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Reviews for Daphne\'s Capture

By : oldwolf
  • From LWJ2 on December 08, 2012
    Formatting is broken, it's un-readable.
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  • From DarKingdom on October 23, 2007
    Amazing, but you need to add more to it.
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  • From UltimateFucker on August 04, 2007
    Interesting start, I'd like to be able to read more
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  • From ANON - RealityBender on September 17, 2005
    Excellent start. But you need the back story. The rason why he started his collection. I am guess he has Tonks, Hermione, and Fluer in his collection.
    His collection is actually missing he need a werewolf, full veela and a muggle for it to be truly complete. Can't wait see where this goes next.
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  • From ANON - Cypher3au on September 09, 2005
    A Half-Veela, a Pure-Blood, a Half-Blood, and a Muggle-Born.

    Hmm. Fleur, Narcissa, Tonks, and Hermione?
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  • From Coolone007 on September 07, 2005
    tis seemd like a nifty plot bunny to the other story. Will she be worked into the big story?
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  • From ANON - Anon on September 04, 2005
    sweet update fast, like everyday
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  • From Sahaqiel on September 04, 2005
    Very good, very good indeed. Although, it was a little short for my tastes. If you intended for this to be good porn, then I recommend drawing out the sex scenes a little
    I actually think this one shows more promise than Sisters, I just didn't much like the way you focused on Ron so much in that one. So, who are the other girls going to be?
    Can't wait for more!
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  • From sasqch on August 28, 2005
    An interesting one shot. I find the situation of Harry being such a bad-ass to be a bit amusing and intriguing. He obviously is at least a little "Dark" seeing his comment of having a collection and using a mind control spell to intentionally bind the vampire to himself.

    The best thing about this story is that it is designed to be a one-shot; we come in on a situation already in play without knowing all of the background or motivations for the actions. We really don't need to know more than what we have been told. And yet, there is a great deal of subplot and back-story hinted at that makes the reader wonder and want more. The others in Harry's "collection", are they there by choice or were they taken forcibly like Daphne? And who makes up the members of the "collection"? All in all, I would not be disappointed if you decided to revisit this universe and expand upon what you have hinted at.


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  • From ANON - Kelvin on August 21, 2005
    Wow, this is cool, prahaps you can continuse this plot idea.

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  • From ANON - Spike of Dooms on August 06, 2005
    Cool, i liked it but now that youve given a taste how about adding some more?
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  • From ANON - meg on August 04, 2005
    Damn... until next time
    Update NOW!!! or as soon as possible... whichever
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  • From ANON - li\'ll old me on August 04, 2005
    Great story, hope you'll write a few other one-shots with the captures of the half-veela, half-blood, pure-blood and mudblood in it, would be interesting.

    you did make 1 mistake in this story though; you called daphne pansy once
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  • From ANON - ahhh on August 03, 2005
    is this a one-shot?? or just a short story

    the story's titled Daphne's Capture....

    SHE's ALREADY BEEN i guess thats it

    The End
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  • From ANON - spitz on August 02, 2005
    shit....i just noticed that your the author of Harry Potter and the Sisters Black

    well that story was a great read...but i lost interest in it after Ron and Neville came into picture, are ya planning on doing something like that with this story??Hope ya focus on Harry as the main character in this story, cuz it seemed like Harry was pushed to the sidelines when Neville and Ron popped in HP and the SB, kinda killed for me anyways with them taking turns with the girls--kinda bordering on male to male slash, but hey!!...your the author, and it was really interesting though

    Oh yeah, let me guess, Pansy's the pureblood.... Harry said; I have a half-Veela, a half-blood, a pure-blood, and a muggleborn

    Daphne reaches up and undoes Harry
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