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Reviews for Pledges

By : Amireal
  • From ANON - Fiona on January 26, 2004
    As other people seem to have I found this under recommended reading. And boy is it good. Snape had me in stitches. They are so good together. Well done.
    But there is one thing.... *scowl*... it is NOT FINISHED YET. I want to know what happens. 'Don't let go' is good, make no mistake, but want more please.
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  • From alchemicprincess on December 14, 2003
    I have read your story before Amireal. I guess it must have been on I loved it then and i love it now! I remember when i first read it i was so hooked it wasn't funny. My mum would walk in and see me on my lap top totally engrossed and sigh. 'Haven't you read that enough?' she would ask. And i would poke my tongue out and cry . 'NEVER!' hehehe great work!
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  • From ANON - Dark Seductress on October 28, 2003
    I think your story is really great. It was the first story in which I was introduced to the concept of "bonding". I think you really kept all the characters close to their true form and your witty, sarcasim is awesome. Please finish this story. I would love to read your ending. It's so great.

    ~Dark Seductress~
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  • From ANON - Beren on October 26, 2003
    This fic is both engaging and entertaining and the characterisations are wonderful. I spent three straight hours in front of the computer reading it (thank heavens we just installed broadband). I was amused and touched by the way the interaction between Snape and Harry, and as for Albus, he was fantastic. I also liked your use of Sirius which was handled well giving it a rounded feel.

    Thank you for all the hard work.
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  • From ANON - Carmella on October 24, 2003
    Hey more please, you got my attentiona dn hey cool paring the three som, Hermionie, Ron and Draco!
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  • From ANON - Miki on September 07, 2003
    I love this story i Hope you update soon i can'tt tot to see what happends! great story.

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  • From ANON - Miki on September 02, 2003
    GOD I LOVE THIS FIC!! Laughed my ass off in some parts, and a bit sad in others and even cried in some.. so good.. i wish i could write as well as you do it is so great. I bow down before greatness.. :bows low:

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  • From ANON - KamirineGoddess on August 23, 2003
    I really really hope you finish or update this story if it's not over! This story is too funny and has a excellent storyline! I love it! Please keep up the fantastic work!
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  • From Sarryn on August 15, 2003
    I adore this story and, if I had the faintest idea how, I would put you on my recs list. Gorgeous story!
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  • From ANON - K. Riddle on August 10, 2003
    I really love this story. It is too funny! Keep up the great work!
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  • From ANON - Katinka on August 06, 2003
    AWESOME! Laugh out loud funny, clever, great plot, I even got a little weepy during the wedding ceremonyou'ou're a fantastic writer!
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  • From ANON - Juno on August 06, 2003
    this is a really great story. it's well written with interesting plot twists. not to mention interesting couples. love the threesome. if you ever get around to it another couple chapters would be nice, but even left unfinished tis a masterful work of beauty and craftsmanship. nice job
    email me if you decide to write anything else. please!
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  • From ANON - Kiristeen on July 21, 2003
    Oh *please* tell me that wasn't the end of this story!!????!! And if not, plllleeeeaase tell me you haven't given up on it???? I love the heartfelt struggle of the story, neither person (nor author for that matter -- LOL) using the spell to hop into bed, but rather both of them still using their brains and ending up making something of the accident/manipulation.

    Oh, and I can *so* see Dumbledor (sp) being a Slitheryn. That man has cunning and manipulation down to an artform.


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  • From ANON - MichaelsLove on July 20, 2003
    I stumbled across this in someones recommendations, and loved it. Did you ever finish it, and if so, will you update? I'ld love to know how it all works out.
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  • From ANON - DBZVelena on June 21, 2003
    That was awesome!
    I loved it very much so.
    Great work indeed!
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