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Reviews for One Day in the Park

By : Ms_Figg
  • From ellaevenstar on September 12, 2008
    You are totally right. This was a very accurate depiction of what could have happened. Don't particularly like the pairing (AT ALL), but I can see it. It was a very interesting story.
    Also I always HAVE wondered what happened to James and Lily's parents... they would have been pretty young to just die. Did Voldemort kill them, or was it a huge coincidence? Who knows =D Oh btw Ms. Figg, are you going to continue with your time-turner story? It really is amazing and I wanna read more more more
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  • From helenesnape on September 12, 2008
    Severus and Petunia??? shudders UGH! I'm glad that I've never stumbled across the SS/PE category before...I don't think my stomach could handle the squicky-ness of it.

    Regardless, it was an interesting twist on the entire Petunia-Lily-Severus dynamic. I had the distinct impression that Petunia has always been jealous of the magical world, her sister's involvement in it, and her own lack of magical abilities. It would stand to reason that she world be attracted, on some baser level, to a dark and very powerful wizard that Lily despises...if only to use it as a way of getting a rise out of her sister.

    This story made me see the beginnings of 'Snape the Bastard'. He definitely nipped Petunia's secret longings in the bud, much like the grown Snape would do to his students. I rather enjoyed that aspect of it.

    The whole concept of the story amused me (and made me retch a bit at the same time)! You are really good at creating stories that elicit conflicting feelings; thanks for the intriguing read!

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  • From ANON - Wolfsoul on September 12, 2008
    Ok, fist things first; ew. Really ew. Very nice for a try at Petunia and Severus but please don't do any more. I can't believe you found a category for them. That's just wrong. I liked it however, well done and thanks for sharing.

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