about being ignored, because they're all focussed on him - of course because they want to hurt them, but negative attention is better than no attention. And the idea of them preparing to become Dark wizards secretly (and under Dumbledore's nose!) is too good for words. I can't wait to see how Harry will deal with them (or vice versa...).

    Liked the plot (a lot!) and the writing, though I could do without some of the stranger euphemisms ('farq'? 'dong???' *ducks*), and unless it's too much work to censor for the version, the 'harsh' terms might work better. A handful of really nice cliffhangers, too, especially in Chapters 3 and 6. Can't wait to see the next chapter - *particularly* after that preview :). Brilliant job, and many thanks for sharing it!


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  • From ANON - Firestorm17 on September 17, 2003
    Now that was a twist. You've got your work cut out for you getting the boys from an attempted rape to a more-or-less consensual relationship, but I'm sure that if anyone can do it, you can. You had best get back to writing ASAP.
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  • From ANON - tara on September 17, 2003
    i really like this story it gives a view of harry that i kinda like. well anyways please please keep writing i want to see what happens. :)
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  • From ANON - Sarah on September 17, 2003
    i can't believe that person told you that this fic was bad... it's so awesome.
    i just have one little objection... where's the sex?! i know i'm a horny bastard... but i can't stand this for much longer. oh, and try not to let Draco hurt Harry too much... i'm not a huge fan of non-con and all that rot. but BDSM is fine by me!
    Well, cheers and kisses,
    Sarah:) aka Haco lover!
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  • From ANON - melissa on September 17, 2003
    that girl w/ the flame is such a complete idiot. she asks way too many questions. can't she understand that there are only 6 chapters so far in the story? guess not. anyway, keep up the great work on the (hopefully) upcoming chapters & congrats on the new job!
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  • From FaerieOfMischief on September 17, 2003
    Fiiiiinally I've managed to read this whole thing! I've been meaning to for ages but it seems every time I clicked the link my comp froze or I've had to run off suddenly or AFF has run out of bandwidth and booted me *rubs behind* I know, excuses excuses. But now I've had a proper look and I'm in love with it!!! Harry is properly resentful (I hate him being so easy-going all the time), Draco is mean and spiteful (Yaaaaaay!) and Hermione is appropriately annoying *sighs happily* And so I will demand that you update i the near future!! As it is I'm getting withdrawal pains already. Peace m'dear, onward and upward! :)

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  • From ANON - ningchan on September 17, 2003
    nice response to the flaming! it made me laugh flamers are fools neway!
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