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Reviews for Self-fulfilling Prophecy

By : Sasunarufan13
  • From Serpensangel on October 14, 2017


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  • From serpensprincess on May 16, 2017


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  • From ANON - on September 13, 2016

    So I'm reading this again for like the 3rd time and each time I think man I wish I knew what was said or what happened when Albus left the room. So please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top write a story that fills in the blanks. I don't know if you'll read this as you finished writing it so I'm going to post it on Chance Meeting also. 


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  • From ANON - Hestia on August 10, 2016

    So I totally loved this and I am so glad you are writing more POVs. I so want to read more about the developing relationship between Harry and Draco from their POV. I really want Harry to be the pregnant one. Was the last chapter the first time Draco made a move or did he try something before? I kind of don't want Draco to have made a move because I think Harry would have out right rejected him. I took it as they are friends that just had intense feelings that probably confused Harry and that Draco was just biding his time for the right moment. I would like to read about their first time. 

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  • From moodysavage on August 07, 2016

    This was such and interesting and sweet story. I really liked how the viewpoint was so different and innocent even though as an adult I could easily read through the lines of Albus' observations but he still retained an innocence about what he saw. Very well done and unique. I can't imagine that this would be easy to write.

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  • From ANON - Kibou32 on August 05, 2016

    I really liked this fic.  I was wondering if you'd show how Harry divorces Ginny and doesn't let Ginny get away with his money or something.

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  • From katecooley on August 05, 2016

    Love this so much! What an awesome e story!

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  • From ANON - on July 23, 2016

    I am dying for an update! I have to know what happened on the 11th of July. Can't wait for more. You've got me hooked.

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  • From Fnanon on June 29, 2016
    The first no-sex story i've read on AFF, It really was very good, read 10 chapters in one sitting. But.... honestly, you have cliffhangers as much as most AFF writers have smut. Not that i'm complianing.
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  • From ANON - on June 24, 2016
    I wonder if this will be Ginny's breaking point. I have a feeling I know what the picture is. Sit back with popcorn. Here comes the screaming match of the century!
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 09, 2016
    Please, please update. It's been soooooo long, all I do all day long is wait for an update. Ha, anyways your story development is great. I wonder what is going on with Harry and Draco, I really would love another fic written from their pov. Hope you aced your exams.
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on May 31, 2016
    Cute chapter. When you said slight cliffhanger I was expecting the boys to try out the dragons and get kidnapped by it being a port key or something lol. Anyway I liked this chapter. Didn't notice anything wrong in the chapter... but in the post script it's 'tide' you over not 'tie' :)
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  • From ANON - AnonymousTigress on May 27, 2016
    More like oh shit or oh damn. Oh, Hermione, why? You have such a big mouth. I hope James straightens up that spine and tells his mom off. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on May 07, 2016
    Awesome! But now I have to wait. And wait. And wait. *sigh* Anyway, hope your exams are going/went well. Happy writing!Oh, and I love how James knew exactly how to play his mom to get her permission without telling her it would be Draco that takes them to the festival. But why is Harry working and not Draco?
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  • From ANON - moodysavage on May 07, 2016
    Oh this is so good. I'm at chapter 7 now and it wasn't until this chapter that I started to wonder if Harry and Draco aren't in some kind of relationship already. Before this it seemed that Draco had feelings for Harry but Harry was rather oblivious and Ginny saw Draco's interest before Harry. But this chapter seems to feel like they could already be in a relationship though I hadn't thought Harry would do that while married to Ginny especially since they had times where things seemed normal between them.

    'Albus nodded silently; his body still wrecked with tremors as he tried to calm himself down.' right before they floo to Draco's to fix the dragon... wracked with tremors is the word you were looking for though racked is what the dictionary would say to use... I personally prefer wracked though myself lol. Def. not wrecked though.
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