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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - cherry blood on September 16, 2003
    Omg. Miss Leslie (sp? phht who gives a shit) talks a load of horse shit. I LOVE your story, and i agree with you leaving the readers to think it over, figure it out for themselves. Not everything in life is served on a platter, answering your many questions. You have the right attitude for not taking her shit. Portray your characters however you want to portray them. I must admit, I became a fan of Dark!Harry after reading this, and have unsuccessfully found other stories that match up to yours. So to answer your question my answer is: YES YES YES! PLEASE CONTINUE! She ily lly like the second out of about..what? 80? 90? that don't like your story. She probably reads those stupid teenybopper fics that aRe tYped lIke thIS and are like "OMG...Harry is my soul mate! I want to lovvve him! ohh i need him. His eyes--oohh god! I love him with all my soullll!"
    So yeah. Keep your head high, and stay strong. Keep pushing on. She isn't worth it, not at all.
    ps. Once i've written my Draco/Harry (Dark!Harry because of you ^__^) I'm hoping you'd archive it on your wite. Which i visit constantly to read your fics, and the other amazing ones you have on there.
    Love, I guess you can call me your no. 1 fan
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  • From ANON - Japhia on September 16, 2003
    What a bitch! This story is great and the plot is exactly as it should be. Besides what say does she have when the author of a FANFICTION is the one writing it. I think that she was dieing to see what happens in the end and she had to ask questions because she couldn't wait to see the rest of the story. Anyway, please continue. *bows*
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  • From ANON - Lunadeath on September 16, 2003
    Wow. I cannot believe she had the guts to pick at your story like this. well, ok, so maybe i can believe it. -_-; I know what it's like for someone to tell me that i've done something wrong. it does hurt, but i'm not letting that get me down. i beg you to please not quit writing, and of course, i must tell you that i really do like your fic, and i don't care if it's slightly OOC or anything like that. it's very entertaining, and i enjoy reading a Dark!Harry just as much as i like reading a Sweet!Harry. Keep up the good work, hon, and don't worry about it. We ALL grow as writers, and fanfiction is the best way to do just that. :)
    *hugs and snoodles*
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on September 16, 2003
    I agree... people need to keep their negative comments to themselves. If they don't like the fic, don't read it.
    It's that simple. It's your fic and you have the right to make it how you want it. The characters can be OoC if
    that's the way you want them. I, on the other hand, love your fic. I like that it's different than the normal vanilla
    fic. I'll be looking forward to the next update.
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  • From ANON - Jessie on September 15, 2003
    Dear Serenitas,
    I would just like to say that i ADORE your story. I love the way you have twisted the characters of Draco and Harry, that's just the way i love to see them. I think that your plot is very well thought out, and the story is very well written. I sincerely hope you continue and use silly little letters like that to fuel your creativity. As a great woman once said 'Smile at your enemies, it really pisses them off'

    Sincerely looking foreward to your next chapter
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  • From ANON - Jaimi on September 15, 2003
    HERE HERE!!!! lovely dear. that little one apparently hasn't enough maturity to understand or grasp what being on this site means. we write what we would like yes? i mean there are so many different styles if what you happend to write did not appeal to her childish thinking then don't read it go to another story that suits YOUR style and let us who love what you have written so far and can't wait till you update again. loving your style and belive you were in the right to put this childish flamer in their place. can't wait to see where you take us next.
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  • From ANON - Minerva on September 15, 2003
    well this flame response you told me about got me curious so I fid sid since I had you fic up to read it I"d go ahead and read the whole thing. (Yes, if you remember correctly I'm sick and I said I'd read it another day...I I can't wait to see the tissy fit Harry's gonna throw about him being "temporarily" kicked out of Gryffindor house. (pardon any mis-spellings typing in the dark). I enjoyed what I've read so far, sure you've left a few things open but the fic isn't complete yet either, some people I swear have no patience. I hope you continue this fic, it's well written and refreshing ee!!ee!!! Specially Herm failing!! Oh my that's hilarious. Use the flame to roast marshmellows and keep writing!!!

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  • From ANON - Jen on September 15, 2003
    Oh, I was hoping for a new chapter. Thanks alot Miss Lesley or whatever the hell your name is. Note to self- Never flame this fic. hehe Hmm, I can't remember if I've ever even reviewed this fic, but anyways wanted to tell you how much I love it. The whole manservant thing has so much potential. Out of and in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. Well, I'm sure you do. So, anyways, yes, I want-no,wait, need- you to continue on with this fic. I can't wait for Chapter 6!
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  • From ANON - Jes on September 15, 2003
    I am absolutely in love with this fic. I just love the ideas and the potential here. I'm going to implore that, as a writer, you are going to come across idiotic critics like the author of that flame, who, may i mention, has far too much time on her hands, and you should just ignore such obvious stupidity and continue one of the best fics I've read in the last 6 months. I eagerly await the next chapters.
    p.s. You rock!
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  • From ANON - ravenmerc on September 15, 2003
    Please don't stop!!!
    And don't let some little peabrained mary jane that should be subjected to painful torture stop you.
    And I love the way you smacked her down although she more then likely will not understand the response.
    I have said you write Harry the way I see him in my mind as well as all the others.
    Use the anger my child it will make a good chapter. I shut up now....
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  • From ANON - YG on September 13, 2003
    Oh! ^.^ I love dominant!Draco!!! ^O^
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 13, 2003
    I just had to review your story after you read it and am fervently hoping that you complete this story. I've been wandering through "Harry Potter fanfiction land" for a while now trying to find a good story - it is almost unbelievable how much utter rubbish is out there - and by the by I came here, remembered that I had always liked your stories, saw you had one up that I had not read before, and here I am now, totally hooked on A Song Unsong. I don't know, many stories that are praised in fandom have good premises, actually have plots, have nice buildup and, all around, are fine and dandy. I read these stories and think they're nice enough, but most of them never ly ply pull makemake me want to continuously read more, builds up the anticipation inside me so that I am clamouring for every chapter. Many of these stories are good enough I suppose, but they often lack a certain "feeling" in the writing style that calls out to the reader. Your stories, and A Song Unsong do that and such laudable and beautiful work must be applauded. Well wishes and Good luck!

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  • From ANON - ravenmerc on September 10, 2003
    Please don't stop now..If you do I'll have to hurt myself.
    I very much enjoy this story and I believe you are one hell of a writer.
    I love the way you keep the boys in charater and expand on it..
    Please don't do as so many fanfiction writers have done and leave a damn good stroy unfinished.
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  • From ANON - taligator on September 10, 2003
    Wow. Talk about verbal jabs! The story has great promise and I've enjoyed the first 5 chapters. I'm always a fan of stories that showcase the manipulations of the evil trio (dumbledore/ron/hermione). Keep up the good work and I look forward to future chapters, thanks for writing.
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  • From ANON - Ezekiel on September 09, 2003
    Barriers around one's heart does not work, love. If you really want to protect yourself, hurt them before they hurt you, but don't shut everyone out, because then you would be out of the loop and that would actually be a weakness to be exploited. One should always have a mask totally opposit to their real nature, a false appearence of innocence and goodiness if you will, that would make the people around you lower their own shields and let you in. One should find and identify one's own weakness before finding the weakness in others and file them away, waiting for a situation in which they can be use as blackmail.

    Anyways, nice story.
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