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Reviews for His Master\'s Voice

By : Ravenkiss2000
  • From twistaddicted on September 07, 2008
    You write brilliantly. Even ships that normally squick me such as this DD/SS one are made believable and seem natural.
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  • From cocoasnape on July 24, 2006
    i can't believe i haven't found this before!!!
    I really enjoyed this a lot. I love ADSS -- it's my favorite pairing.
    This had some great elements in it. I especially like the whole idea for this potion's actually something i was thinking of for my snarry (not exactly but sort of) but this was very well done
    I like the way you throw harry and hermione in there in the beginning to freak AD out that SS is saying those horrible things in front of them and how things turn from protecting them to protecting Severus on AD's part. And of course SS's confession - it's great stuff.
    I like your other ADSS fics too - morning after, the artifact (this one is very good)....i'm not so big a fan of subjugation (I don't do evil offense)

    But i liked this one a lot and i'm hoping that you continue to write AD/'s good for the soul.
    And SOOOO few people write it and even less write it well so don't ever stop. Please.
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  • From ANON - stephanie on December 24, 2005
    wow...huumm..I was not expecting that...don't get me wrong, it was really good! I loved it....just wow, sev and albus? not ur everyday slash huh? that is what made it so good though. It was
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  • From ANON - madwriter on July 02, 2005
    Nice. So nice. uuuuh, it makes me so wet (sorry if that freaks you out). I wanted to say I love all your stories. You're one hell of a writer!! ^_^ KissKiss
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  • From ANON - Katie K on June 21, 2005
    awww that's so sweet! :-D
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