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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From Krysta on May 09, 2004
    I love the way you portray both Draco and Harry. So many write Harry as some innocent little boy, but in OOTP you can tell that is sooooo not true. The struggle for dominance is great and hilarious. I hope you continue this
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  • From ANON - Kel on May 07, 2004
    I loved this. Update soon please!
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  • From ANON - AnnieT on May 01, 2004
    Seriously cool fic! I always thought Dumbledore was a manipulative bastard! Hate fluffy stories - don't stop writing - loved your author's note - kass!! An!
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  • From ANON - Dizzywitch on April 27, 2004
    What the hell can i say after that apart from BRAVO!! Sorry that i didnt reveiw after each chapter but when i start reading something that i really like i have to get to the end, and boy did i like your fic (sorry did i say like i ment love). Its about time Harry showed his dark side and i hate it when our beautifully sadistic Draco goes all smushy, so major props for keeping him viscious. I also read your little rant and totally agree with you. Do most people want to be able to anticipate everything that happens, where is the fun in that? I am waiting quite literally on the edge of my seat for the next chapter do not for any reason lighten your story line alot of other writers think that graphic sex is enough to make their story dark, but you have shown that it is possible to take these characters to their limits and it does not seem far fetched that after the life of manipulation and pain that these charcters have suffered that they would come to this dark yet beautiful place.

    I wish you much insparation in the future and i am planning on visiting your web site (You have peaked my interest)

    Kepp it up PLEEEAAASSSEE!

    The Dizzywitch

    P.S I never really liked Ron anyway and thoguht that the Ron that came out in the goblet of fire(Jealous little bastard) was who he really is andt hit his continued association with Harry was so that at least some reflectlorylory would come his way.
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  • From ANON - V on April 23, 2004
    At first, I was reading this story cringing, wondering why I kept reading it.... And yet, here I am, at the end of this chapter going... WTF?! I NEED MORE DAMMIT! Amazing visuals, amazing writing. Guh! Please update soon!! ;_;
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  • From ANON - f;uffy;uver on April 18, 2004
    This is the best fanfic man! I love it so much! Keep writing.
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  • From ANON - dedmun on April 13, 2004
    i like this story. it's good. like the plot, as well. can't wait for the next.
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  • From ANON - Blake S. on April 11, 2004
    Absolutely delicious...You've managed to quench a thirst for good fiction that's been burning for so long. Thank you and please continue soon.
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  • From ANON - Ray on April 09, 2004
    It was well worth the wait........
    This has made my week and i can't wait for more.....
    You truly are the greatest when it comes to this story....
    Sorry this is so short but i had to at least tell you how kick ass this chapter was.....
    I am patiently ( barely ) waiting for more...
    Please update real soon....I'm waiting...

    Love, Ray

    P.S. sorry for not reviewing on past chapters but they all kicked ass.......
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  • From RyokoPorter on April 08, 2004
    wow. this is so going onto my recommended list! i spent a night reading this and couldn't pull away. i didn't know whether to laugh, cry, throw up, or mrbatrbate. it's hot and bruital at the same time, and i loved it! let me tell you, the best orgasms always come from the mind rather than the body.
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  • From ANON - Amy on April 08, 2004
    That was fucking amazing. There's needs to be more fics like this around. I was getting tired of the lovey dovey ones. Amazing, brilliant, wonderful. Give us More.
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  • From ANON - AlleyCat on April 07, 2004
    Yay! for Dark!Harry and Griffindor-bashing! please do us all a favor and kill Dumbledore? *puppy eyes* pwease?
    Can't wait to read more! *muches on Griffindork eyeballs while polishing the Slytherin Crest*
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  • From ANON - quiproquo on April 06, 2004
    Et bien,
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  • From ANON - Kin\'ni on April 06, 2004
    Yes, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm a new reader, and I've just gone over ASUnd Ind I like what you've had my heart luterally constricting in my chest when i got to the part where Harry asked Justin to shag him to make himw feel...I thought that was deep and beautifully angsty...though sad because I'm a D/Hr nutter. ^__^ Oh, and about the thing Ms. Lesley, wel...I read through the review she sent, and it didn't really seem like a flame to me. Pleasedon'tkillme. *cowers* Anyway, well, I think you're doing a great job, and I checked out your was cool. ^__^ Well, I'll be coming back every so often to check on updates, okay? Good luck, and feel free to mail if you need help...with the fic, of course. Lol....O__o;
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  • From ANON - net on April 05, 2004
    well congragulations. that was about the darkest fic i have ever read in my whole exsistence. and im not being sarcastic, im complimenting you. well i definately want to read more. and i dont want to rain on your parade with my ideas but im going to anyway. ok whar yor you do, there should definately be some kind of scene where draco get tourtured very close to death and harry has to watch. lol i know im evil but that would be cool. (did i say that? i mean UN-CHRISTIAN-LIKE) heh yeah rite. well anyways, keep up the good work. im sure lucifur would be proud. =) no i have to go because at the moment im staying home sick and im about to throw up all over my keyboard. And im SURE you wanted to hear that. update soon, PeAcE*
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