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Reviews for A Tragic Night for a Potter

By : joker18655
  • From Recordkeeper on January 03, 2012
    Does hanging from the ceiling by his own clothes mean he hung himself? Because thats exactly what it sounds like. I didn't care for this story at all. First, we have no emotional attachment to this character. I mean we care that he's Harry's son but we dont get to know him personally before something bad happens to him. You don't go into enough detail when trying to get us fearful for albus' well being. And then you kill him? Making sure the story never goes anywhere. There was no detail into why Albus was captured other than a vague explanation of revenge. Revenge for what we werent told. Then Seamus' strange inclusion in this story? Was he drunk when he raped Albus? Why did he care suddenly what he had done? Whats he doing there to begin with? If he can come and go as he pleases then we have to assume that hes part of the gang in some fashion. I was very unsatisfied by this first chapter. There was no setup. No story really. just a brief explanation and a short rape scene.
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