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Reviews for Drugs to Deal with the Pain

By : drowpriestess2003
  • From ANON - Parda on December 03, 2011
    Very nice; however, I wanted to point out that it's extremely hard for boys to come when they are on MDMA/Ecstasy. It can literally take hours and sex on X is more about love and deep emotional connection than physical pleasure because of the way it effects chemicals in the brain ( a massive dopamine release). Also one tab of good (key word: good) X or about .4 grams of MDMA is enough to keep someone rolling for somewhere between 6 and 10 hours, depending on frequency of usage and weight, so 90 mins is a little on the short side.

    Harry's rough and intense behavior is more characteristic of cocaine than anything else. I say this with a grain of salt because cocaine's effects on sexual behavior vary greatly between individuals.

    Also, you did call it "wizard x", so I guess it can really do whatever you want it to. =P

    Sorry for being the drug fact police on you, thats a poor way to start a review. As for the story its self, very sexy. I enjoyed it quite a bit and plan to continue reading. Draco makes a perfect stoner. As one of my close friends who is an devout (weekend) stoner and pre-med student said, "I'm so fucked up that I feel smart even though I know I'm a complete dumb ass... I can see why people do this all day." I find it very reminiscent of Draco's character.
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