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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - andrea on August 30, 2004
    Awesome can you email me when you update the next chappie please?
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  • From ANON - puss on August 29, 2004
    Hi, I just found this fic tonight and after a very long evening, I have read through ch. 14. I am thoroughly addicted. Some readers have complained about too much sex? Is such a thing possible? I am looking forward to finding out where Harry is, who he is training with. l appreciate that you didn't have Harry & Draco fall in love right away. Give their history, that would have been unrealistic. I don't mind suspending disbelief, but i dislike throwing it out the wndow entirely. Having said that, I do hope that they do get together, the sex will always be hot between them even though their relationship will always be volatile. I love your Snape with his coffee cup (that could be me). Your Dumbledore seems manipulative, an interesting take on a character usually found to be benevolent. Thanks for a great read so far! puss
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  • From ANON - Vicki on August 26, 2004
    OH MY GOD!!! This is a great fanfiction! One of the best pro-Slythein, bad ass slash I have ever read and I have read alot of fics in my time! I love the plot and how you have pissed off harry and Draco .... as well as a lack of fluff ....


    Love Vickixx
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  • From ANON - Rathtyen on August 24, 2004
    You know we're up for more *grumbles* So hurry up and update! I don't like being left high and dry like this! *glares* I'll string you up by your toenails if you don't update!
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  • From ANON - Mike on August 23, 2004
    Very very good. I've come to like this story.. Must say you are a very skilled writer, and have an interesting imagination.
    Thank you for writing this story and making me happy, and a continue would be highly appreciated.

    Best wishes and such //Mike
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  • From ANON - Sheagra on August 22, 2004
    Dude! Get chapter 15 posted please! I'm addicted to this story now! Bastard Draco and Dark Harry are always a good combonation. Ok, now I'm off to go stare at some nice pictures that remind me of this story. Have some cookies for the good work!*hands platter of fresh cookies before wandering off to her favorite Draco/Harry fanart site holding her drool bucket*
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  • From ANON - Immortal_Memories on August 21, 2004
    yesh, next chappie!

    I'm confused over what mark Draco is talking about, aside of course from teh Dark Mark. Are you explaining that next chapter?
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on August 21, 2004
    Definately still good and still interesting. Thanks for the update.
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  • From ANON - Goddess Of The Void on August 20, 2004
    I've really enjoyed this story so far. The build up, and your twist on Veela!Draco has been very interesting, and original. I am much looking forward to more of this! Please update A.S.A.P.
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  • From ANON - Fae on August 19, 2004
    Your writing is... intense. I've had to take a break several times (thank Merlin for a wonderful Darjeeling) just so I wouldn't cry. I love, love, love how you are keeping our boys on equal footing, both of them strong alphas. If they can work out their difncesnces, I think that together they can rule the world!
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  • From ANON - n0b0dys_ang31 on August 17, 2004
    whoever said your writing was crap needs to shoot themselves now, as they are a waste of space, a waste of genetic material, a detriment to society, and just plain stupid. Keep writing! I liked it! From one writer to another (my stuff is on Fanfic) keep up the incredible work!
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  • From gypsyqueen on August 17, 2004
    I sat down to flip through stories yesterday, tryio seo see if there was any genre or storyline I haven't haunted. Suddenly, it dawned on me that I have never given the great and infamous Harry Potter fanfictions a chance to either wow or ick me. This was the first story that I stumbled upon and I must say that I couldn't have been more thrille rea read half of the story yesterday and the rest of it this morning, and now I am almost starving for another chapter. (I usually don't give unfinished fictions the chance to impress me, darling, but I guess your story is special.) Please continue with this wonderful piece of fiction, so as to assert the there are authors out there who give a damn about what they write and whether it pleases the masses.

    As for that flame that you retaliated against... Always remember that there are fans of pop culture: books, movies, music, famous faces, and plays. There is a select group of these people that are also fans of fanfiction and they decide to read and write about whatever it is that has made itself a part of their lives. Sometimes it is beautiful and fantastical, while other times it
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  • From ANON - kuroki_tenshii89 on August 17, 2004
    Oh my God...At last you updated!! Chapter 14 is finally up!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR THAT!! Dont worry, it's still VERY interesting - who are you kidding? I'm so up for chapter 15, so update soon please! The relationship seemed to be less angsty, ne? I'm a bit confused though, at this love-hate situation, which one is winning? I suppose it's love, but will the hate stay? Badly? But whatever your idea is, i will sincerely like it. And I want to see Dumbledork, Carrot head and Corny Hair suffer. Badly.

    Witing for your next chapter,

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  • From ANON - quiproquo on August 16, 2004
    Je n'ai pas encore lu le chapitre 14 mais je suis tellement surprise et surtout heureuse de voir qu'un nouveau chapitre est en ligne, que je ne peux m'emp
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  • From ANON - iceesilvereyez on August 16, 2004
    damn...luv everything about this fic. i feel so connected 2 it. u gotta write more, im addicted.
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