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Reviews for A Song Unsung

By : Serenitas
  • From ANON - L e B o S h I on April 05, 2004
    *Sigh* I'm already crying from Vanish, and now I'm subjecting myself to the wonderful, terrible darkness contained within the pages of ASU. *glare* I hate the emotion your writing evokes. Beautiful writing, beautiful emotions... and jealousy on my part, lol.

    Asshole!Draco never gets boring. You manage never to let him get...old. Know what I mean?

    But aaaargh, I'm glad Hermione's finally coming to her senses. If only everyone ELSE would, too! Draco, Ron, Dumbledore, the staff... ARGH... I've never been more frustrated with fanfic characters.

    What the hell are the Shadows? Tangible representations of the darkness within Harry's heart? Or something...more?

    It scares me how cruel you can make these two be to each other. ...Rather scary, to be honest. I'm sitting here with my jaw open, and this is the second time I've read this. But then it all turns so suddenly to lust. It's a smooth transition, surprisingly. It's odd in concept. I've never seen the H/D love-hate relationship brought into such intricate use as in this fic. You toy with every aspect of it... The last two lines and the last bit of the dream make me crave the next chapter. Write? Pleeeeeease?
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  • From ANON - moriqvendi on April 03, 2004
    hi Serenitas! this is the most darkly beautiful story i've read! i understand you so much, i'm so tired of all this lovey dovey h/d fics! i've been looking for something like a Song Unsung for eternity and thank God i found you! pe ple please please please please continue the story! i cant wait to read more of it. You should not let anyone get under your skin about your fic, this is gorgeous and fuck those who dont think so! you have no idea how many people out there are enthralled with Song Unsung, this is like a drug of some kind. I began reading you in the morning and couldnt stop until i finished chapter 13, i had to argue with my sisters and brother on who owns the computer, and i won because i was so determined to finish everything there is on Song Unsung. Please, if it is possible, hurry up with the chapter 14!!!!! i beg you i beg you i beg you!!!!!
    deepest respect,
    syinat from Kyrgyzstan (probably you've never heard of such a place but we do exist and there are people even in here who adore your works!)
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  • From ANON - tyrini on April 03, 2004
    Oh my god!!!! i loved it...does that make me bet your ass it does... Really really really good... Disturbingly good... i'm so Sorry it got deleted from Fanfiction... im willing to kill whoever did that.... Amazing ... But i just want to know..who said "i love you" ...was it Draco..... and is Snape evil in this...And please ensure that Hermione and Ron are killed..they really really piss me off in your fic.... Toodles and till next update...although how on earth will i know when you update... guess im going to have to figure a way out..anyhow,... really really goooooooood... !!!!!!!!! Uber shibby

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  • From ANON - Diana on April 02, 2004
    FANTASTIC fic! I got the link from Glassesreflect, and oohhoohohoho! I cant wait to read more :) Please write more!

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  • From ANON - Shinigami on April 02, 2004
    My god! Finaly those two said the three little words!!! Continue please!!!!
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  • From ANON - MagicMintDragon on April 02, 2004
    Dont ever let anyone tell you that you dont write like a professional. You are one of my favorite fanfic writers of all time your story A Song Unsung is completely original and awesome to read. I hate those fluffy Harry/Draco stories that never really give a good reason for why they got together. I really love this and I wanted to leave you a longer review but I have to got to work. Keep writing!!
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  • From ANON - a-yolanda13 on April 02, 2004
    Very well done. Addictive I could say. Love the way you write the fic. Please update soon. I cant wait to read what is going to happen next.
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  • From ANON - Cat on April 01, 2004
    This kinda fic is exactly what I love about fanfiction. It's not the cock 'n' bull with Draco falling in lust with Harry with them- after fucking, falling deeply in love, it's not the predictable shite with Hermione and Draco being so smart that they fall in love because they... just do. The only fics I see like this are simple one-shot non-con or BDSM fics, just sex and nothing more. This is much better and if you've read this review- get back to writing this fic ya sick fuck coz the other sick fucks like me don't like to be kept waiting.

    On a side note (if you're still reading this, what did I say about reading this): I love the way ya roast the flamers. Smite them all. *grumbles* Stupid little fanboys and fangirls thing they know everything. You're also a damned good writer. (Keep writing the fic. Now!)
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  • From ANON - Samantha on April 01, 2004
    Hmmm, what to say...what to about...HOW FARQING AWESOME ARE YOU????? This fic is totally amazing!! I felt every bit of hatred and malice Harry felt. I too have that "If I shut myself off, maybe no one can touch me" thing. You are truly an admirable writer. It's now...12:47 AM and I'm going to cry because there isn't a new chapter!! Gah, I don't know how to be patient!! This bloody well stinks, dammit. No offense of course, love, I do realize you have a life..but can't it involve keeping me happy?? :( UPDATE SOON!!!!! Pweeze and crawkers? I wuv you? =^..^= meow? :P
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  • From ANON - sak on March 31, 2004
    Your warnings were well-deserved for this chapter. Still, is there something real between Harry and Draco? I am intrigued by Draco's role with Voldemort. What does Lucius see and why is it so important for him to give his son to the Dark Lord? You have me hooked--I must know what will happen!
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  • From ANON - chantalmalfoy on March 31, 2004
    Wow. That was great. A little sickening, but still awesome. I can't wait for the next part.
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  • From ANON - Melissa on March 30, 2004
    Well, I'll admit that certain things could use some work (please don't take offence, I'm really not trying to be insulting), but the people that flamed you really hadrighright to. This is one of the best 'Draco is a Veela' fics I've read in a long time. It is a bit OOC at times, but you clearly stated that it would be. I really hope you don't let people like that get to you, and that you continue on with this fic. It really is quite good, and it's just starting to get to the even more exciting/suspenseful things! You can't leave it now. No, no, no. Not eif tif thousands of people flame you can you leave it now. Just know that there *are* people out there that are truly enjoying this fic, even if some others don't appreciate it.

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  • From ANON - Morningstar Shadow on March 29, 2004
    *is speechless*
    *tries to think of something meaningful to say* uh... I liked it a lot...
    Sod that, I LOVED it. A friend recommended it to me and I was hooked from the first word. I'd never read anything like this before, but now I'm so glad I did, it was so beautiful, so dark, so... brutal!
    Games within games within games... All convinced that their game is important, but whose game really is? Who will triumph? Or will the game continue regardless, leaving a trail of bruised and broken bodies, without a victor as those who succeed damn themselves to oblivion?
    Ah I'm rambling now. I tend to do that at 2am. But I'm patient, I'll wait for the answers, if indeed there are anyd Id I'll be keeping a very close eye on this fic in the future.
    Much love,

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  • From ANON - Nikki on March 29, 2004
    Oh my gosh! This is one of the most intriguing, darkest, most absorbing H/D stories I've read in a while. Your words really grip the reader - the violence, the gore, the passion - you make it all so believable. I admit, I flu fluffy H/Ds too but your fic has them incredibly in character. This is the way they would fall in love in canon, if it were to ever happen.

    Wonderful, erfuerful job! I hope you update soon.

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  • From ANON - Sakuya on March 29, 2004
    Brilliant, eventful and annoyingly cut off!!!!!! Dude, i repeat, more!!!, and don't tell us that we have to wait practacally another month for the next one! =(
    ps. did i mention that i quite like this story?
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