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Reviews for Growing Pain

By : VoxAngel
  • From ANON - Torny on December 17, 2004
    I found this on Restricted Section and reviewed it there. I don't know if you are checking for reviews anymore, but I think that this is a fantastic story. I was very hesitant to read it because of the pairing/rating combination, but I was not disappointed. You deserve a ton of reviews for writing this, and I am going to see if I can find some places to recommend reading this fic.

    I read some Snape/McGonagall, but this is the first time I have ever read where they have a relationship while Snape is still a student. It always seemed out of character for McGonagall to do this - she seems so proper - but you manage to make it work. I found myself caught up in Snape's wonder and happiness during the student/teacher affair, and I was greatly saddened when McGonagall sent him away. (She really bollocksed it up there, didn't she?) You also wrote one of the best "Snape comes to Hogwarts to confess" scenes I've read in a while. This whole story explained why Dumbledore trusts Snape in a way I've never read before, and I loved it. The ending was happy, but realistic - Snape is still very messed up and he acknowledges this, but he still has McGonagall to go to so he can find some relief and happiness.

    Lovely story!
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