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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - Banner on June 27, 2006
    My hands are shaking.
    I just found this story - it's incredible. Intense, sophisticated, scary.
    I can't wait for more.
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  • From ANON - lori on January 27, 2006
    i need the next chapter deperately!!! :)
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  • From ANON - Gothic_Jester on January 25, 2006
    Holy Fucking Hell!!! Hurry up with the story. This is to good. Please I'm begging here. I'll even get on my knees and beg you if I have to but please hurry up. I really love this story. You just got to keep going.
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  • From ravengirl76 on January 19, 2006
    Am I up for chapter 15? You betcha! My interest is riveted and your writing style is grand. As for that bitch Miss Lesley and the rest of your flamers, they obviously have no imagination and no working knowledge of BDSM. I spit upon them.
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  • From ANON - theta on January 16, 2006
    i'm up for chapter 15 ^^
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  • From ANON - Nitasha on January 03, 2006
    I think you deserve your status as a professional writer. I adore this story, the complexity of emotion and the whole dom and sub thing has me reading. I stayed up all night reading this story which tells you a lot because I LOVE to sleep.

    Please update soon and don't mind the ungrateful idiots who think good stories are done within the first chapter. Plot should build up and people should be more patient.

    Anyways, I like the way Harry and Draco have gone. Their relationship is simply... astounding ... it makes me wish I could watch the proceedings of their intimacy.

    Adoring reader,
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  • From ANON - timesighing on January 02, 2006
    I'm gripped, I want more anaspoors, and Dumbledore to be bitten by one. Can that be arranged?
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  • From thePrincesJewel on January 01, 2006
    Reviews are overrated. Hit lists, on the other hand, should be noted. *grins* Yours seems quite high.

    And yes, a chappy 15 would be appreciated. Who are the anaspoors after, is Dumblefuck gonna get bit anytime soon, and are the pretty little snakes going to avoid Snape or not? (Hey, he's a favorite of mine...) Also, who are the shadows, what's the mysterious "power the dark lord knows not" in your version.... oh, you get the idea. A chappy 15 (16, 17, 18, etc.) is a requirement.

    *pauses to think* Actually, the spelling errors aren't so atrocious as to make the fic unreadable (thank you!), though there are some here and there. Grammar's pretty happy, plot's well-developed and currently leaving readers in suspended "AWWW! Now what!", charries seem fairly well rounded in spite of the ! of their descriptions (I personally find Snape's addiction to coffee vastly amusing). Hmm. Must go poke the stars.
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  • From ANON - Demon Princess on December 30, 2005
    I love it. It's great! I can't wait to know what plan Harry came up with, and if Draco liked it, then iI am shure It is something horiblly amusing for lack of a better word.
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  • From ANON - Danielle on December 22, 2005
    Are you to update soon? I loved this story and when I went to your profile to see when the last update was and it was LAST YEAR! (well nearly 2 years soon.) Please update, it's the first time I read such a Dark Harry story and a Veela Draco, that doesn't begining with love, when their eyes meet. Please update **Begs on knees**
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  • From ANON - slymom on November 30, 2005
    I just found this story today and after reading it I can honestly say YES I am ready for chapter 15. That is one great story. All that hate and love mixed into a pair of hot teens is unbelievable. Draco and Harry have the ultimate love / hate relationship. Please keep writing and don't wait too long to update.

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  • From ANON - jordan on November 29, 2005
    you'er JKR huh
    i love your story i realy like how you actually keep most of everything canon like
    after all this senario is entierly possible
    spelling? you? nah your fine
    the plot is good, no hole that i could find anyway
    keep writing will ya?
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  • From ANON - Alison on November 21, 2005
    Please update this story!!!!!!! Pretty Pretty Please?? =o) I anxiously await Chapter 15.
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  • From ANON - Dark Princess on November 20, 2005
    wheres the rest? T.T plz plz plz PLZ
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  • From ANON - Chandra Tanith Devi on November 01, 2005
    More!!! Whats the plan? Will Draco ever get to say it out loud? Will Harry ever return the words? TELL US PLEASE!!
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