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Reviews for The end justifies the means

By : Sasunarufan13
  • From ANON - delia cerrano on May 24, 2013
    Dislike slutty Harry even with a reason but it turned out very good in spite of it & I could see that could be a answer to how he felt treated. Harry & Draco are so good together and with a baby? Adorable.
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  • From ANON - richon on May 20, 2013
    really good two shot, draco is evil but i had to . Harry is so stubborn.
    Thank you I had a great time reading it
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  • From ANON - URGH on April 04, 2013
    I seriously don't know why Draco wants to be with Harry after he has been with so many different men. How many men had used that body already? The time when Harry was saying who the potential fathers could be, I almost barfed in my mouth that Harry had been with that many men in that short span of time. And he had been with countless men before and after.

    I mean How does Draco not want to throw Harry's body in antiseptic and dunk his body in there for at least a year? I thought there would be many men but THAT many? I mean you can't even call him a human, he's just a cumdump. Shit I really want to puke and Harry doesn't think he's a slut? YOU slept with a different man EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. That's not many?

    I've read about a lot of slut!Harry but this one is just, pukeinthemouth!Slut!Harry. He should have himself checked for diseases. How do they know if his body is just not made up of cum? THAT many men. I feel bad for Draco, what an idiot. He should get a TOILET pregnant and have babies with it because THAT is much more clean than HARRY and have seen and been with lesser men than Harry.
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  • From ANON - delia cerrano on April 03, 2013
    Good one. Hated slutty Harry even as I realize why he was that way...especially after he had been with Draco awhile. Would have liked more of Harry & Draco's early getting into their permanent relationship & pregnancy. Also the reactions of Lucius, Narcissa, Ron & Hermione & Molly.

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  • From Zakaira on April 01, 2013
    Good story, although I would've liked to seen a bit more of the happily ever after :)
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  • From ANON - dirtygirl42 on April 01, 2013
    this isn't a cute or happy story. I am incredibly disappointed in how you allowed draco to impregnate harry without his consent. this story started so well but in the end turned my stomach. people shouldn't be rewarded for forcing their desires onto others. so what harry was afraid. that didn't give draco the right to violate him and force him to carry his child. the ends don't justify the means in this case. at the very least you should've included a non-con or dub-con warning for people who are triggered by these things.
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  • From HeartStar on April 01, 2013
    very nice I loved it
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