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Reviews for Orion Zabini Potter

By : Slayer-of-Destiny
  • From Darkest_Fantasy91 on December 04, 2017

    I would really love for this story to be completed

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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on December 31, 2013
    Please please please continue!!!!
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  • From ANON - Clare Doherty on July 03, 2013
    Loving this story. Here's hoping that you finish it. :-)
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  • From Sullen-Faythe on January 17, 2013
    Damn I want more!!! This is the first fic I've read where the entire weasly family backs harry up on his decision. The story is well written and I look forward to reading more in the future.
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  • From ANON - thrnbrooke on July 24, 2012
    I love love your story!!! Can't wait for more!!! All the Weasley's will defect? Wow!!! Voldemort will be happy!!! I thought Harry was breastfeeding and expressing? You had them mixing powder in the last chapter. Can't wait for everyone to show up!!!
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  • From ANON - Shanfc on July 22, 2012
    Love this story! You have such a way with words. Can't wait for the adoption and to see all his friends and family come over!! Anxiously waiting for the next chapter!
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  • From Jan on June 20, 2012
    Love this story, please update chapter 12 soon ^_^
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  • From Lizzosaur on June 19, 2012
    I love it, and I'm glad Harry's family's excepting all of this.
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  • From wavedancer70 on June 18, 2012
    Nooooooooooooooo please update i need to know what's gonna happen next please.
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  • From ChristinaMcMillan on June 16, 2012
    love it
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  • From bloodshound on June 16, 2012
    har always expects so much of himself.

    i'm glad Remi is going to give him a chances. dumbles screwed him over too. I hope Fen gets to meet Har and Ori, he'll love them to bits.

    interesting... it looks like the weasleys might not be so dumble pawn after all. Molly is going to gush over Ori, bet on it.

    Guess we can guess which was Nev is going to bounce. ^^ what about his parents though. did V send bella to be killy killy there or was that another dumble plot?

    I hope Ori keeps his green eyes.

    *snickers at the Tonks responses. is Nym going to end up with anyone now that Remi's taken?

    subtle kings... real subtle. snerk.

    snickers... brilliant ori. absolutely brilliant. just... call it a learning experience you two. XD

    oh, you missed a scene shift break with luna there.

    snickers... and the weasley invasions of the Alley begins. ^^

    he's a bonding baby... he brings EVERYONE (with the possible exception of dumbles) together. :D
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  • From roni004 on June 15, 2012
    love it
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  • From imsandir on June 15, 2012
    Another great chapter, I love how it seems everyone is going to come through for Harry and Fenrir as a great grandaddy that is so cute...looking forward to more!!!
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  • From RRW on June 09, 2012
    This story is brilliant!
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  • From bloodshound on June 08, 2012
    your stories are amazing. your phrasing is a little awkward at times but the stories themselves make up for that. watch the typos though... and the repeated chappies. (10 it think is a complete re peat)
    blaise and har are very sweet together. wow, who woulda though voldi was a dumble pawn. i suppose it'd make sense though. seems dumbles has a LOT of karma owing. I look forward to the responses of assorted weasleys and allies.
    anyway, i look forward to the next chappie.
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