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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - Samantha on August 25, 2003
    OOOOO Dracos such a bad kid...whats he gunna do? TELLL MEEEEE! well that was a great chapter now update nOW!
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  • From morphia on August 25, 2003
    so far this story is extremly interesting
    hope you update soon
    can't wait
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  • From ANON - Margi on August 25, 2003
    Please keep on goin it really good i like how u put Harry so i hope u keep on goin
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  • From ANON - dana on August 25, 2003
    way no fair. how is that a punishment fit for school?

    please hurry up with chapter4!!!!!!!! (could you email me?)
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  • From ANON - kristin on August 25, 2003
    I love the story so far, I nice twist where neither of them are going GA-GA at the get go. Will Draco be Bastard all the story or just in the beginning? In the end will Harry be in Slytherin? Always liked the idea of Harry being in Slytherin. But hey, I've don't like preps too much, and the Golden house reminds me of preps. I kinda like the underdogs. Write more....
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  • From Anata on August 25, 2003
    *waits for the next chapter* ... *waits* ... ... *hums as she waits* ... ... ... ... ...
    Well, BLOODY HELL!! I always KNEW that the Gryffindors weren't trustworthy. Besides, anyone not in Slytherin can't be good enough for anything. With (very) few exceptions, of course. This is completely fab. I've not read a great deal of fics where Harry is a bastard, but this one is highly believable. I can't really blame him. After all, who would wto bto be "the Golden Boy" all their life? No fun in that. Can't do anything without it being a big deal.
    Love it!
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  • From ANON - dana on August 23, 2003
    i think this is a funny story. draco is brilliant. please could you email me when you update with a ,link? otherwise i wont find this fic again.
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  • From ANON - Sai-chan on August 21, 2003
    WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! THAT WAS FUNNY!! i like it! u HAVE to update more!!! i want to read more!!! XD
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  • From AureliaFlint on August 21, 2003
    I like this story. The reason I enjoyed OotP was that Harry was more real and not the paragon of sweetness and light he is always portrayed as being.
    There must be reason why he was almost sorintointo Slytherin. It couldn't be soley because of the gifts inherited from Lord V.
    Please continue.

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  • From ANON - Jenn on August 21, 2003
    Yay Slytherin! I love Parseltongue, too. I know that if I had Harry's abilities, I would definitely keep a snake as my familiar. Can't wait to see the rest!
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  • From ANON - Sindel on August 21, 2003
    More!!!!!!! I LOVE thtorytory!! Please write more soon!! ;) Can't wait for Draco to punish Harry....*purrs*
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  • From ANON - amanda on August 20, 2003
    I'll be looking for chapter 3.
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  • From ANON - Firestorm17 on August 20, 2003
    Looks promising. Tell me more.
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  • From ANON - KoChanneo on August 20, 2003
    *Waits for chapter 3*
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  • From ANON - Noriko M. Chijinu on August 20, 2003
    oooh oooh cant wait for more!!!!!
    yout upt update soon!
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