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Reviews for Upon All Fours

By : Maeglin
  • From ANON - Dreamer22 on February 07, 2006
    wow.... Padfoot and Harry is decidedly NOT something I have seen before but you did it well. Good job.
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  • From ANON - Lady Sirius on March 24, 2004
    Delicous, delightful, ravishing, and oh so sexy! If I close my eyes, I can pretend that it's me instead of Harry......*long sigh* Oh, sorry, didn't mean to drift off there!

    Thanks for the fantasy - it will come in handy! *wink, wink*
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  • From ANON - Sher on March 18, 2004
    Well, you've done it yet again! This was beyond hot. I could almost feel my clothes melting off me as I was reading it. There simply aren't enough fics featuring a Dominant!Sirius (trust me, I've looked), so any one I come across, I consider a bonus and finding one such as this totally makes my day :D.

    Thanks for sharing. You're still one of the best slash writers out there!

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  • From ANON - Jules on March 18, 2004
    OMG! This is wonderful. I don't even like this pairing but this was so hot I didn't mind.
    Love the anal play, D/s and the suprise of Padfoot. Wow. Very creative.
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  • From ANON - Bella Ireland on March 18, 2004
    I usually shy away from the non-con and chan, but couldn't resist this pairing. Is really good! Loved the way you described every intricate detail. Wasn't as bad (noncon) as I thought it was going to be. Usually, that means that Harry's like 12 or something, but this was not the case. Hope you write more of this pairing.

    Bella Ireland
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