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Reviews for Possession

By : uqui
  • From ANON - shinigami on December 21, 2004
    i was just browsing along when isaw this story, and decided to give it a try, although i normally prefer harry/draco, but this story is FANTASTIC! Please do continue updating! I can't wait to find out what'll happen next!
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  • From ANON - Madyn Northam on December 20, 2004
    Wow. The first sentence was completely captivating. This is an excellent work of fan-fiction, one of the best I have ever read.

    I hope that you continue in the same style; the switches between point-of-views gives it an extra boost of excellence.

    Can't wait to read more.
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  • From ANON - Addiction (too lazy to sighn in) on December 18, 2004
    BRILLIENT!! captivating, I couldn't stop reading! And now I shall long for the next chapter untill i can revel in it's dar, surperb glory.

    Never stop writing,

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  • From on December 18, 2004
    Holy hell, this is nifty! I love the shadows, and Ginny being bonded to Harry was surprising. I really like where you seem to be going with this, it's not a new idea, Riddle becoming Harry's lover and all, but you wrote it originally and added some great twists! I can't wait to see what else these shadow things are good for, they're really neat! *^^* Update soon!!!
    Hugs&serpents'Kisses ~Dassy
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  • From ANON - vampsarecool on December 17, 2004
    FANTASTIC!!! I hope you have more here soon.

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