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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - akuma_river on January 19, 2005
    Before I get down the nitty gritty of what I think of this of this story in a critical manner, I wish to say that I do like this story. Now that that is over, the darkness of the story is a bit cliche don't you think? I am not trying to be mean, just saying that I have read about tweny different stories that are like this in several concepts.

    Other then that, besides the darkness of this fic that most would say is competely cliche, I see that you have made your own niche out of it. The way this story differs is by bringing to root problems in Harry's life of abuse that would result in wanted to feel nothingness and death. Most who become abused in any sort manner do wish for that. The way you have Harry dealing or better yet not dealing with his pain is unique.

    Another thing I wish to add is that the "rommance" of Harry and Draco is something I have not seen before. Instead of jumping into each others arms and finding love, these two are fighting tooth and nail to not be together except for the fact that outside forces mainly the fact that Draco will die, has forced them together. All in all, if something happened like this, I do believe Harry and Draco would act as you have them protrayed.

    Now that that is done, lets get to part of why I have reviewed, Frankly even constant minor mistakes, this story is worthwhile to read. While it is not one of the best stories I have read it is also not one of the worst. I can see as the story has progressed that your putting more effort and tieing the story together in a cohesive format.

    While I may not like the subject and protrayl of certain characters I will not reframe from calling a good story where I see one. You have tallent, work with it. I have found myself semi addicted to this story. I am curious as to how this story will follow and end. I am also severly confused about the shadows though. Perhaps something that be revealed later? Who are they and what do they want with Harry and what does Harry want them to do?

    Btw no matter how harsh this review may seem, I do like your story and wish you to continue. Keep up the good work. Coolsa.
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  • From on January 16, 2005
    It was a good chapter. I actually read all you wrote but forgot to review, so that's what I'm doing right now. I only ask for you to update as soon as possible.

    Review date: {January 16, 2005}
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  • From ANON - Serenditu on January 15, 2005
    Where's chapter 15?? Hey, UPDATE!! I WANNA READ CHAPTER 15!!!
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  • From ANON - Smem on January 14, 2005
    NOrmally I love H/D stories particularly dark ones unfortunately i find it difficult to deal with bastard!draco and justasmuchofabastard!harry, just making clear this is NOT a flame I think it is an excellent story just not something i can deal with yet, i don't think life has thoroughly stripped me of my illusions yet...anyways i was wondering if you could recommend any decent dark!harry stories to me...
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  • From ANON - Rebekah on December 05, 2004
    MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!!! PLEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ this is the best story EVER!!!!!!!!! ^__^PLEZZZ more and if it`s not that much trubble could u E-mail me when u update (i have a horrable memory lol) ^__^ latta`s
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  • From ANON - one little thing on December 05, 2004
    Am I ever up for Chapter 15! It seems like every chapter you write brings with it more questions that I'm itching to have answered. Each chapter is more compelling than the last ... please, keep going!
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  • From ANON - Reb on December 05, 2004
    U go girl!!!!!! (or on the off chance your a boy sorry) lol I HATE Flamer`s don`t that have anything better to do ??? hu hu dont thay? ^__^thay have no life good job puting her in her place (or him whatever) ^__^
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  • From ANON - Sophie on November 29, 2004
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  • From ANON - CiraArana on November 29, 2004
    YES!! MORE!!! God, this was so great... your fic glued me to the computer, I missed my lectures, have a splitting headache from hours of reading AND IF YOU DON'T UPDATE SOON I'LL SEND YOU AN ANASPOOR!!
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  • From ANON - Tashia on November 22, 2004
    I want moooooorrreee ^^

    it was the BEST ever. I cant wait for the next chapeter. Its on the top of my bookmarks list. I love it!!!

    keep on writing!! ^^

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  • From ANON - Anne on October 22, 2004
    for the love of god, hurry!
    i need my fix!
    i'm loving harry in this fic
    can u please email me when u post the next chapter?
    plus, are there any other fics or sites that u could recommend?
    cheers, anne
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  • From ANON - weasie37 on September 12, 2004
    Oh yes - still good and still interesting! You write the best Dark!Harry that I've ever read. And those slash scenes... let's just say that I read them with my ass cheeks squeezed together as tightly as possible, just waiting for the searing pain to hit me. Wow. I bow down to your talent.

    My hopes for future chapters - that Ron and Hermione (especially the Weasel) get the crap beat out of them (not literally - I'm cen yon you can think of a MUCH more evil way to inflict pain!). I truly hate your Ron! :) I like Snape, what little he interacts in the story. And Dumbledore - what a bastard!

    I await your next chapters eagerly - looking forward to finding out who/what "the shadows" are, and seeing what happens when McGonagall figures it all out and kicks some ass (I love her).

    Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - Kit on September 07, 2004
    love the story you should definitly put up chap. 15 hopefully soon to. i'm sad that i didn't find this story sooner. good job!!!
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  • From ANON - Michelle on September 02, 2004
    Just to let you know, yep, I'm up for another one.

    So, that's like coming soon. Right?

    Keep up the good work and remember we're holding our breathe here.

    Please, please, I need to breath.

    Michelle W.

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  • From ANON - rosanne on September 01, 2004
    Ow, dont stop here!! I want to read more of evil Basterd!Draco and Dark!Harry... write more, write more, please...

    I just absolutly love this story....

    That flame that was send to you was sooo out of line, the one you had amnswered in the story.. She didn't had teh right to say such a thing...

    Anyway, love the story. love your website, love the slash stories on it ^-^

    Keep writing (Y) you're doing a great job...

    greetings, Rosanne

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